Weekly Forecast: July 4-10
Well, my friends, it looks like this is a week for breakthroughs. In good old fashioned tarot-style, we have to wade through some interesting and potentially frustrating waters first. Yet despite the presence of two sevens - cards characterized by their slippery, teasing nature - this is a comparatively low-pressure week. If we introduce a sense of lighthearted play into the tasks at hand we may be surprised at how quickly things move.
Well, my friends, it looks like this is a week for breakthroughs. In good old fashioned tarot-style, we have to wade through some interesting and potentially frustrating waters first. Yet despite the presence of two sevens - cards characterized by their slippery, teasing nature - this is a comparatively low-pressure week. If we introduce a sense of lighthearted play into the tasks at hand we may be surprised at how quickly things move.
Have you been worrying about how much work you’re going to have to do to make a change? Fretting (dare I say, stressing) about how long of a way you have to go? Although you may not feel graceful or poised, this week holds some important and impish lessons around dreaming, planning, and manifesting.
Let’s start with the two sevens we have this week. Two! I think this pair is asking us to embrace the theme of a spiritual challenge. However you choose to define spirituality, this is a week where imbalance, restlessness, an unrelenting desire to seek out answers is bringing us to an important crossroads. The answers we’re seeking are new, personal, and only we can wade through the swirling mists of our subconscious to tease out their meaning. If we do, however, the meaning will be sustaining and powerful.
I’m interested in the dynamic between these two sevens. The Seven of Swords is a naughty character who shows up in moments where we want to avoid responsibility, take the easy way out, or break some rules. It’s also a swords card and this is what’s really coming through here - that perhaps the self-deception is in arguing ourselves out of what we really want. What if the shortcut we’re trying to take is the one that circumvents dreaming, yearning, and reaching beyond what we know? The figure in the card is running in one direction while looking over their shoulder: Where in your life do you feel split? Where do you notice your automatic response moving you away from your greatest wishes and desires?
Since the arc of our reading takes us towards the delightful Ace of Wands, it seems as if the impulse of the Seven of Swords needs some correcting. We shouldn’t be running away from an opportunity so invigorating and lovely, right? Self-deception, particularly in the vein of the swords cards - arguing yourself out of your desires, collecting information about how what you want isn’t feasible, realistic, etc. - may be appearing with strength and vigor as we start the week.
And yet the Seven of Cups is right here. This card is asking us to trust that we won’t be overwhelmed by our visions for the future, or that exploring options won’t shoot us into the farthest reaches of space, untethered from everyday life. In fact, this is a wonderful time to take stock of your fears around wishing and dreaming. What stories and arguments (the swords being carried in our first card) do you use to convince yourself that imagining a better future is bad, dangerous, or foolish?
This would be a wonderful week to dive into your interests, daydream, and turn over ideas in your mind without worrying about logistics. Doing so may massage a greater vision into clarity, but it’s important to step away from expectations and look at the world (and yourself) through the eyes of wonder. You’ll notice that the figure here is a black silhouette; it may be helpful to take a break from who you think you are and just spend some time playing and experimenting with new identities, ideas, and roles. The Seven of Swords easily gets stuck in their own head. In the Seven of Cups we see the pleasure and freedom of stepping outside oneself.
What’s happening while we tease out the tricky world of the sevens? A new option is working its way towards us. I’ve been thinking about the aces a lot lately. Not only are they alluring and exciting (some people refer to them as “the wish cards” in tarot) but they represent moments when we must step back from trying to make things happen and practice waiting, being receptive, and working on ourselves. That’s what we’re seeing here in our two sevens: how can we work on our fear of what we want, drop our swords - the ideas of how we should be, what we should do, and how we should go about getting it, and wait for the next step to reveal itself.
The Ace of Wands is definitively a next step. If aces are gifts from the outside world revealing themselves to us, and wands are action… you see where I’m going. So if you’re feeling antsy with all this dreaming and self-reflection, fear not. A promising and potent idea for what should happen next is on the horizon. Try not to rush or get lost in the seductive grips of control and open up to what has yet to appear.
And how will we know the Ace of Wands when it appears? It’ll resonate on an instinctive level (do check with your body to see if your creature-self is on board), feel exciting, promising, and new, and be just the first step. The trick of the aces, beyond noticing them when they arrive, is to simply accept their invitation and see where it leads, one thing at a time.
This week, embrace:
Gently questioning self-limiting beliefs and actions
Feeling uncomfortable with change
Daydreaming, envisioning exciting futures
Experimenting with new/unexplored facets of your identity
Activities that take you out of your (ego) self
A promising new path or next step
This week, Avoid:
Giving up because of a lack of clarity
Using fear as an excuse to avoid change
Getting caught up in details
Retreating from your social life
Get Creative:
The Seven of Swords: This card, aside from having a very engaging “main character,” is also soaked in tarot’s color of creativity: yellow. There’s two ways to engage with this energy. 1) See if you can channel your angst around change, growth, and restlessness into art. Circumvent the swords’ penchant for analysis and do something quick, impressionistic, and from the heart. 2) Devote a day, preferably early in the week, to wear yellow. See how it feels to embody the positive aspect of this card instead of the burdensome swords (aka thinking). If you have yellow shoes, I especially recommend wearing them. The red shoes and hat represent being driven by impulse and passion - what happens when you’re driven by life-sustaining creativity instead?
The Seven of Cups: Make a date with yourself to do some daydreaming. To expand on the ruling element of cups (water) I suggest doing this in the bath. Sink into the water and allow yourself to dream about the lives you could live, starting now. In situations where we’re taking big leaps, I think that rituals are especially important to nudge us out of the everyday and into something more soft and supportive. Mindfully select scents or oils for your bath, listen to some relaxing music, maybe even meditate before stepping in. The key is to be open, receptive, and ready to dream freely. Don’t focus on logistics or our pesky friend “reality.” See what happens and what dreams stick in your mind long after the tub has drained.
Ace of Wands: This is more practical than reflective. I think that this card has an aura of social possibility this week. Go out during the weekend with the intention of being open and receptive to any messages, connections, or opportunities that may come your way.
Weekly Forecast: March 21-27
Welcome to a new week, friends! This is an energetic and exciting reading - quite the departure from the challenges and exhaustion of last week. I’m feeling big themes of integration, transformation, and breakthrough. It’s not the flashy kind, though, more of a gentle yet impressive emerging; a branch you stuck into the ground with little hope it would root and grow, suddenly sprouting juicy green buds.
Queen of Pentacles / King of Wands / Ace of Wands
Welcome to a new week, friends! This is an energetic and exciting reading - quite the departure from the challenges and exhaustion of last week. I’m feeling big themes of integration, transformation, and breakthrough. It’s not the flashy kind, though, more of a gentle yet impressive emerging; a branch you stuck into the ground with little hope it would root and grow, suddenly sprouting juicy green buds.
Zooming out, the focus this week is turning inwards and tending to ourselves. The Queen of Pentacles has taken the spot of the King of Pentacles last week. We faced some issues head-on in the past seven days, bringing fortitude and leadership skills to areas of our life related to finance, material support, and work. Now is the time to apperciate that bravery and grant ourselves time to integrate the lessons emerging from these actions, a shavasana of sorts after a long and challenging practice. What have we learned about our capability when it comes to providing for ourselves, advocating for our needs, owning our power, and taking up space in the world? How can we introduce these to our inner lives, our concept of ourselves?
More practically speaking, this is a time to treat ourselves well, lavishing love and attention on our body, homes, and environment. Place flowers in every room of your house, cook nourishing food, move your body in restorative and joyful ways, get intimate with someone you love. Any time we spend letting the sensory joys of our everyday life nourish us will be building and bolstering our strength.
This is especially important since we’re moving from a pentacles-focused past few weeks into the realm of new wands. (We just completed a streak of late-stage wands cards, showing the end of a project or endeavor that required a lot of follow-through and detail-work.) The King of Wands leads the charge, joining the Queen of Pentacles in a powerful alliance. In what ways are we bringing our hard-won wisdom around ambition, creativity, and drive to important decisions impacting our everyday lives? This is big energy, and court cards in multiples tend to create an aura of mystery and possibility. Take some time to consider how you relate to these cards and their themes:
The Queen of Pentacles = comfort in your resources, pride in creating and cultivating a rich life, generosity, the overall energy of hosting a welcoming feast for all
The King of Wands = fiery drive, taking command and acting boldly when you know the time is right, being unafraid to forge your own path, letting your charisma shine and be seen without shame
Note if you have any conflicts between these archetypes. Do you feel like being bold and wanting things from the external world is dangerous, conceited, or somehow “too much”? Are you pulled between living a quiet life and pursuing big dreams? This reading says these two stances are actually incredibly supportive of each other, and what’s more, they’re combining to potentially support an exciting new development. Something else worth noting briefly: Court cards can represent times when we play with our identity. Don’t let yourself get stuck in rote understandings of yourself, no matter how cozy. This week has the potential for unexpected growth, talents, and change. Just because you haven’t identified with certain traits in the past doesn’t mean they’re not there, ready to come into focus.
The Ace of Wands is showing up here, in the week immediately following the Spring Equinox (or Fall Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere), making a new beginning if we’re bold enough to rise and meet it. I’m seeing themes of ambition, directness, and healthy assertiveness. And, personally, I’m also relieved and just plain happy to see this card after the tedium of the Nine and Ten of Wands this past week. This ace is all about passionate excitement, alluring new plans and ideas, and the creatively satisfying early stages of bringing something into being. It’s also very spring-like. Consider where you’re starring anew, being reborn, and how you can harness the directness, power, and pride of the Queen of Pentacles and King of Wands to shape this moment into something that serves your best interests and deepest dreams.
This week, embrace:
Re-investing, re-starting, or re-vamping your self-care rituals
Finding strength in nature and the senses
Centering around your needs, desires, and creative vision
Direct action
New ventures
This week, Avoid:
Outdated approaches
Self-limiting beliefs or habits
Fear of innovation
Acquiescing too quickly/trying to make peace when it doesn’t really serve you
Get creative:
Queen of Pentacles: I’m drawn to the setting of this card this week. Find an actual spot you can visit and consecrate it as your “Queen of Pentacles” zone, a place where you feel grounded, relaxed, and in contact with the energies of nature. Set aside some time in your schedule to visit this place with the intention of giving yourself a recharge. It will likely be helpful as the powerful, fiery energy of the wands cards come into play mid-week and beyond.
King of Wands: Inspired by the placement of our two court cards for the week, consider how your outer persona protects and advocates for your everyday life. The King of Wands is healthily assertive and has no qualms about clearly stating their needs. As much as I rebel against them in my personal practice, I’m thinking that a mantra of sorts would be a galvanizing way to tap into this king’s zeal, and it seems as if this card has some reassurance to offer the Queen of Pentacles. What message of “I got you” can you give your inner self? Use it when out blazing your path in the great big world.
Ace of Wands: Aces are clarifying in their simplicity. They can also get eclipsed by heavy expectations, worry, and fear. Allow yourself to simply appreciate and enjoy the little sparks of inspiration and excitement (particularly of the creative variety) without worrying about where they’ll go. This card also invites us to trust our instincts and simply take the first step towards them, trusting that the path will unfurl from there.
Weekly Forecast: June 10-16
What do we really want?
Sometimes this answer to this question can seem mysterious and elusive. Life gets busy and convention and responsibility take over. It's a cycle that repeats itself over and over.
What do we really want?
Sometimes this answer to this question can seem mysterious and elusive. Life gets busy and convention and responsibility take over. It's a cycle that repeats itself over and over. We can't feel secure until we know the contours of our lives, yet we also crave the promise of the unknown and need creative license to reshape our lives when we hear a new future calling.
This week's reading shows us at the beginning of a new cycle of exploration. It's no surprise after weeks of heady and inspiring readings. Something's building to a crescendo and now we're here with The World leading the way.
Already we can see that a central theme of our new desire for change is about expansion and ease. If we're been carrying around baggage about scarcity, stifling duty, or the toxic romance of unnecessary or perpetual struggle, now is the time to shake it free vigorously.
When The World shows up it's a sign that there's big and beautiful work to do. And that it's the kind of work that flows with the ease of authenticity and brave desire. It is, in other words, time to get to doing what we'd really love to be doing. To go after what we truly want.
Sometimes a huge obstacle to this next step is the false idea that we have to choose one or the other: freedom or stability, creativity or safety, passion or tradition, acceptance or individuality.
I could go on and on.
But we don't have to cosmic and personal cards like The World and The Lovers here for no reason. Together, these cards almost slap us in the face with a much-needed wakeup call: Choosing our biggest, most beautiful future opens us up to the world itself.
The only "having it all" is being all of our true selves. Doing that lifts up our relationships, communities, and work. It's not irresponsible to prioritize our spiritual and creative growth and wellbeing. It only amplifies and feeds our energy and reach.
So, if we're feeling a bit shy about what we want, maybe making excuses - not allowing ourselves to even think about it - or have gotten so far that we've rationalized away our internal messaging, now is the time to stop all that.
It can be so simple, which is why the Ace of Wands is our final card. Both the beginning of a new cycle and the spark of limitless potential, the Ace of Wands shows us that the next step forward is doing what feels good. In our case, what feels good in a cosmic, toe-curling, personal level.
It can start small, taking the next steps, starting the new thing, or simply getting back in touch with our sense of what's right for us. Our task right now is to stoke and feed the fire, building small actions on top of each other until we have a raging and impressive bonfire of wands.
This is a time of few wrong choices if we can make them in service of our wild, lush, and unique growth. Don't be surprised if it reflects back on itself, building warmth quicker than we can even imagine.
Weekly Forecast: April 23-29
This week is all about ease, expression, and unfurling. We're full of energy and passion that's being directed by a calm sense of wholeness. This is not a time to question, poke, or prod the good that's arriving. Deep down we know that we've been working hard to invite this kind of energy into our lives. Now that it's here all we have to do is embrace it and let it work its magic.
The World appears as our first card, setting the stage with its visionary, harmonious nature. Here we're being asked to believe that we belong wherever we are. The World invites us to look beyond all the hats we wear as we shift through the many areas of our life. We do a lot navigating our responsibilities, relationships, and goals. What lies underneath all these roles? The World speaks to the deeper parts of ourselves that are always present in our lives. With The World we are at once wholly ourselves and wholly apart of everything around us.
Having this awareness is no small task. Balanced on our ever-spinning globe we must come to the realization that life is always changing and we are always changing. What, then, remains constant? This is an excellent time to explore our true nature. What have we been learning about ourselves? What traits, beliefs, and ideas populate the center of our being? This card also suggests that we've been doing a lot of rewarding and difficult work. Now all the spinning parts are coalescing into something much more stable. It's worth taking a moment to acknowledge just how far we've come.
The World also asks us to take a larger perspective and in doing so, liberate ourselves from any limiting ideas of who we are. Are we acting mostly as mothers, fathers, partners, helpers, workers? Which roles have been the most comfortable and which have chafed at us?
The World asks us to look beyond the labels we've accumulated. Perhaps there is something we've rejected that needs to find its way home and perhaps there's parts of our personalities that are ready to be shed, becoming part of ourselves only in the sense that they're now in our past.
Having a good understanding of our shifts is allowing us to appear with pure and clear intentions. Awareness, not judgment or control, allows us to be truly human, seen as a wonderful whole. All The World asks for is gentle awareness, an open mind, and openness to what's appearing before us.
From this position we can accomplish so much and the Six of Wands sees the harmony of our self-understanding and acceptance manifesting itself in our actions. This week is an incredible time to reveal what we've been working on and to allow what's been inspiring us to have its time in the sun. Because we're clear on who we are, allowing our self to be seen is no longer quite as scary. We may find ourself possessing a level of confidence beyond what we imagined was possible.
The Six of Wands carries with it all the energy, excitement, and intensity of being in the spotlight. Sometimes this experience can be overwhelming. We'd rather retreat into our safety zone, hold our projects and passions close, rather than deal with some of the discomfort that comes with being openly celebrated. This week, however, The World is guiding us, acting as a lesson we can return to: We belong here. The ease we're experiencing this week, including the praise and attention, is a natural part of our unfettered self-expression. We're coming from a beautiful place. It makes sense that others can see this beauty, too.
Plus, it would be a shame not to follow this happily illuminated path. The Ace of Wands concludes our reading for the week, holding a promise of further growth and good fortune. I like to see this as a hand reaching out to us, bearing the gift of inspiration and motivation. We're uniquely able to inhabit our full potential right now, and doing so is allowing our hard work to continue with ease and success. We get to arrive in every situation with just ourselves and this week we're diving into the core of who we are, allowing this self to guide our actions. With The World in our corner, we can sashay up to any situation, fully in the moment and ready to engage as the beautiful, specific beings we are.
Weekly Forecast: April 16-22
I'm tickled that we're getting such a harmonious reading just as mercury stations direct. This week has a clear path for growth opening up in front of us. Better yet, that path is lined with good times, focus in work, and the promise of adventure .
Sometimes happiness is the most difficult emotion to describe. We have a lot of training, after all, waxing poetic about hardship and struggle. Just look at all the songs about the agonies of love or films built around miscommunication and conflict (I'm looking at you, romantic comedies that would be 2 minutes long if people would just communicate normally!). These heightened feelings suck up all the oxygen in our lives, demanding attention and sometimes giving us lots to hide behind. It's easy to go on about existential struggles, but what about the positive - our success, growth, and happiness?
I suspect that a lot of this has to do with feeling fearful. We don't want to appear boastful, full of ourselves, or greedy. And we also don't want to tempt fate. Fully embodying our happiness makes that happiness visible which in turn makes us feel vulnerable to criticism or rejection.
So there's more to this reading than meets the eye. We start things off with the Three of Cups - we have a lot of celebrate, indeed! Hiding or downplaying what's going well in our lives would cheat both us and the people around us out of a necessary and important good time. It's worth pushing past any feelings that we might be tempting any lightening bolts from emerging from a cloud to knock us back into our place. That seems unlikely when you put it that way, doesn't it?
Letting our happiness flow freely is also a way of reaching out. How can we make lasting relationships based solely on suffering? This card is showing us that there are many people around us ready and willing to raise their cups to toast our achievements and their own. Collective celebration lifts us all up and builds positive experiences that bring us together and that we can draw on in trying times to come. For now, however, all we have to do is show up as our beautiful, flourishing self, welcoming anyone else who comes to join the party.
The Eight of Pentacles centers our reading around the idea of work. This card reminds us that happiness is a practice we must commit to over and over again. Far from being simple or effortless, happiness takes work. Like anything, it's easy at times and hard at others. The illustration on this card shows us just how much strength and abundance we can bring into our lives when we prioritize and commit to cultivating our happiness. I see this Eight as a reminder of how much stands behind our achievements. It's not blind luck or purely good fortune. We stand behind our accomplishments, willing to guide our progress and tend to all the little facets of life that need care. Now all those little practices have grown into something quite big and majestic. And that is worth celebrating for sure.
We move from the hearty tree in the Eight of Pentacles to the sprouting branch in the Ace of Wands. Taking our happiness seriously and celebrating it wholeheartedly is bringing good things our way. Instead of a hand popping out of a cloud and throwing a lightening bolt at us for being too cocky, we have a hand holding the promising start of something new. All we have to do is reach out and grab it. With a crowd of supporters cheering us on, I have a feeling we will. We just can't do it by making ourselves small or hiding for just how far we've come.
Weekly Forecast: November 27-December 3
This week's cards are practically singing from the rooftops with clarity, energy, and affection. We have a clear conduit for our deeper, feeling selves that is allowing us to channel our emotions into practical action and important mental breakthroughs.
Just look at the elemental gorgeousness in these lush cards from the Fountain Tarot. They paint a lovely and straightforward illustration that I see as the deep and nourishing waters of our feelings (The Queen of Cups) emerging into the ground and growing (The Knight of Pentacles), then finally blooming into light and clarity with the Ace of Swords.
This is an excellent time to examine what it means for us to know things, both within our minds and our bodies. Where does our inspiration spring from? What path does it take before it emerges into the world? I like to think about this process as a beautiful secret we can't even put into words. We know it when we feel giddy and bright and can't help but smile slyly knowing that a special change is just around the corner.
Caring for our sense of wonder and the unique mystery of our creative process will bring us a sense of peace and excitement. There's no need to rush things. The only suite missing here is the Wands, showing us that this week is made for a slower, less frenetic way of being. Easing into our selves and feeling ourselves is what will feed our minds. We'll likely be aware of something brewing under the surface, detectable in more subtle ways, before it bursts forth into the sun into the clear cut and unmistakable.
The Knight of Coins (aka Pentacles) urges us to stay in the moment and diligently care for our swirling potential. Think of tending a garden - using the rhythms of nature to direct your work and showing up every day to snip here, pull up a weed there, or plant a seedling here. Sustained, mindful, and healing practice will grant us a sense of satisfaction as well as the room to grow without pressure.
By gifting ourselves this space to let our feeling selves bubble up we can care for ourselves and enjoy our lives at the same time. Revolutionary, I know! And springing from this flowing and earthy energy is the ray of sunshine that is the Ace of Wands. We can look forward to a mental breakthrought at the end of the week, one that will light up our lives and clear a path to our next, exciting step.
Underneath it all is the beautiful wholeness of the Queen of Cups. Now is a time to show our love both to ourselves and the world around us, knowing that its expression is deep and sustaining, meant to multiply joy and offer healing and regeneration.
Tarot Cards for Spring
Last week we had a visit from the Ace of Wands. It was a very on the nose tarot reading: a waxing moon (increasing energy) with a sprouting branch emerging from the clouds. To me, this was Tarot-ese for “Spring is coming!” And it had me thinking, what other cards personify Spring?
The way I read, time shows up as a feeling instead of a moment. So we might see a certain feeling emerging where we feel energized and refreshed, ready to start anew and cultivate different paths. To me, all these qualities reflect Spring, while more enclosing, hibernating energy suggests Winter.
Below I’m sharing the four cards that I find refelct all the balmy goodness of Spring, along with my takes on each of them.
VI of Cups
Innocence, blossoming, tender memories, meaningful traditions.
This card radiates the fresh innocence that comes with Spring. It’s young children playing at a family picnic, chicks hatching from their eggs, and the warm bashfulness that comes with new romances and friendships. It also embodies the rose-tinted nostalgia that can float in on the warm breeze. The feeling of looking back with fondness on old memories, perhaps looking to rekindle them in our lives through traditions and reaching out to family members and friends. When I look at this card I envision flowers blossoming, fragile, bright, and dewy.
Ace of Wands
New growth, emerging into a new state of being, energy, vitality.
The Ace of Wands shows us the determined exuberance of Spring. Every year buds from on tree branches and bulbs send out shoots to burst through the soil. It’s inevitable and massively energetic. You can’t stop Spring. The Ace of Wands embodies power of the season. It’s a time of creativity, production, and a certain amount of extravagance. Flowers and plants don’t hold back – it’s their time to set the stage and enter the world. In reading, this ace asks us to embody this passion, embracing boldness and brightness.
Four of Wands
Celebration, new romance, appreciating bounty
I know this card is usually interpreted as cozy and traditional, but I get a decidedly more sensual vibe here. If the Four of Wands is all about celebration and romance, I see no problem expanding this to life itself. The delicious feeling of warm air on your skin, walking barefoot and feeling the grass on your toes after months of being stuck in fuzzy socks, reconnecting with your body (and your lover(s)’s). It’s a card that brings pleasure and love front and center, celebrating them for all their giving, joyful glory. Radiate your pleasure outwards, share it with others, and give it a central place in your life.
VII of Pentacles
Cultivation, plenty, joy through work
The Seven of Pentacles brings the bustle of Spring down to earth. Here we see how the work we put in during this season can grow into plenty and prosperity. It’s about getting down into the dirt and planting the seeds you want to see grow in the month to come. Spring, it tells us, is the season to cultivate the traits, projects, and situations we want to see in our lives. It’s hands on work we can get absorbed in, smelling the dirt on our hands and feeling the satisfaction of sore muscles.
What about you? What tarot cards do you find full of Spring energy? Share in the comments below.
Weekly Forecast: Sept. 5 - 11
Cards from the stunning Fountain Tarot
Picture the beauty of a sunrise. The dark sky begins to glow at the horizon. Night is over and the day is about to begin. At this moment we are unaware of the glory of the details. What color will the clouds be illuminated with, if there are any clouds at all? Will be see a flock of birds fly by on their way to begin their days? Will the sun glow orange or a pale yellow as it travels up the sky?
I like to think of aces as the moment we take in these beautiful details. We are too entranced by the newness, the reality of the sunrise to question, stress, or overload ourselves with plans for the day. We simply accept the gift as it’s presented to us.
This day and age it’s hard to hang onto this feeling, but I urge you to savor this moment for as long as you can.
This week brings in a pair of new beginnings, so get excited, remain in the moment, and get ready to be inspired.
Maybe you’ve been contemplating turning a personal passion into a business or looking to share your creative output with the world. The ace of coins and the ace of pentacles give you a glowing go-ahead. Now is the time to launch new projects and embrace your creative and practical side. If you cultivate your goals you could end up creating something satisfying and sustainable. This is a week where creativity and financial success are primed to meet. Who doesn’t love this combination?
If you’re not quite there yet or feeling unfocused, the energy this week will be prime for brainstorming and exploring opportunities. There is a great deal of positivity and inspiration at foot!
The powerful enthusiasm that comes with aces can lead to overthinking and insecurity. If you’ve ever had a flash of inspiration, gotten excited, and then lost your steam when you sat down to make it happen you know what I’m talking about.
The Hanged Man shows us another way. Instead of scrabbling to control our inspiration, this card encourages us to step back and let these forces work their magic. Stay playful and embrace the energy of the aces this week. Sometimes our ego is the ultimate roadblock to brilliance. Talk about putting a wet blanket on a lightning bolt. So tell your inner critic to kindly take the backseat as you explore.
They key is to remain flexible and trust in the gifts you’ve been given along with your capabilities.
The verdant lushness of the Ace of Coins clues us into a little trick. While coins signify financial matters in their most literal sense, they also evoke a sense of being grounded and connected to nature. As the week brings more practical opportunities to you, connect with the world around you to avoid stress and overload – take a walk, spend some time with your pets, or get dirty in your garden. This can also temper the sometimes manic energy that comes with wands.
I’m excited to see what we make of these incoming opportunities, so make sure to share what these aces bring you way and enjoy the week ahead!