A Note on the Changes Afoot at Incandescent Tarot
New horizons beckon!
Hello dear friends,
It’s been some time since officially closing shop and I feel like I’ve made the transition into a new mindset and vision for this space. It feels delightful, I must admit! So much joy and inspiration has come flooding in after letting go of the pressure to sell and promote. Strangely enough, I’m probably much better at this now that I’m a “professional muggle”…
In any case, I’ve always been turning over the idea of broadening the scope of Incandescent Tarot, which likely comes as no surprise to clients and those who’ve followed me on my journey. Tarot is a practice rooted in spiritual traditions and magic; while I began my journey highly resistant and sensitive to these ties, it’s obvious that they play a deep and important role in my life. Somewhat hilariously, my client base seemed to have no problem with my identity as “magical skeptic tarot witch,” no matter how much I fought it.
Well, no longer! I’ll be integrating themes of spirituality, magic, ritual, and intuition here on the blog and website. Much like my former podcast, Open Magic, this space will be dedicated to exploring the intersections of these themes with joy, gusto, and an open mind.
And speaking of podcasts, I’ll be launching a Patreon shortly with the goal of funding a new “Incandescent Tarot Podcast” where you can hear me waxing poetic about all these topics. Stay tuned for a more thorough post/announcement about that and how you can support this project while getting rewards like actual tarot readings and… drumroll… the return of the Weekly Forecasts.
No matter your familiarity with my work, thank you for being here. I’m so tickled by how much Incandescent Tarot has grown and being a part of anyone’s tarot journey is one of the biggest joys I know. So, with that in mind, do let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see here, whether it’s in the comments below, via email, or at the Incandescent Tarot Mighty Network.
All the Best,