Weekly Forecast: October 23-29
As far as Three of Swords illustrations go this one from the Circo Tarot is quite gory. A card that demands your attention whenever its drawn, the Three is all about undeniable pain. It's the feeling when you stub your toe (or worse) and can only experience the sharp waves of discomfort coursing up your leg. Maybe you're so taken aback you spew forth some salty words, temporarily uninhibted from the shock.
We're dealing with the realm of the swords here, so things aren't literally stabby in a physical sense. Instead, the suffering stems from our minds - what has us wounded, activating our harsh and overthinking tendencies?
If we take a closer look at this card we see two things. Firstly, three knives (serrated in this case!) are a bit of an overkill. One would certainly do the job. Perhaps there's a tint of overreaction we can't see in the moment. Our pain is amplified by our thoughts. It might seem like there's three knives sticking out of our hearts, but maybe it's just one knife. Maybe we just stubbed our toe.
Secondly, we're just three cards along our journey through the suite of swords. If this wound was fatal, how could we continue? There's more here than meets the eye. What can spring forth from the discharging of our pain and where can it take us?
Sometimes this card springs up when we 're at a place when we need some good old fashioned, intense emotional catharsis. We like to contain ourselves and present our best face to the world. It's all well and good, but sometimes we can fool ourselves, tamping down more complicated feelings that become hidden even from ourselves.
We're not closed systems and our suffering needs an outlet just like how we might need to yell out a juicy obscenity when we stub our toe. While at first it might seem like we could drown in the roiling sea of complicated emotions it can often yield surprising and fruitful results.
Now is one of those times, hence the somewhat odd contrast between the emo darkness on the Three of Swords and the exhuberant plentifulness of the Six of Pentacles. Can expressing our negative emotions lead to abundance? This week will see this transformation manifesting itself in surprising ways. Handled with care and respect, digging deeper will open us up to many possibilities. Whether they're residing within ourselves or to be discovered through seeking help from others, these sticky spots are in the process of transforming into happiness and joy.
I especially love how The Wheel of Fortune concludes our reading, a lovely tarot summation and reminder of how we are constantly in a changing world. The sharp certainty of the Three of Swords? It's temporary and part of a natural cycle. Opening up to is and embracing it as a part of our multifaceted experience allows us to live more authetically and fully participate in our lives.
Weekly Forecast: April 3-9
Oh my, this week has a distinctly meandering and mystical quality to it. I’m imagining the feeling of walking up to an exhilarating ride at the fair – one of those bright and jazzy ones that whips you around while spinning upside down. After striding up confidently and exchanging our money we step aboard and secure ourselves with the not-so-comforting rickety seatbelts. Our bravura fades as we realize there’s no going back. We’ve never ridden this particular ride before. What will it feel like? Why are we doing this again?
I love rides at the fair for this reason. It’s a leap of faith. I certainly don’t’ need to be running up to the Cyclone, feeling brave and excited. I’m doing it for the rush. To take myself out of the mundane and feel new – first feeling scared, then shiny and triumphant when my feet touch the ground again.
The cards for this week show us taking a similar leap of faith, one that’s motivated by our feeling of plenty, not neediness. We start out embodying the assertive and adventurous Queen of Wands. This is a card that uses confidence and solidity to catapult to the next level. Fiery, brave, and passionate, she seeks out challenges with the knowledge that they will only sharpen her skills. This week we want to be sharp, to be on the cutting edge, and we’re seeking ways to push up against our limits and boundaries. We know it will take us somewhere new.
This is both the fuel and pluck that brings us to the carnival ride in the first place. Once we get there, however, the mood shifts.
There’s nothing like the feeling before the ride starts. I usually close my eyes, feel the breeze on my face, and take a deep breath before it all begins. It’s all nerves, anticipation, and a bit of self-doubt thrown in the mix. We see a similar effect with the Eight of Cups, our central card. All the chutzpah that brought us to this new place is fading. We feel vulnerable and nervous, full of anticipation before the gears start moving and taking us forward.
When we harness our pluck and strength to start something new we set things in motion that are out of our control. This week we’re being invited to lean into the feeling of vulnerability that comes after decisions. Once we put something out into the world, the world then responds. We can’t say what will come next. We must trust that the bravery that brought us this far is sending us in the right direction.
The Eight of Cups is an encouraging card here. Like the figure in the picture we’re climbing up the stairs with our eyes closed. It’s a beautiful depiction of calm faith and awareness. With closed eyes we can contemplate our inner workings. How are we feeling? What are we noticing arise in this tender time? How do we feel just before the ride begins?
This card also shows us that we’re ready for new things. Ready to add more excitement, bounty, and fulfillment to our lives. We have eight full cups, why not set out in search of more?
If at any time we doubt this search during the week, we should look back to the Queen of Wands for motivation. We are powerful, determined, and creative, just like her, and ready to actively create as rich and magical a life as we can imagine for ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with plenty and vibrance. The Queen of Wands doesn’t stand for self-limitation and neither should we.
So after we’re buckled in, thinking about life, and relinquishing some control to the universe, where do we go next? This cycle isn’t quite ready to wrap up this week and we don’t be doing any of the dramatic spinning of the ride itself. Instead, The Hierophant shows us that we have some mystical surprises in store for us as we wait for the action to start.
What insights and beauty will we find when we take our own special risks this week? Pay attention the little moments of encouragement, insights, and signs that pop up. They can be interior observations, memories, dreams, and even synchronicities and signs in the world around us. Special things are afoot, in no small part thanks to our bravery and desire to experience new things.
Looking for a tarot reading just for you?
Weekly Forecast: Dec 19-25
This week has us considering new plans and straddling the line between precise thinking and enthusiastic go-getting.
We start our reading with The Fool, a delightfully optimistic character who represents new journeys and experiences. We’re about to to embrace change and set off in a direction that is full of unknown possibilities. All we need to do is stay balanced and remain in the moment. As we can see, if The Fool becomes distracted he runs the risk of falling off his tightrope. Fortunately, over-seriousness is not the answer here.
The key here is to remember that balance is a process and not an end goal you can achieve. Furthermore, it's something that requires constant motion, adjustment, and concentration. See how the Fool is about to place his second foot onto the tightrope? He’s about to embark on a journey with lots of wiggling, shaking, and correcting if he intends to remain on the rope. It doesn't always look dignified, but it can be a lot of fun if you stay focused and keep moving forward.
In fact, The Fool seems pretty enthused about it all. He's grinning and holding a sprouting staff over his head. Optimistic? Yes. Foolhardy? Quite possibly. Yet looking closer we see the ground is not so far away. The chances we’re about to take will yield maximum joy with minimal danger. There’s just enough of the unknown to make it exhilarating and worthwhile. If we’re not a bit scared moving forward, we may not be moving anywhere worth going, and certainly not somewhere all that new.
Here, tension is a good thing. Without it, the rope would fall to the ground in a jumbled mess. Sometimes our paths need the pull between two poles (or several) to become something we can walk on. And who said a little suspense was a bad thing? Certainly not this gleeful Fool. He knows and trusts the rope beneath him, despite (or because of) the fact that he doesn’t know so much about it.
Our other two cards are placed at either ends of the rope when we look at the spread as a whole. To our left is the Page of Knives, a young green man who is staring at us, the viewer, blankly. He’s dry, focused, and intellectual. As a page, he represents a new fixation or preoccupation. We’re becoming familiar with a new skill, honing our vision, and using a laser-like focus to come to a conclusion. We’re not there yet. We’ve yet to throw the knife at the target, and we may even miss it several times. We need practice, but we’re getting somewhere and we have plenty of motivation to move us along the way.
On the left is a delightful salamander with a red-plumed helmet: The Knight of Wands. He’s all about slithering full-speed ahead towards his goal with a focus on action, accomplishment, and movement. A salamander go-getter if you will. He is passionate, rowdy, and confident… maybe even a little bit conceited, though you could never say he doesn’t get things done.
We’re clearly at a moment where our urge to act is coming into conflict with our newer desire to plan, practice, and think things out. Our old M.O. was to jump right in and figure out the details later. Instead, a newer part of ourselves in showing up, urging for some thought consideration. Confusing! Especially considering how underdeveloped this new way of thinking is.
Rather than pit these urges against each other, this reading suggests that we’re proceeding as we should. It is quite advisable to look before you leap, just as it is important to actually do something with the ideas in your head. It’s all about finding a balance between the two. So welcome the uncertainty and make room for a push and pull. Respect both the urge to plan and the urge to act. Consult both, and you’ll find yourself moving along in an exciting new direction.
And though there’s not much certainty with regards to outcome, there is an overwhelming focus in these cards to embrace and take joy in a sense of fun and exploration. Being too measured and “adult” in this situation will stifle your creativity and take up the valuable room needed for growth.
Having The Fool, a quintessential card representing new journeys and a childlike sense of wonder, sandwiched by a Page and a Knight, the youngest of court cards, is as close to a green-light for excitement and enthusiasm as I can imagine. So don’t tamp down your passions here. Focus on putting one foot in front of the other, make room for all the wiggling and adjustment it takes to maintain balance, and don’t forget to look up at the sun and enjoy.
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Lovely Links & Happenings
Fall in New England - is anything better?
It's been a majestic week in my world, and I hope it has been in yours as well! I went on a trip to New England to peep some leaves, so things were a little quiet on the blog front over here.
The gorgeous, gorgeous Circo Tarot
I did get my paws on a copy of the Circo Tarot and let me tell you, it's gorgeous and mysterious. There are some especially Halloween-y (Halloweenie?) cards in there that I can't get enough of. Stay tuned for a post on them soon.
In the meantime, here are the links that caught my eye this week:
A Twin Peaks tarot deck! Can't wait to get my hands on these damn fine cards...
More evidence the universe has no direction
Amazing Bauhaus halloween costumes.
Gorgeous photographs of Japanese fisherwomen.
Tell it like it is, Dolly! Dolly Parton's response to her homophobic fans.
Someone brought their service duck on an airplane, and now I'm going to be hoping I get to sit next to it on every flight I take!
Weekly Forecast: Oct 17-23
Oh my. What a dose of energy these cards have! The reading for the week has us looking forward with burning passion in our eyes. What motivates us and aligns with our values? Find out and follow it, these cards say.
Internally, you’re finding a sweet spot: the place where your vision and vigor join hands. It feels right. It looks doable. It’s not just a mundane task. It might be… dare I say it… a calling.
Sometimes the frisson of intellect and emotion is too much. And sometimes it creates a delightful sense of excitement. Now is one of those times. All that soul-searching you’ve been doing has brought you into a place of action. Think of it like this: you were meticulously building the podium you’re about to give a speech from. It was hard work. Detail oriented and precise. But you’ve laid the ground for something magnificent.
So take that energy outward. Now is the time to step into the sunlight and get back into the scrappy act of “doing shit.” It’s nice out here, isn’t it? With the wind in your face and a sense of purpose, who wouldn’t feel invigorated. So feel it! Revel in the start of this new journey and don’t squander the “go get ‘em” gusto you’re brimming with right now.
There’s a sense of getting lost in the joy of work. Focus on the task at hand and certainly not the “over there.” After all, each accomplishment is made of thousands of small actions. Take things one step of the time.
Something to keep in mind: It doesn’t have to be perfect. I’m not talking about “using tweezers to place the herb garnish on your culinary masterpiece” work, here. More of the kind of work that reflects your vitality and humanity. And we all know being human is messy and delightful business. This week’s energy makes this kind of work invigorating and fulfilling, so get to it and enjoy all the things you’re capable of.
It looks like proceeding down this path will bring you all sorts of payoffs. If you remain true to your original motivation – the why instead of the what – you’ll soon reap the satisfaction of completing a project that truly expresses who you are and what you stand for.
You know the saying, “it’s not the journey, but the destination?” Of course you do. It’s been in yearbooks and on inspirational cat posters for millennia. There’s another part to this ancient wisdom besides the “stop to smell the flowers” message. That is, if you were magically teleported to your destination, nobody would get to see the steps it took you to get there.
Know that in remaining focused and creating your vision you have an audience of people who appreciate what you do. Your work does not go unnoticed. In fact, it is probably inspiring to others (people appreciate the integrity of those who are true to themselves. Authenticity resonates!) And is also why you’ll have a group of supporting folks to cheer for you when you succeed.
Peachy stuff, indeed.