Weekly Forecast: October 31 - November 6
I am so glad to see the Queen of Wands back in our reading for the week. I’ll be honest; while I love this card, I was really not feeling it last week. Charismatic ease and vivacious individuality were not shining through into my everyday life with ease! But because of this, I found myself having to strive for this archetype, choosing to embody it despite not feeling up to snuff or at my best.
I am so glad to see the Queen of Wands back in our reading for the week. I’ll be honest; while I love this card, I was really not feeling it last week. Charismatic ease and vivacious individuality were not shining through into my everyday life with ease! But because of this, I found myself having to strive for this archetype, choosing to embody it despite not feeling up to snuff or at my best.
Which is all to say that I’m glad this card is back at the end of our reading, giving us a sense of direction. How are we walking towards a greater sense of authenticity? We have unfinished business with the Queen of Wands, and this is the week to explore her further.
So, before we dive into the rest of our reading, take a moment to reflect on how this card showed up for you last week. Were you struggling with it like me or did charm, wit, and creativity come easily to you? One thing that emerged as I wrestled with this card was its connection to unabashed authenticity. The Queen of Wands cannot be anything other than his, her, or themself. How have you been embracing your idiosyncrasies as the sources of your power and magnetism?
If some key piece of information around this question appeared last week, this is the week to build upon it by making a direct offering. What steps can we take towards letting our true selves shine?
Our first stop is the loopy Seven of Cups. It’s time for inspiration-overload. Let yourself get dreamy and imaginative at the beginning of the week. It’s okay if your thoughts feel scrambled and linear thinking isn’t coming easily. This card shows us the power of diving into the weirdness of our imaginations. Sometimes we have to envision multiple, outlandish futures in order to discover the parts and pieces we need to construct what’s just right for us. Not to mention the fact that so little is, at the end of the day, in our control. Stretching our imaginations primes us to accept bigger possibilities when they arrive. Devote time to hopping from inspiration to inspiration. Poetry, art, magic, daydreaming, actual dreaming… all of these can be found in the strange land of the Seven of Cups.
It’s also a helpful reminder that periods of feeling adrift, off-course, or simply unproductive are key to finding a way forward that resonates with our hearts. We are in series of cups cards here, a reminder that our feeling selves have a lot to tell us at the moment. Don’t turn up your nose at your desire for love, beauty, and connection. Revel in the mystery, have fun, dream big, and maybe move more pressing, detail-oriented tasks towards the end of the week.
Sometimes the Seven of Cups can be a frustrating card, especially for those of us who value clear plans and actionable steps. It’ll take a bit of a trust fall, but after some splashing around in the pools of imagination, we’re emerging with energy and purpose. The Knight of Cups shows us grasping a new area of focus, or rather, a better articulated one. Have you been toying around with a wish, dream, or plan, but feel the need for it to be more direct and understandable? It’s likely that this clarity is coming your way this week. In what ways are you better able to articulate your wishes and desires after opening up your heart to imagining?
Knights have a hard-headedness to them that can often be troublesome, but this week we need some bravado and insouciance to push ourselves to the next level. Don’t be afraid of asking for a lot, passionately declaring your principles, and striving for big ideals. It’s a time to take chances, particularly the ones that resonate on a deeply meaningful level. The Knight of Cups is a true romantic; they see life in the brightest spectrum of colors (much like, nerd alert, those mantis shrimp with 12-16 photoreceptor cells to our three) and have no qualms taking risks for beauty, transcendence, and love.
Striving unapologetically for what we love and desire, romantically and otherwise, is leading us back to the Queen of Wands, this time with a newfound appreciation and understanding of our unique selves. Consider how the risks you take build on your confidence, giving you the power to change your life and to express yourself more freely.
This week, embrace:
Imagining new paths
Reevaluating, re-vivifying your creative rituals and practices
Acting on what means the most to you
Taking chances
Your leadership abilities & responsibilities
This week, avoid:
Fear of the spotlight
Hiding behind excuses
Being overly practical
Get creative:
Seven of Cups: Take a nice chunk of time to lay out some dishy, daydreamy plans. Seven of them. Give yourself five minutes for each, writing out only the best possible outcome. Stretch into the delightful details, especially if they’re outlandish; how could each be uniquely wonderful? Enjoy yourself. That’s it.
Knight of Cups: This knight belongs on the cover of a romance novel. Lean into this image, even (and especially) if it feels cheesy. How can you sashay into your own life and the lives of others bringing charm, beauty, and romance? Act as an emissary for something that’s delighting you: share it with unbridled enthusiasm with the people you encounter. Bring the wonder you want to see in the world into others’ lives.
Queen of Wands: Dedicate yourself to joy this week. This card sees each moment of pleasure & joy as a gift, a sign that you’re on the right track. As tarot luminary Rachel Pollack writes, “Sometimes if a person loves life, the world appears to respond by protecting that person from harm and sends her of him joyous experiences.” When you notice something delightful happening, stop and let yourself take in the moment, metabolizing it so that it can fuel you moving forward. Close your eyes, feel it all, and give thanks.
Weekly Forecast: October 24-31
We have quite the shakeup on the horizon this week, and I’m happy to report it isn’t one of the earth-shattering variety. There are no Towers in sight, no cataclysms or pratfalls. Instead, the Wheel of Fortune appears, spinning us out of one mode and into another. If things have been feeling stale, confusing, or overwhelming know that it’s temporary. In fact, know that whatever you’re feeling, it’s about to change, because if it’s about anything, the Wheel of Fortune is about impermanence, transience, and movement.
We have quite the shakeup on the horizon this week, and I’m happy to report it isn’t one of the earth-shattering variety. There are no Towers in sight, no cataclysms or pratfalls. Instead, the Wheel of Fortune appears, spinning us out of one mode and into another. If things have been feeling stale, confusing, or overwhelming know that it’s temporary. In fact, know that whatever you’re feeling, it’s about to change, because if it’s about anything, the Wheel of Fortune is about impermanence, transience, and movement.
And who thrives in these conditions? It’s the vivacious and capable Queen of Wands. Note what’s been changing in your life lately; sometimes the Wheel of Fortune shows a subtle gradation - a storm that gathers slowly and then unleashes its rain, leaving the land transformed afterwards.
What quiet messages have you been hearing lately? Whether they’re intriguing ideas flickering at the edge of your consciousness or alluring points of curiosity you’re just starting to explore, this week they’ll be coming into satisfying focus. What’s more, we’ll be feeling poised and ready to act on them.
In fact, as I look over at our cards, I’m struck by how direct they are, as if the Wheel of Fortune, once it stops spinning, spits us out onto a clear and fast track. This is definitely not a week to second guess ourselves or our good fortune. The Queen of Wands is a capable and energizing card and it tells us that we’re ready to make things happen in a way that’s both enjoyable and sustainable. In true wands fashion, the only thing that can slow us down is getting stuck in our heads.
So, if it feels good, exciting, and expansive - do it. Let yourself be at the center of attention, making decisions, and expressing yourself in any and all directions you feel called to. Remember, the court cards in tarot are the most responsible and experienced of their group. If you feel surprised in a change in your confidence or the support and admiration you’re receiving, don’t waste time second-guessing it. The wands have excellent instincts and thrive in doing, no card more so than this queen.
It’s worth exploring the changes that brought us here. What fog have you been stumbling through lately? And how might emerging on the other side give you the perspective needed to understand your confusion and any misgivings about the future? The Three of Wands shows us ending the week with a much better idea of our next step. Consider revisiting old projects or plans that have atrophied or stalled out. You may find a new jolt of inspiration that puts you back on track again.
The Three of Wands also invites us to rest for a moment, basking in the glow of our achievements. There’s plenty of time to work, hone our plans, and push forward. Be sure to pace yourself and let the power of the Wheel of Fortune and Queen of Wands sink in.
This week, embrace:
Launching new projects
Public speaking & engagements
Organizing/inspiring/galvanizing groups
Refining plans
This week, avoid:
Second-guessing good luck, compliments, accolades
Ceding authority to others
Shrinking yourself to compensate for others’ insecurities
Rushing new ideas, projects, or relationships
Get creative:
Wheel of Fortune: This week, the Wheel of Fortune is more of a receding influence, which is helpful since this card can be extremely confusing! So, given that we have some extra perspective, take some time to revisit the big shifts in your life recently and how you were able to navigate them well. Coming out of the Wheel of Fortune and immediately into the Queen of Wands is no small feat. How has all the spinning smoothed and polished you like a rough stone in a rock tumbler? If you want to riff on this further, find a gloriously smooth stone and carry it with you as a reminder of your transformation.
Queen of Wands: Ah, this card! We can have so much fun with the Queen of Wands that I almost don’t want to limit us with a suggestion. So, here are some suggestionS! Go out dancing, pitch a wild and exciting idea, launch a passion project, make people swoon with your charisma. And while you’re at it, buy yourself a bunch of sunflowers.
Three of Wands: Put on your sturdiest shoes, go on a walk, and ask yourself gently: what’s the next step I need to take on a project I’m excited about?
Weekly Forecast: August 5-11
The coming days have us struggling to reconcile the uncertainty of our future with the conviction of our inner calling. We're moving towards some unstable territory - the good old fashioned unknown.
The coming days have us struggling to reconcile the uncertainty of our future with the conviction of our inner calling. We're moving towards some unstable territory - the good old fashioned unknown.
What tools are we bringing with us? It's the restless intellect of the Knight of Swords and the headstrong charisma of the Queen of Wands. Not too shabby. So why is the Five of Coins appearing next?
Ruin and misfortune are serious topics. Yet they're also scene-stealers. We can bring them up (and, unfortunately, other can as well) to derail any future movement away from what's familiar. This most commonly comes up around money: what if we become destitute, ruined, and make a fatal error?
The fact that this line of thought often goes to the catastrophic so quickly is a big hint: Anxiety might be leading this inquiry instead of prudence or wisdom.
Let's return to our court cards because they're showing us something fairly new and radical. The Knight of Swords, an intrepid seeker, is moving away from the Five of Coins. We can see he's struggling uphill against some force, yet his path is a gorgeous rainbow array of colors.
This week it appears that we're moving away from old, apocalyptic ideas about money and pioneering new, more authentic territory. It's not easy, that's for sure, but there's a huge well of energy and inspiration keeping us moving and motivated.
What fearful ideas around money and material security are coming up for us now? Where might they originate from? How are they helping or hindering our growth? Taking time to explore these questions will help ease our path forward and shed some light into an area that's often tangled with expectations from society, our cultures, and our families.
It can be frightening to step away from the traditional ways of doing things or to find that you value a security that's outside of the norm. Fortunately, the norm is so restrictive that there is so much outside. The energy this week could manifest itself in the desire to take some time off, relax instead of pushing through a new project, or, on the more extreme end of the spectrum, start taking a new career path more seriously.
Whatever form it takes for you, the radiant Queen of Wands is right in the center, mediating between the passionate questioning of the Knight of Swords and the doom and gloom of the Five of Coins. This powerful archetype is directing us to center our decisions around ourselves and to make them with the goal of amplifying our joy, reach, and energy.
Perhaps the Five of Coins, after a small crisis of confidence, is simply a reminder that you'd feel more confident and free after paying down your credit card debt and then investing in a new course. Rather than swinging to the worst case scenario - being evicted out on the street because you spent money on something you're interested in! - this card brings us to our center. What makes us feel best. It's usually a combination of things, and we're the only ones who can figure out the right mixture.
Additionally, this card highlights a more tender aspect to our reading. You'll notice that the Five of Coins in the only card with two figures. There can be closeness in suffering, and it's worth asking whether adhering to some limiting or anxiety-producing ideas about what you can have or do is keeping you close to someone
The Queen of Wands asks us to consider what we really want and to expand into the reality that going for it in a balanced way will open us up further to both ourselves and the people around us.
And, finally, let's take one last look at the Knight of Swords. With his back turned towards the Five of Coins, he's asking new questions and bravely pushing towards his own truth. It seems like we're ready to chart our own path and discover answers that are more complex, radiant, and truthful for ourselves. .
Summer Solstice Tarot Reading on Open Magic Podcast
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling transformed after the Summer Solstice this past week.
And, in case you missed it, I did a special tarot reading looking at the energy and opportunities springing from this time of the year.
A delightful spread from Spirit Speak’s Apparition Tarot Deck
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling transformed after the Summer Solstice this past week.
And, in case you missed it, I did a special tarot reading looking at the energy and opportunities springing from this time of the year.
This far reaching reading looks at the next half of 2019 and dives in to the archetypes we’ll be leaving behind and the opportunities for growth and celebration emerging in the future.
Give it a listen below or find it wherever you get your podcasts. (And do leave us a review if you feel inspired, it helps more than you know!)
All the Best,
Weekly Forecast: February 25 - March 3
This week's energy combines the dreaminess of imagination with the refreshing clarity of decisiveness. Rarely are such crowd-pleasing cards seen in the same spread: the gorgeous cups with the charismatic Queen of Wands. So what does it all mean?
This week's energy combines the dreaminess of imagination with the refreshing clarity of decisiveness. Rarely are such crowd-pleasing cards seen in the same spread: the gorgeous cups with the charismatic Queen of Wands. So what does it all mean?
Well, for starters there's a distinct order to these cards, and it's one that might feel a bit indulgent at first glance. This week the Ace of Cups is leading the way and it's our job to follow its effusive and nurturing example.
When we see aces in any reading it's a welcome sign that a gift is entering our lives. This gift can be literal, but more often than not it's more of a shift in focus and mood. The Ace of Cups centers around the joy and inspiration that arises from authentic and loving connections. What more beautiful way to illustrate this than a cup overflowing into a fountain of water with a chipper bluebird and stunning lotus floating above?
There's certainly an element of good luck to the aces, and that requires us being brave enough to reach out and claim the good fortune that's coming our way. Since this bit of bliss is tied to the cups, we need to be especially alert for any negative self-talk around emotions. The only enemy to the bounty of the aces is our inability to welcome them into our lives.,
If we feel undeserving or blocked, we risk blocking this welcome and important change. A shadow side to this ace is that when we let go and accept goodness - allowing ourselves to feel excited or joyful - we can sometimes open the door to other feelings as well. As a wise man once told me, tears are just drops of water moving freely. Feeling our feelings without judgment is one of the biggest gifts we can give ourselves. And leaning into them is opening up a huge range of possibilities.
So let things be sweet and tender this week. Notice how it makes you feel to look at life as if it's supporting you, not fighting against you. And adopt a healthy dose of romantic whimsy. The Ace of Cups is leading to the Seven of Cups, one of my favorite trickster cards. Here, we see a massive creative outburst. Where we once felt stuck we now see a glimmering array of choices, paths, and options.
This can be as delightful as it is destabilizing. How on earth do we choose? But before we rush into decision-making we can learn a lot from observing and exploring. What is tickling our fancy, after all? And how did we get to a place where the world seems to bloom with options? It's worth remembering what brought us here so we can call upon the same forces when we feel stuck in the future. Digging a little deeper can give us insight into the conditions we need to thrive.
Most importantly, however, this week is teaching us about the pivotal role of inspiration in our lives. Opening up and following what makes our heart sing through the Ace of Cups is opening up a whole new vista. And while the cups often get pigeonholed into themes of romance, they also have a beautiful lesson about connectivity and personal fulfillment. Following what's emotionally satisfying and invigorating can be shockingly effective. After all, our reason often catches up after the fact.
Which, for the impatient among us, is where the Queen of Wands comes in. This card brings some gravitas to the first two. Seeing her shows us that this moment, though we might think of it as a bit too far-fetched or veering away from the practical/responsible, is a key part of our process right now. We have to follow our hearts to know what to do next.
The Queen of Wands is a card of passionate decisiveness. She acts with energy and is unapologetic about following her path. Like her, we conclude the week feeling secure in our next moves, not because they make complete logical sense or sound impressive to others, but because we took the time to identify what we truly love. What's more certain or inspiring than that?
Weekly Forecast: January 7-13
I love the combination of flexibility and diligence animating this week's forecast. We're going to be thrown back into the fray of life, that's for sure. Yet where the wands can sometimes be led to quick burnout, the pentacles featured here serve to ground and stabilize us. Looking at our work and daily lives with creativity and determination can be invigorating, no matter how much we find on our to-do lists.
I love the combination of flexibility and diligence animating this week's forecast. We're going to be thrown back into the fray of life, that's for sure. Yet where the wands can sometimes be led to quick burnout, the pentacles featured here serve to ground and stabilize us. Looking at our work and daily lives with creativity and determination can be invigorating, no matter how much we find on our to-do lists.
We can see these cards as a nice set of instructions. Embracing the levity and innovation of the Two of Pentacles - working with what we've got in new and unexpected ways - will better acquaint us with what we're really working with. And, most satisfyingly, what really requires our attention.
In the Eight of Pentacles we roll up our sleeves and get lost in the task of doing. It's satisfying work and if we allow this focus to be a place of rejuvenation, we can hop out of it and into the forward-looking confidence of the Queen of Wands.
Thinking about this week in elemental terms can help shake up the drudgery so often associated with work and obligation. If we've been feeling burnt out (thrown from the wildness of holiday season back into the other wildness of everyday life, perhaps?) these cards, especially the Two of Pentacles, tell us that there's a reason why we're doing what we're doing. In other words, finding the fire (wands) that set us off on this journey (earth/pentacles) in the first place can help bring focus back into our life.
Reacquainting ourselves with that initial spark and shaking things up in small doses can help lighten the mood, too. How can we put a little skip in our step, enlivening the routines and projects that have to get done? It doesn't have to be so heavy when we're calling the shots and doing the work.
The Two of Pentacles is such a jaunty card. Just look at this zesty red outfit! (And that hat!) Bringing joy into our tasks is an easy choice we can make. Not only does it make us feel far better, but it also radiates an irresistible energy outwards. Who says that seriousness equals good work? And what small choices can we make to reignite the personal meaning and fun in what we do?
Having the Eight of Pentacles directly after wards tells us that adopting a playful attitude is actually helping us to focus and hone in on what's most important. And once we do it's time to get lost in the art of doing. This is shaping up to be a massively productive week, particularly if we accept and make room for the need to play, joke, and take ourselves a little less seriously.
If this all seems a little too prosaic, don't worry. Towards the end of the week we're feeling enlivened and empowered - ready for new adventures. With the Queen of Wands we can welcome a sense of earning our power and standing. The work we do is likely to be well-received and personally satisfying. Once it's complete, we'll want to get out and be seen: bright and shiny and unencumbered by the pressing deadlines we've met so swimmingly.
This Week Encourages
Focus, levity in work, creative problem solving, thinking outside of the box, work, self-confidence, socialization
This Week Isn't a Time for...
Dilly-dallying, resisting change, inflexibility, starting new projects, self-seriousness, distraction
Weekly Forecast: December 10-16
Finding harmony with others can be wildly enriching. We've all experienced the joys of working with a good team, whether it's on a passion project or in a more formal work situation. Tasks flow smoothly, each person's talents can shine, and, perhaps most importantly, it's enlivening and fun.
Finding harmony with others can be wildly enriching. We've all experienced the joys of working with a good team, whether it's on a passion project or in a more formal work situation. Tasks flow smoothly, each person's talents can shine, and, perhaps most importantly, it's enlivening and fun.
Conversely, we've also all known the depths of despair that come along with poorly functioning collaborative relationships. (Are grade school group projects coming to mind for anyone?) Egos clash, feelings get hurt, and projects flounder.
Luckily, we're being gifted with the harmonious and fun type of collaboration this week, though the memories of past challenges will need some confronting if we're going to enjoy this wholeheartedly. At some level we believe that we can't be ourselves completely when in a group - that the Three of Cups' celebration and uplift doesn't belong with the diligence and progress of the Eight of Coins. Especially if we're to honor our true selves.
In this way, The Hermit might seem like a card of avoidance. Are we retreating into ourselves to turn away from these potential pitfalls? This is a Major Arcana card, however, and its message is more complex. Here, we have a choice: take the easy road and separate ourselves to maintain our individuality (and risk disappointment or rejection) or build in a deeper understanding of ourselves that can flourish in contact with others. Maybe there's nothing to be afraid of when joy and ease are present. It can be this good, after all.
The Eight of Coins and the Three of Cups are so positive that they push us towards a new way of being whether we're mentally ready for it or not. In this case, ease and joy and happiness are the signs of something important at work. Resisting the urge to see these feelings as contrary to productivity or serious work is important. We can have both at the same time and, in fact, the harmony of the Three of Cups might be the missing piece we've been seeking that will take us to the next level.
This is a time to ease into the richness of support and collaboration at our fingertips. We can trust the intentions of those we work with if they make us feel supported, excited, and galvanized. In this way, the Three of Cups has more wisdom than it may seem. After all, mutual encouragement and enthusiasm don't come out of nowhere. Finding this with other people is an important sign of compatibility we can lean into.
The cards for this week urge us to follow this bliss - to step away from the intense self-motivation of the Eight of Coins that, although it has brought us quite far, is now fading into the past. We need the zest of other people's input and the power of delegation and inspiration. We don't have to go it alone or do everything ourselves. That strategy is now limiting us in the face of some exciting change.
As we step into a more social model the old fears of being reliant on others - or our inability to truly be ourselves in a group - sneak into the picture. We can, however, look to The Hermit for guidance. How can we maintain a connection to ourselves while partaking in joyous community? I like to think of this card as one we can work with in bite sized pieces. There's no need to go "full hermit" and journey off into the mountains for a month-long silent retreat. Instead, we can find ways to seek moments of silence, introspection, and self-care with the goal of checking in with ourselves.
The Hermit can be a deep breath to center ourselves, a walk around the block to clear our heads, or a simple check-in with what we want, feel, or think in the moment. We can be fully present and contribute to something bigger than ourselves while being utterly and completely ourselves. And that's how the joy of the Three of Cups becomes possible, opening up so many wider opportunities for growth and connection.
Weekly Forecast: December 3-9
One of the most magical and frustrating things about life is that it can be many things at once: amazing and overwhelming, joyful and bittersweet, challenging and gratifying, enlivening and tiring. And so many more combinations...
One of the most magical and frustrating things about life is that it can be many things at once: amazing and overwhelming, joyful and bittersweet, challenging and gratifying, enlivening and tiring. And so many more combinations...
This sensation will be especially strong in the coming days. It seems like there are many moving parts to take care of, as if we've been learning to juggle with two balls and our nefarious teacher keeps on throwing new ones in until we're barely able to keep things straight.
In other words, we're operating a above and beyond our comfort zone. Surprisingly, we're pulling it off, though we might be feeling frazzled in the process.
This is all possible because on the other end of the spectrum we're experiencing a huge wealth of satisfaction, support, and security. The Ten of Pentacles gives us an earthly anchor so that we can rush around in the heady world of the Ten of Wands. This is a tension to take advantage of and these cards invite us to dance between these two realities, taking refuge in the comforts we've been cultivating and then returning to the fray.
Because while the wands cards can lead to burnout, this reading tells us that we're supposed to be playing in this charged environment. The Mother of Wands (aka the Queen in a standard deck) encourages us to see the end goal of this process. We're being asked to look at our actions and experiences so that we can make an informed decision about what's truly important.
So we can look at all the hustle and bustle of the Ten of Wands like an experiment. We have to gather all the data to truly understand what's important. How do all these tasks make us feel? The wands need this experience to make decisions. Without it there can be a sense of wistful incompleteness. What if we miss out on something? What if that was actually the best way forward? It's important for us right now to be immersed in the realities of the Ten of Wands so we can make some important, informed decisions in the future.
Thinking on these terms can add some dignity and agency to the tangle of wands we're grappling with in the coming days. And, fortunately, the end goal is not to live like this forever. Rather, we're searching hard-won clarity and now is the time to really get to know the actions that populate our lives. Because once we have all the information - once we know how all these tasks feel - we can focus in on what's most important.
The Mother of Wands sees us identifying and centering on a unifying goal. We go from ten wands to one, and this single wand is allowed into the innermost part of our lives. The guiding questions here are "what is my overaching goal?" and "how can I align my actions to it?"
Returning to the Ten of Pentacles can help us gain some insight here. We have a rich life already. Our tasks, actions, and goals can support that magic and amplify it, instead of detracting us from what grounds us and gives us meaning.
Ultimately, we're reaching an important realization that will simplify our lives. But for the moment we're still in the fray, gathering information. Let it be exhilarating and maybe a little entertaining. The pieces will be falling into place soon, so we might as well enjoy the wildness while it lasts.
Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Queens
Queens are having quite a cultural moment now, from the ubiquitous "Yaas Queen" (or Kween, Qween, etc.) to the trend of calling admired celebrities "Queens." And, indeed, who could resist this powerful archetype?
The Queens in tarot share the work of ruling with the Kings. Though they are traditionally gendered as female, they can represent anyone who embodies their energies. As rulers they've mastered their suit but, unlike the Kings, they're more interested in expressing this power creatively rather than authoritatively.
In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.
Queens are having quite a cultural moment now, from the ubiquitous "Yaas Queen" (or Kween, Qween, etc.) to the trend of calling admired celebrities "Queens." And, indeed, who could resist this powerful archetype?
The Queens in tarot share the work of ruling with the Kings. Though they are traditionally gendered as female, they can represent anyone who embodies their energies. As rulers they've mastered their suit but, unlike the Kings, they're more interested in expressing this power creatively rather than authoritatively.
Each Queen focuses on their suit and element with an open curiosity. When they appear in readings they denote periods of openness, power, and expressiveness. They're flexible, dynamic, and irresistibly in tune with themselves. As such, they make for inspiring cards that combine competence with awareness of the world around them.
The Queens ask us to see how we're using our abilities. Are we hiding it from ourselves, shrinking from the spotlight? Being in control doesn't have to mean being closed off, stuck, or harsh. Accepting these cards can lead to great personal satisfaction and public support and acclaim.
Let's take a closer look at how this stance is reflected in each suit:
Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings
The Queen of Wands is perhaps the most overtly charismatic of the group. She's learned to ground the fiery passion of wands in actions and values. She's a vivacious presence in any situation, creative and charming, but also dependable and fiercely independent.
The Queen of Swords is just, respected, and intellectually formidable. Weilding a powerful understanding of the world and how it works she is an expert at navigating tricky situations, condensing complex issues into simpler truths, and making hard decisions. Always a trusted advisor, this Queen trusts her perceptions and revels in learning about the world around her.
The Queen of Cups is adept at navigating the waters of emotion and connection. She's able to hold space for others while honoring her own experience. Always caring and receptive, she sees the talents in all she encounters and delights in fostering connections and building alliances. A natural healer, this Queen wants to awaken people to their intuition and spirituality.
And finally, the Queen of Pentacles shows up in the world with magnetic decadence. Deeply connected to the natural world and all its pleasures, she has built an impressive life for herself and knows how to be practical and pragmatic in order to live the life she wants. Valuing coziness and deeper meaning, she uses her resources to aid others and better the world.
What about you? How do the Queens show up in your tarot practice? How do you relate to them personally? Share in the comments below, and be sure to do something bold and adventurous today in celebration of these formidable and alluring cards.