Finding Joy in Work with the Two of Pentacles
I woke up this morning wanting to spend some time in the Incandescent Tarot universe. I’ve been in a frenzy of spring cleaning the past few days; after going hard in that domestic direction, I felt the need to change course - it’s just not fair if I let this space languish! Plus, it’s something that brings me joy.
So jaunty!
So, I sat down at a table in my local coffee shop and… decided to research new bookkeeping software? Needless to say this decision did not make me feel relaxed. Once I stopped and decided to refocus on the fun part (writing) I was all flustered and confused. I lost my zest and excitement.
Suddenly, “More Than This” by Roxy Music started playing in my headphones. Now this is a song that never ceases to delight me. I found myself grinning and swaying in my seat (and likely alarming my fellow patrons). My mood had officially shifted.
And that’s when I got the idea to write this post.
I love how the Two of Pentacles takes the practical nature of the pentacles and infuses it with the energetic, lighthearted energy of the twos. A low number in the suit, this two shows us how following our energy and staying in the moment yields the best (and most enjoyable) results. It doesn’t have to be a serious slog or ambitious reach. Our work can be dynamic and satisfying when we keep things simple.
Achieving this state can be as simple as allowing ourselves to do the fun, small things first. Or, if we’ve made a detour to stress-land like I did with my ill-advised bookkeeping research, we can use something uplifting to reinvigorate ourselves: a song, quick walk outside, or some other type of treat.