Weekly Forecast: March 7-13
Two of Swords / Nine of Wands / Two of Wands
Taking a pause before committing to a new course of action
This week has much more subtle energy than usual. By “usual” I mean the big, hefty Major Arcana cards we’ve been wrestling with the past few weeks,. The Magician and The Hierophant have been inspiring deep dives into what agency, tradition, and innovation mean to us. Now, back in the quotidian world of the Minor Arcana, we seem to have gathered enough “big picture” information (phew). What can we do this week to translate the answers we’ve received into work in our actual lives?
A pause here to insert a super-practical, tarot-to-English translation: This week is a time to make changes based on what we’ve learned about
Which voices belong in the circle of advisors we listen to and trust
Which traditions serve us
…and which are we individually poised to (goddess pardon me for using tech-bro speak) disrupt
We begin our reading with the Two of Swords, and I’m seeing this card as a direct reminder to take a pause, reflect, and consider our next moves. This is a time for silence, taking the space you need, and allowing for a strategic moment of rest so that the big motions occurring in your life can settle into stillness. It’s worth seeking out the conditions you need in order to tune into the more subtle parts of your mind and intuition. Think the energetic equivalent of putting on noise-canceling headphones, then do it unapologetically.
You may notice that the Two of Swords bears some resemblance to The High Priestess, the archetype of intuitive and intellectual wisdom. How can we make space for this part of ourselves in the Minor Arcana realm of everyday life? The High Priestess is a learned and independent archetype who counts herself as her number one advisor, audience, and authority. Step into your wisdom this week; let buzzing distractions pass on by as you retreat into the seat of your power. Consider what spaces and activities grant you access to inner calm and confidence. When the dust settles, what do you see and what voices can you hear now that all the noise has faded into the background?
Taking time to confer with our inner advisors is granting us resolve and clarity in an otherwise busy and demanding week. The Nine of Wands shows a veritable forest of action rising up around us. But is there also accomplishment and fortitude sprouting in this dense growth? See where you can identify hard work paying off, if not just to give you that extra push to keep going. This is not the time to radically reinvent the wheel or abandon ship; however, towards the end of the week what seemed like an impenetrable thicket of work and happenings gives way to an exciting new vista.
What’s there to say about the Two of Wands? I love this card because it shows a moment of satisfaction and yearning, but the productive kind - a tug at the heartstrings with ambition that leads us towards meaningful change. At the end of the week we’ll have an opportunity to let go of our latest push towards success and consider where we really want to go, not out of fear or external pressure, but a sense of stability and abundance.
The figure in this card stands solidly on a stone parapet. Contrast this with the Nine of Wands to the left - in what ways have we built an impressive life, career, or work ethic for ourselves? And how might we feel about making decisions if we saw ourselves in this way, perched on something stable and ready to take flight, instead of harried and overextended? I’d also like to add that this card supports enthusiastic daydreaming for its own sake. Whether or not you end up acting on your dreams, the dreaming itself is doing something for you.
I’m seeing this reading as a pyramid instead of a line, with the Two of Swords and Two of Wands pushing up the Nine of Wands. Going back to the basics is giving us a much needed breather. Just keep an eye open at the end of the week for some refreshing inspiration.
This week, embrace:
Taking time to make decisions
Considering your words before sharing them
Asking yourself what you think before soliciting opinions or advice
Following through on plans
Commemorating the end of an era, chapter, or endeavor
This week, avoid:
Chaotic environments
Information overload
Overworking yourself
Get creative:
The Two of Swords: Take some time to think about how you’ve made decisions in the past. What are the two most important values that inform your choices? Think of this as your two swords and use them to edit out any paths, ideas, or options.
The Nine of Wands: I’m feeling a different approach to this card this week. You’ll notice we don’t have any cups in this reading, and what better suit to draw on for inspiration when it comes to putting out the fire of the wands. Pay attention to when you feel overwhelmed and, in the wisdom of a commenter I encountered on a parenting blog: Just add water. Take a sip, go for a swim or shower. See how it soothes your overwhelm.
The Two of Wands: Take yourself on a planning and daydreaming date. You’ll notice how the figure on this card is living the life. Go somewhere fancy, bring your best notebook, and jot down some wishes and potential futures, ideally with a beautiful writing utensil.