Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: October 31 - November 6

I am so glad to see the Queen of Wands back in our reading for the week. I’ll be honest; while I love this card, I was really not feeling it last week. Charismatic ease and vivacious individuality were not shining through into my everyday life with ease! But because of this, I found myself having to strive for this archetype, choosing to embody it despite not feeling up to snuff or at my best.

I am so glad to see the Queen of Wands back in our reading for the week. I’ll be honest; while I love this card, I was really not feeling it last week. Charismatic ease and vivacious individuality were not shining through into my everyday life with ease! But because of this, I found myself having to strive for this archetype, choosing to embody it despite not feeling up to snuff or at my best.

Which is all to say that I’m glad this card is back at the end of our reading, giving us a sense of direction. How are we walking towards a greater sense of authenticity? We have unfinished business with the Queen of Wands, and this is the week to explore her further.

So, before we dive into the rest of our reading, take a moment to reflect on how this card showed up for you last week. Were you struggling with it like me or did charm, wit, and creativity come easily to you? One thing that emerged as I wrestled with this card was its connection to unabashed authenticity. The Queen of Wands cannot be anything other than his, her, or themself. How have you been embracing your idiosyncrasies as the sources of your power and magnetism?

If some key piece of information around this question appeared last week, this is the week to build upon it by making a direct offering. What steps can we take towards letting our true selves shine?

Our first stop is the loopy Seven of Cups. It’s time for inspiration-overload. Let yourself get dreamy and imaginative at the beginning of the week. It’s okay if your thoughts feel scrambled and linear thinking isn’t coming easily. This card shows us the power of diving into the weirdness of our imaginations. Sometimes we have to envision multiple, outlandish futures in order to discover the parts and pieces we need to construct what’s just right for us. Not to mention the fact that so little is, at the end of the day, in our control. Stretching our imaginations primes us to accept bigger possibilities when they arrive. Devote time to hopping from inspiration to inspiration. Poetry, art, magic, daydreaming, actual dreaming… all of these can be found in the strange land of the Seven of Cups.

It’s also a helpful reminder that periods of feeling adrift, off-course, or simply unproductive are key to finding a way forward that resonates with our hearts. We are in series of cups cards here, a reminder that our feeling selves have a lot to tell us at the moment. Don’t turn up your nose at your desire for love, beauty, and connection. Revel in the mystery, have fun, dream big, and maybe move more pressing, detail-oriented tasks towards the end of the week.

Sometimes the Seven of Cups can be a frustrating card, especially for those of us who value clear plans and actionable steps. It’ll take a bit of a trust fall, but after some splashing around in the pools of imagination, we’re emerging with energy and purpose. The Knight of Cups shows us grasping a new area of focus, or rather, a better articulated one. Have you been toying around with a wish, dream, or plan, but feel the need for it to be more direct and understandable? It’s likely that this clarity is coming your way this week. In what ways are you better able to articulate your wishes and desires after opening up your heart to imagining?

Knights have a hard-headedness to them that can often be troublesome, but this week we need some bravado and insouciance to push ourselves to the next level. Don’t be afraid of asking for a lot, passionately declaring your principles, and striving for big ideals. It’s a time to take chances, particularly the ones that resonate on a deeply meaningful level. The Knight of Cups is a true romantic; they see life in the brightest spectrum of colors (much like, nerd alert, those mantis shrimp with 12-16 photoreceptor cells to our three) and have no qualms taking risks for beauty, transcendence, and love.

Striving unapologetically for what we love and desire, romantically and otherwise, is leading us back to the Queen of Wands, this time with a newfound appreciation and understanding of our unique selves. Consider how the risks you take build on your confidence, giving you the power to change your life and to express yourself more freely.

This week, embrace:

  • Daydreaming

  • Imagining new paths

  • Reevaluating, re-vivifying your creative rituals and practices

  • Acting on what means the most to you

  • Taking chances

  • Self-expression

  • Your leadership abilities & responsibilities

This week, avoid:

  • Over-scheduling

  • Fear of the spotlight

  • Hiding behind excuses

  • Being overly practical

Get creative:

  • Seven of Cups: Take a nice chunk of time to lay out some dishy, daydreamy plans. Seven of them. Give yourself five minutes for each, writing out only the best possible outcome. Stretch into the delightful details, especially if they’re outlandish; how could each be uniquely wonderful? Enjoy yourself. That’s it.

  • Knight of Cups: This knight belongs on the cover of a romance novel. Lean into this image, even (and especially) if it feels cheesy. How can you sashay into your own life and the lives of others bringing charm, beauty, and romance? Act as an emissary for something that’s delighting you: share it with unbridled enthusiasm with the people you encounter. Bring the wonder you want to see in the world into others’ lives.

  • Queen of Wands: Dedicate yourself to joy this week. This card sees each moment of pleasure & joy as a gift, a sign that you’re on the right track. As tarot luminary Rachel Pollack writes, “Sometimes if a person loves life, the world appears to respond by protecting that person from harm and sends her of him joyous experiences.” When you notice something delightful happening, stop and let yourself take in the moment, metabolizing it so that it can fuel you moving forward. Close your eyes, feel it all, and give thanks.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: February 21-27

How do you feel when big questions show up in your life? The kind that demand walking towards the unknown, that have you questioning what really matters? This week we have the magnetic pull of The Hierophant telling us that such a time has come. We’re going to need to change, to switch up our way of orienting ourselves. We’re looking for deeper meaning.

Feeling towards deeper meaning and understanding

How do you feel when big questions show up in your life? The kind that demand walking towards the unknown, that have you questioning what really matters? This week we have the magnetic pull of The Hierophant telling us that such a time has come. We’re going to need to change, to switch up our way of orienting ourselves. We’re looking for deeper meaning. 

Our past few readings have featured the Page of Swords and the Ace of Swords, both illustrating how we’ve been questioning our approaches and the world around us. In swordsy times we tend to prioritize mental work: thinking, analyzing, and reasoning. We’ve been  using the swords to bushwhack through the tangles of our lives - the society, systems, and structures we’ve been born into. What needs to change? What is stale and no longer true for us? 

These were baby steps and some of them felt awkward. The pages are all coltish with long limbs that don’t quite know how to walk yet, and aces are pure ideals, untarnished by exposure to reality. If your actions have seemed somewhat graceless and your ideas too abstract or idealistic in the past few weeks, you may be relieved to hear that it’s time to put down our swords and take up a refreshing cup of passion, romance, and poetry. 

The Knight of Cups not only shows a shift in outlook, but an important leveling-up. We’ve graduated to knighthood! In what ways can you see your maturity growing, particularly in your relationships? The Knight of Cups is a dashing and passionate card, one that respects the messages of the heart. Overall, this is also a wonderful week to take this card as an inspiration and lavish love freely in your circles. How can you inject some touches of effusive praise, tender support, and whimsical adventure? 

The zest of this knight, however, is not all frivolous flourishes and decadent touches. See how The Page of Swords turns to the left, into the past, while the King of Cups is facing towards the right, the future, and The Hierophant card? Our time spent inhabiting this view of life - as a place of wonder, opportunities for connection, and pleasures that are meant to be sought out and savored - is leading us from a rugged wilderness and into the hallowed halls of The Hierophant.

A knight loves a challenge, and this week we’re up for negotiating sticky questions, particularly those that involve power and who gets to decide the ultimate meaning of a situation. If you’ve been ceding this role to others, now is the time to step into your power as the arbiter of what truly matters to you. Some beliefs, ideas, and plans may need re-sanctifying as well. Have you been lost in the weeds, taking on outside opinions, or underplaying the preciousness of a culture plan? Take a moment to shake all that off and see how just outlining it has given you meaning and direction. 

The Hierophant is a serious card, and this week we may be surprised to see that things we don’t normally see as serious - the Knight of Cups’ love of beauty, creative expression, and unfettered enthusiasm - have led us to seriously resonant realizations. Perhaps this is a time when pleasure is connecting us to the divine; listen to the messages of the body, trust who you relax around, and which sources of wisdom feed your soul as well as your mind. 

As you may have guessed, The Hierophant points to teachers as important sources of guidance. See which teachers, paths of study, and institutions fuel your inner Knight of Cups. What fills you with a sense of purpose, a quest, a path towards connection? I’m definitely not feeling moderation, here - dream big and ask deep questions. This is not a time for half-hearted or overly utilitarian solutions.

Consider as well where you act as a teacher and mentor to others. While this week shows us in a good position to find or attract the teachers we’re craving, it also invites us to consider the space we take up and how it may be inspiring other, regardless of whether we have an official position or not. Casting a light behind us so that others may follow our path can also illuminate our future in unexpected ways. 

This week, embrace:

  • Reflecting on the ideas, decisions, and ways of communicating that have been successful for you recently

  • Taking time for simple, sensual pleasures

  • Sharing your love with others openly and enthusiastically

  • Being passionate about your interests

  • Treating yourself, your life path, and goals with respect

  • Mentoring, teaching, and helping others

  • Asking big, cosmic, and spiritual questions

This week, avoid:

  • Getting lost in mundane details

  • Scoffing at your ideas preemptively

  • Hiding behind intellectual rationalizations

  • Power dynamics that feel uncomfortable, unbalanced, or potentially unethical

Get creative:

  • The Page of Swords: I’m focusing on the transition from page to knight in this week’s reading. With this in mind, look to the past to see which efforts have yielded results. Perhaps there is a quest you have completed, making you an expert in some way. How can you “knight yourself” and hold up your accomplishments as something worthy of pride? (If anyone gets super-literal with this and conducts an actual knighting ceremony, please let me know ;)

  • The Knight of Cups: Go on a pleasure quest! Yes, I realize this sounds like a creepy cruise, but I think you know what I’m getting at. Spend an afternoon (or entire day, if you can spare it) letting yourself roam with the intention of finding beauty, pleasure, and enjoyment. I like to start at a coffee shop or restaurant where I can get a pastry, sit down with my journal, and write poetry or loves notes until I feel a genuine desire to venture somewhere else fun. Listen to beautiful music, browse a shop, go on a nature walk - whatever you do, do so with the intention of soaking up the sensory and spiritual delights of whatever you encounter. And don’t be surprised if something magical and unexpected happens.

  • The Hierophant: This card is all about blessing and sanctifying. Where do you feel connected to a higher purpose or power? This week, choose between an actual space - your alar, reading nook, a special spot in nature - or something more metaphysical like a sacred/inspiring text or your meditation practice. Go to that space and simply spend time there, feeling the support you gain in doing so and making some gesture to reciprocate: clean your altar, meditate or pray on the topic of gratitude, or whatever feels right to you. Bring this sense of calm and connectedness into your everyday life.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: June 3-9

This week's forecast shows a lovely and welcome breakthrough. Whenever we see The World we can be sure that the clouds are parting and welcome, joyous perspective is on the way. 

Three Card Reading Rider-Waite

This week's forecast shows a lovely and welcome breakthrough. Whenever we see The World we can be sure that the clouds are parting and welcome, joyous perspective is on the way. 

Our experience of The World is deeply connected to the suit of cups, a truly beautiful combination. 

It's a time to let our relationships propel us towards new horizons. What is it about another person - romantic partner, friend, or new acquaintance - that allows us to dream bigger?

Coming into contact with others shows us how the world can be different. We can observe new habits, outlooks, beliefs, personality traits, and often what we're most enamored with is something we'd like to cultivate within ourselves.

This is a week to reach out and revel in the connections that spring forth naturally. The Two of Cups is a very genuine card. We're drawn to those who make us feel good. It's as simple as that.

(Or, to be a bit snarky, we're healthily drawn to people that feel good! Other attractions do not apply in this reading ;)

How do we know this? Well, in addition to the Two of Cups' positive meaning, this card is paving way for The World in our reading. That is, spending time with people who lift us up and inspire us will quite literally broaden our horizons.

Stay alert for new and exciting opportunities, collaborations, and unexpected growth.

When we have cups and The World in a reading, it's a sure sign that our intuition and instincts are humming along with beautiful efficiency. Crippling doubt, over-planning, and needless anxiety can all be cordially dis-invited from this party! There's a strong current of joy and expansion that's more than capable of sweeping us away from these stagnant old places.

Fascinatingly, the focus on community and relationship in the Two of Cups is awakening an inner sense of direction. Collective connection is leading to personal realizations. 

In looking to others, we're uncovering a part of our own path that's eager and ready for exploring. Cue the Knight of Cups.

Again, a fun theme here is a lack of practicality and foresight. We're playing with the powerful energy of The World, so we don't need to worry about shirking our duties or causing trouble for ourselves. We can handle this and it's high time for some creative adventure.

Look to the Knight of Cups for clues as to what you want to explore. Though, in all likelihood, you won't need to do much searching. The Knights are a determined and energetic bunch. You probably have an idea about what you'd like to bring into your life right now, so don't hesitate.

The suit, however, gives us some further direction. The Knight of Cups is the ultimate romantic of tarot. So, above all, this is a time to bring the dizzying, intoxicating, and poetic energy of romance into our lives. 

Not necessarily the romance of sexuality (though, if that's on the table, do enjoy yourself!), but an overarching romance: love for the world, its many futures, the sensuality of everyday life, the fun of living life as an adventure, seeing the mythic in the mundane. 

All of these cards harmonize so beautifully that there won't be much tension in these pursuits. Give yourself all the permission to treat your life like the most engaging fantasy novel and follow what flows naturally. It's leading us towards some lovely growth and we're in good company as we travel along.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: November 26 - December 2

This hefty Knight of Cups is staring out at us as if challenging us to a duel. Hardly the sensitive dreamer from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, artist Jonasa Jaus' version of the card seems confrontational and blunt. We're being asked to see our feelings for what they are this week, even if they're challenging or something other than what we've been hoping for. 

Jonasa Jaus Three Card Tarot Reading

This hefty Knight of Cups is staring out at us as if challenging us to a duel. Hardly the sensitive dreamer from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, artist Jonasa Jaus' version of the card seems confrontational and blunt. We're being asked to see our feelings for what they are this week, even if they're challenging or something other than what we've been hoping for. 

And yet the center of this reading is The World, a hopeful card, yes, but also a deeply personal and expressive one. It tells us that confronting these feelings is freeing us up to be ourselves. Denial can make us feel stagnant and inauthentic, out of sync with our true selves. This week, the other side is just within reach; all we need to do is harness our bravery and face things head-on like the Knight of Cups.

There's a rebellious immediacy to the knights that can bring refreshing verve into tender situations. The Knight of Cups, in particular, is not one to discount their feelings. Sometimes this can lead to  impulsive drama when we allow our emotions to get the best of us. Yet in other situations the Knight of Cups gives us a direct line to our true feelings, the ones that have been begging to get out.

In this reading, our formidable Knight is leading us towards The World, so we can trust that identifying and expressing these feelings supports our personal growth and the world around us. If we march towards them deliberately - we're ready to go and protected with all that armor - and display them with the genuine self-expression and vulnerability of The World we might be surprised at how much our lives open up.

There's another option in these cards, too. The Seven of Swords introduces an element of self-deception. Some of these feelings have been buried and repressed, hidden from ourselves and those around us, and therefore cloaked in confusion. Part of us would like to bypass all this intensity - acknowledging our true feelings and seeing things as they are. Oh, yes, and the most important part: doing something about them.

The Seven of Swords wants to skip past all the hard stuff and move to the next level without doing the work. As you may have guessed, this doesn't work for long. Eventually these feelings catch up to us. We can either examine them now and tease apart their importance or do so later, but after things have become more confusing and even hurtful.

The beauty here is that The World is waiting for us, right here in the center. Paired with the Knight of Cups, we can see that clarity is closer than it's ever been and it's bringing a sense of wholeness. Though The World is an inherently joyous card it also makes room for the tenderness of being our true self in a constantly changing and unpredictable world. Our only constant is ourselves and how we choose to show up. Weaving together all the stands of life - difficult feelings included - gives us a sense of precious beauty and gratitude. 

Running away from difficult emotions, choosing to shove them away because they seem purely negative, cheats us of a sense of fulfillment and the self-trust that we'll be there for ourselves through the good and the bad. Embracing them and respecting them like the Knight of Cups not only restores our sense of agency, but may surprise us with the rapid healing and complex fulfillment that comes from self-love. The World is in our reach and there's room for every emotion and experience. 

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Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Knights

I have such a soft spot for the Knights in tarot. They have so much verve and energy! These are not a group of cards interested in concepts or abstractions. They want to get down and dirty, engaging with life in the hands-on, adventuresome style of someone on a mission. While the Pages are eager students, the Knights might be someone who lists "School of Life and Hard Knocks" on their facebook education section. They want to learn by doing and they're already diving into the task at hand.

In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.

I have such a soft spot for the Knights in tarot. They have so much verve and energy! These are not a group of cards interested in concepts or abstractions. They want to get down and dirty, engaging with life in the hands-on, adventuresome style of someone on a mission. While the Pages are eager students, the Knights might be someone who lists "School of Life and Hard Knocks" on their facebook education section. They want to learn by doing and they're already diving into the task at hand.

I often refer to the Knights as the teenagers in tarot. They have the same headstrong conviction and, like any rebellious youth, this attitude is also masking an endearing tenderness. Not fully formed as people, the Knights still have a lot to figure out, which is why these cards can also represent foolhardiness, irrational decision making, and risk-taking.

While the Knights can get themselves in a pickle by jumping the gun - saying something in anger or frustration, committing to a task they can't finish, or living in an idealized fantasy world - they also bring an incredible amount of energy and enthusiasm to any situation. Look to the Knights for the galvanizing force behind a big leap or the passion needed to get things going and inspire others. 

Each of the Knights comes with their own unique flavor. Let's explore their wild, engaging, and impetuous world below:

The  Knight of Wands is quite the handful. Just think about the combination of teenage energy + fiery wands! This card might possibly be the most charismatic of the deck. It brings with it passion, energy, and the desire to leap in and get things done.

For the Knight of Swords is much more cerebral. This is a card where the conceptual and the real come together for the Knight of Swords is all about testing out ideas. What might this theory look like in real life? How can we act on our principles or communicate our thoughts? This can sometimes get tricky since sharp swords are in the situation, but the intention is usually well-meaning.

The Knight of Cups is the romantic of the bunch. Think of the emo guy writing poetry in the back of class. This Knight has a way with words and imagery, loves art and poetry, and will sweep anyone off their feet with romantic promises. When it comes to real life, however, this card balks at anything less than glamorous and perfect and can become sullen and withdrawn.

Last but not least, The Knight of Pentacles brings the energy of the Knights back down to earth. The most practical of the bunch, this card is all about slow, deliberate, action. Concerned with cultivation and making plans into reality, this card can get stuck in their ways and become resistant to change. Is the path they're going on what they really want?

What about you? How do the Knights show up in your tarot practice? How do you relate to them personally? Share in the comments below, and be sure to do something bold and adventurous today in celebration of these zesty cards.

Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: March 26 - April 1

Pagan Otherworlds Tarot Knight of Cups The Magician Ten of Swords

I wanted to use The Pagan Otherworlds Tarot this morning to match the season. For some reason the nature-based feel of this deck reminds me of Spring. And interestingly enough, we have the flow and action of Spring coming through in the meanings of these cards. Though our direction and motivations seem a bit confused. 

We can see that The Knight of Cups and The Magician are facing away from each other. There's a sense here that our dreamy inclinations are in conflict with our desire to get things done. One one level we're looking forward, eager to make our mark on the world - charging ahead, creating, and changing. On the other we're feeling pulled to follow a pensive and more winding path. In other words, we want to charge full speed ahead, but our head is in the clouds.

What to do, then? The Ten of Wands shows us that we're prioritizing the practical over the romantic. The Magician's desire is to harness energy and create change. And that's certainly happening! We're finding our plates full this week, as we navigate multiple commitments, projects, and ideas. This enthusiasm, however, is disconnecting us from ourselves. In a way, we're experiencing a bit of an addiction to productivity. Quickly, the focus on The Magician is turning into the overwhelm of the Ten of Wands.

The Knight of Cups shows us another way. Perhaps we're feeling the call to squash our creative, passionate nature with a rush of busy energy. The Knight of Cups has the unbridled passion and at times bombastic emotion of a teenager and occupying his shoes can be vulnerable. This week we may find ourselves thinking that it's not practical to follow our whims or investigate curiosity for curiosity's sake. 

The Magician and the Ten of Wands are telling us that stifling this natural expression can lead to detachment and burnout. We can stop to smell the roses as we navigate all the tasks we need to accomplish. The Knight of Cups invites us to interject moments of beauty and pleasure, romance and imagination, into our daily lives. 

These acts, in fact, put the "magic" back in The Magician. It's easy to look at this card and see ideas of power, mastery, and creation. Yet The Magician also knows to leave space for inspiration. That strike of lightening is actually the key to all his accomplishments. With one hand raised and another pointing to the ground, The Magician is a conduit for this energy, not its master. All he has to do is lay out his tool in preparation for that important moment. 

Instead of skipping this key experience and fast forwarding to action - rushing mindlessly from one task for the next or doing for doings sake - The Knight of Cups reminds us that a starry-eyed and rapturous enjoyment of life is a key component to our productivity, not a detraction. So while we might feel that taking a walk in the middle of a big project is a frivolous waste of time, it may actually be the perfect condition for inspiration, breakthrough, and wisdom to strike. What's more, it allows us to fully inhabit ourselves so that when we make magic, we're making it from a grounded place. Our actions are meant to serve us, not sap our energy needlessly. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: July 17-23

Tarot Reading with the Tarot del Fuego

If this week has a theme it's moving from the cosmic to the practical.

We start out with the magnificant expansiveness of Ricardo Cavolo's interpretation of Temperance. The illustration does a wonderful job of opening up our ideas of balance to include all sorts of bright and beautiful possibilities. Here, balance is not about exact equality - making each side of the scale precisely the same - but the freedom that comes with living in the moment. Picture a gymnast walking across a balance beam, their ankles and feet making slight adjustments as they continue across with utter focus.

And then they launch into a stunning backflip. 

That's where we are this week. Feeling a renewed sense of confidence and clarity that's fueling our ambition and desire for exploration. We're capable of great things always, but this week  brings us a unique sense of alignment where our talents are free-flowing and at their best.

It's fitting then that we get a visit from the Knight of Cups, the idealistic go-getter of the tarot world. This card tells us that we're inspired by a deeper concept instead of just the action itself. External motivations like approval, success, and acceptance are all fine and dandy, but we have our eyes set on something with more meaning right now.

Is it an important cause? A beautiful insight we received when practicing the calm, centeredness of Temperance? A spiritual awakening? Identifying this seed and getting to know it will be very helpful in channeling all our energy in the days to come. Take the time to explore further so that you can charge ahead with a clear sense of direction.

If the Knights have a flaw it's one of short-sightedness, and for the Knight of Cups this comes with an idealistic twist. Ever the romantic, this card has a complicated relationship with reality. Having one's eyes to the stars can be a beautiful thing, but when you forget (or refuse to) look at the ground, things can get rocky. 

There may be a tendency in the days to come to willfully or innocently avoid considering "what's on the ground," - other people, relationships, responsibilities, etc. If any cards can strike a balance between the powerful forces of idealism and practicality it's Temeprance and the Knight of Cups. A creative, beautiful, and responsible solution is ours for the taking if we put our minds to it.

And it looks like that's exctly where we're heading. The Nine of Pentacles shows us entering into a period of bountiful stability. This is where the practical really comes into focus. It looks like balance, a wider perspective, and a hanful of energetic idealism was what we needed to see a vibrant sense of well-being in our material lives. Following our hearts can lead in a materially satisfying direction if only we believe in ourselves.

Whether it's an idea coming into fruition or a literal windfall, the end of the week holds great potential for abundance and good fortune. We'll be feeling lucky and well-off and just getting started on our journey. After all, the Knight of Cups is just about to leap from his cup. Where will his energy take us next?

Before we find out, it's a wonderful time to sit back and bask in what we have at our fingertips, enjoing our lives and sharing it with our close friends and family. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: April 17-23

Tarot Reading with Tarot del Fuego

This week sees us struggling with unearthing our intentions and expectations. There’s a tendency to bury ourselves in work – the kind that seems legitimate and even pressing. Underneath all the hubbub, however, there's something much more fun going on.

We’ve had a lot of this moth-about-to-burst-from-a-coccoon energy lately. It’s very of the moment, very Spring!

The two court cards – the Page of Swords and the Knight of Cups – show us that we’re doing a lot of growing right now, teasing out the meaning behind various impulses. The two most important for this week are our desire to communicate and our desire to seek out feelings. Both the Page and the Knight are young cards, meaning that these sides of ourselves are in the process of developing but haven’t integrated themselves into our identities. That is, we’re not so confident when it comes to expressing ourselves and going after what feels right in some arena in our lives right now.

So what is this? Perhaps it’s in our work. Are we feeling stretched thin yet unfulfilled? Maybe it’s showing up in a relationship. We’re feeling unheard, not able to truly be ourselves.

These feelings don’t have to mean anything conclusive, though being frazzled definitely adds some spice to life. But is it the spice that we want? Will it really make this dish taste any better?

We’re a little wiggly and awkward this week, but the intentions are good. The Page of Swords gives us a big advantage. We want to speak our truth and have the option to do some good inner work. If we take the time.

In this way, our reading gives us some options (though that’s always the case.) Rush ahead and barrel through these feelings and they should subside – the cards for this week don’t show anything too major and far-reaching. As we know well, however, the same things will pop up at some point down the road.

Why not use our boundless energy to play around with these feelings now?

How do we learn to talk, interact, and be in the world? Through play. Watch puppies cavorting with each other a) because it’s adorable and b) because it’s important. Though they do look cute, they’re also doing some real, serious work. And having a ball. We too can have these experiences as we grow this week.

If we choose to do so, the key will be accepting the gawky sides of our personalities with open arms and a sense of curiosity. We may stumble over our words as we try to communicate or rush headlong into a project without fully thinking things over. The lesson for this week is to embrace imperfection as part of the joy of leaning and becoming. It’s okay if we stumble or make a mistake! In fact, we might look just as endearing as those puppies.

So be kind and brave this week, especially to yourself. The stakes aren’t too high aside from the potential for very temporary embarrassment. Both the Page of Swords and the Knight of Cups show us yearning to get out and experiment. Our energy is plentiful and we’re not set in our ways. These are the perfect conditions for truly creative work and heart-warmingly vulnerable connections with others. Be eager, enaged, and excited. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: March 27-April 2

tarot reading with rider waite deck

What do we want out of life?

Yes, I know, what an epic question! But now is a good time to revisit our plans for the future. This can be big or small picture, by individual project or larger life goals. In either case, the cards for this week are directing our attention towards our ambitions.

Pay attention to your responses. Does the question make you feel energized, apprehensive, or neutral? No matter what you’re feeling, this week sees us all grappling with a sense of “what next?”

We enter the week with the affirming and powerful Chariot, a card that tells us our hard work has paid off in a satisfying, even epic way. We’ve made our parade through town, having achieved great things after harnessing our potential and persevering through hard work.

We can be assured this is no empty victory. We have both the scars and experience to prove it. Yet after mustering all that energy and creating something new, there’s a void in our lives. What do we fill the gap with on our way to the next project? How do we feel about ourselves when the external validation dies down?

Tellingly, we follow The Chariot with the King of Cups. We’re feeling like we’ve really accomplished something, at least enough to assume a position of authority and power of a king. Yet despite the mastery we see in the King of Cups, there’s an underlying sense of stagnation. With all their mastery, the Kings represent a set way of doing things that can lead to absolutism and entrenched thinking.

A far cry from the dynamic, go-getting energy of The Chariot.

This jump seems rife with “shoulds.” Are we acting like kings simply because we feel it’s what we should do next? Does getting what we want make us feel nervous and scared? Are we feeling like we need to repress these negative emotions and put on a cloak of authority to distance ourselves?

The King of Cups is a card that can distance from emotions like a true champion. This can be for good or bad. We need to be able to look beyond the tumult of our emotions when they threaten to overwhelm us. This is especially useful when dealing with the emotions of others in volatile situations.

But when it comes to the personal realm, too much detachment can be truly harmful. If we don’t know what we’re feeling, how can we make the decisions that are best for us? Perhaps the success of The Chariot has made us feel uneasy. Getting what we want can have unintended consequences. If that was possible, we might wonder, what else can I do?

This open ended question is the natural habitat of self-doubt and restrictive thinking. Because we don’t know what will happen next, we’re able to fill this space with uncertainty and negative thoughts. This can be even more powerful after a big accomplishment. What if we never do anything as good again? What if that’s all we’ve got?

Running to a King of Cups stance – being emotionally detached, calm, and stable – makes perfect sense. Who can critique someone who is knowledgeable and judicious? Not many people, but who wants to rule when there are other adventures to be had out there in the world?

This brings us to the Knight of Cups, a card that tells us we need to build on the pioneering energy of The Chariot and continue seeking new experiences. We’re not ready to settle down into a Kingly role just yet. We have too much youthful vim and vigor, too much ambition and creative thinking.

Now is a time to embrace our ambition, get adventurous and romantic in our thinking, and find the next invigorating project to propel us forward.

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