Weekly Forecast: August 28-September 3

Tarot Reading with the Rider-Waite Smith Tarot

The beginning of this week is staring slow. In fact, it might seem like a slog where we're trudging along barely able to put one foot in front of the other. The five of pentacles is challenging us to move through obstacles while taking them in at the same time. Often we'd rather rush through to the other side. Instead, this week our lesson is patience and perserverance.

The figures in this card have seen better days. When we meet them in the five of pentacles, they're hobbling through banks of snow dressed in rags. Of course, tarot speaks in symbols, so we won't be literally cast into the streets as beggars. However, this mindset will be present in our lives, most likely in our day-to-day. In some way we're feeling impoverished and engaged in a struggle to get by. 

The rest of the reading calls on us to rethink this mindset. Our struggles aren't indicative of a long road ahead. Instead, they show us pushing through a turning point, after which we'll be feeling much more secure and prepared for what's next.

As we begin our week we might be seeing this suffering only in ourselves. The key of the five of pentacles, however, is to widen our gaze and recognize those struggling along with us. There are two people in this card. Perhaps they're helping each other along the way, offering encouragement when there is nothing else to go on. Now is an important time to reflect on how support, friendship, and solidarity have helped us through hard times. 

So while we may be feeling put-upon and out in the cold, we actually have more to offer than we think. Another beautiful facet of the five of pentacles are the pentacles themselves. They glow above the struggling people, illuminating their way even though they don't stop to look up for the source. What beliefs and guidance has helped to move us through hard times? Look to it now for support. These intangible things are much more important than we often think. 

In reexamining our current difficulties we're also being forced to reexamine our acheivements. After all, there's nothing like some harsh contrast to make us realize how good we have it now. The seven of pentacles shows us breaking out of our struggles and into a feeling of gratitude. Like the gardener in the card, we're taking a break to look at the fruits of our labor. Keep this in mind when deep in the sticky difficultires of the five of pentacles!

The introspective mindset of the seven of pentacles will inspire us to reach out to others who are struggling. In what ways can we offer help and support? How can we cast a warm glow on other people's lives like the window in the five of petnacles? WIthout struggle it's difficult to have compassion. Since we're dealing with pentacles here there's a focus on action that has a tangible benefit. Small things add up to bigger accomplishments, as we can see in the seven. Focusing on work and small acts of kindness will ensure that our good thoughts don't simply stay thoughts.

All this engagement with our ideas around suffering and altrusim is leading to a mental breakthrough. The ace of swords is bringing us a burst of clarity and purpose at the end of the week. We'll be feeling renewed and aligned with our values, maybe even starting to embody something we've only thought of for the first time. Our path here is well-earned and solid: we'll have truly brought an ideal into being through our own actions. 


Weekly Forecast: September 4-10


Weekly Forecast, Eclipse Edition: August 21-27