Lovely Links & Happenings

I don't know about you but I'm having major Halloween withdrawal over here. My partner and I dressed up as Cesar the Somnambulist and Jane from one of my favorite silent films, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. (You can watch the whole thing on youtube here. It's spooky and the handpainted sets are beautifully surreal.) It was a ball, though I have to say I do not have a natural talent for face painting. 

It's been a few weeks since I had a link roundup, so there's lots of diverting tidbits to be had. Enjoy and share what you discovered in the comments below. 


Those moon phase cards! Irresistible. 

Those moon phase cards! Irresistible. 

Over here I had fun with 10 questions every tarot reader must answer and shared why I choose not to read with reversals in my tarot practice. 

For all you tarot professionals out there, I really enjoyed this post from Benebell Wen about how to deal with refund disputes. Check out her blog if you haven't already for the best source around on the ins and outs of running a spiritual business. 

I've been salivating over the gorgeous Pagan Otherworlds deck by Uusi. It's hard to belive I was a one deck girl for almost ten years! This one just might be my holiday gift to myself...

I absolutely loved this piece on "Coming out of the Woo Closet" by Andi Grace at Little Red Tarot. 

Eclectic Others

Haruki Murakami on the danger of excluding others and the importance of embracing our shadow. 

13 Rules for Female Friendships by Roxane Gay. 

Why being consistent and small is the best way to win at business. 

And, to end on a goofy note:

Finalists for the 2016 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. 


Weekly Forecast: November 7-13


10 Questions Every Tarot Reader Must Answer