Weekly Forecast: January 9-15
It’s time to give ourselves the structure, security, and protection we need in order to finish a long process of grieving.
Light stuff, right?
It’s time to give ourselves the structure, security, and protection we need in order to finish a long process of grieving.
Light stuff, right?
Our first weekly reading for 2023 is presenting us with a call to arms, and in some ways I’m happy to see this assertive energy in a time that can sometimes feel diffuse or dreamy. If your’e not a fan of New Year’s resolutions or drawing gentle conclusions out of complicated circumstances, The Emperor is a card for you. How can you step into your role as the authority in your life? This image is confrontational and imposing for a reason; it’s likely that this will be a time for us to take public stands, assert boundaries, and take action to shape our lives in ways that can protect our energy, integrity, and accomplishments.
This isn’t, in other words, a time to be overly polite, compromise on issues that really matter, or equivocate. For some of us this can be a challenge, and it’s actually quite likely that a challenge is what’s bringing us to this place. Notice where you’ve been backed into a corner, confronted, or forced to take a stand. How might this experience be teaching you something valuable about yourself?
The Emperor is a card that asks us to take up space and acknowledge that, in doing so, we may have to protect ourselves in the process. You’'ll notice that this figure has a suit of armored boots poking out from under their robes; taking the time to make sure your (healthy) defenses are up will be immensely helpful in the days to come. Dress to negotiate, but make sure your suit of armor is polished and ready for battle, too.
So, have you noticed the card in the center yet? Yes, The Ten of Swords is making an appearance this week, but it’s not telling us that our strides under the influence of The Emperor are destructive or foolhardy. Instead, this card is alerting us to a painful but necessary ending, one that has to do with our perceptions and ideas of reality and ourselves. Is adopting a more proactive, authoritative role in your life ruffling feathers or pinpointing relationships that aren’t supportive? Does taking action to make changes in your life illuminate failures (real or perceived) in your past?
While it’s not a pleasant card to experience, The Ten of Swords is the important conclusion to a long story. When our load of swords - ideas, values, memories, communications - becomes too much to bear we collapse. What limit have you reached this week? It’s important to grant yourself all the grace and patience you require during this time. Feel it all and try not to analyze your experience too much - the last thing you need is more swords in your life. Instead, notice what hurts and gently start to remove it from your life by either walking away, saying goodbye, or making this important transition to a new phase.
And what would this new phase be? We have the jarringly celebratory Six of Wands on the other side of this scenario. This is a situation in tarot where it seems like things are happening on two levels: personally, we’re experiencing a necessary but painful contraction - looking inwards to release our “old swords” causing us injury - and publicly, we’re embracing our leadership and taking a stand to shape our lives (and likely, careers) in ways that are leading to immediate success.
It’ll be important this week to make room for our very tender internal journey through the Ten of Swords so that we can be present for the big strides happening via The Emperor and the Six of Wands. Can you feel like a puddle and be celebrated? This reading certainly thinks so, and it’ll be our challenge to let in support, celebration, and success while dealing with a painful and ultimately healing transition.
Potential surprise/reframe:
When I went to photograph this reading I was struck by the pair of The Ten of Swords and Six of Wands and thought of this question: How might falling on your face actually be a huge victory? The swords are a poised group of cards and they always want to find a neat and tidy narrative. Messiness, in other words, is what they try to avoid at all costs… until things become too much, hence this hot mess situation with ten swords in your back. In our reading, however, this is followed by the victory parade of the Six of Wands. Pay special attention this week to what is actually happening over what you’re thinking. It’s likely that people around you are lifting you up, maybe even impressed by your resilience, seeing achievements in your struggles where you may not have the perspective to recognize them as such.
THis week, embrace:
Taking a stand
Advocating for yourself & your best interests
Noticing what’s injuring you
Self-compassion and rest
Praise, opportunity, and support
This week. avoid:
Backing down or ceding progress
Overanalyzing suffering or discomfort instead of simply feeling through it
Over-scheduling (this is definitely a time to clear as much space as possible)
False modesty
Weekly Forecast: September 16-22
What do we really want?
This week is bringing us a wonderful sense of focus and curiosity towards our inner life. Yes, I'm talking about The Hermit, the solitary hero of the tarot. Despite their wizened look and connotations of reclusiveness (and, perhaps, eccentricity), The Hermit is an immensely charismatic character. They embody the type of authenticity that's unafraid to chart new territory or look odd. If it fits and is personally important, it's a part of who you are.
What do we really want?
This week is bringing us a wonderful sense of focus and curiosity towards our inner life. Yes, I'm talking about The Hermit, the solitary hero of the tarot. Despite their wizened look and connotations of reclusiveness (and, perhaps, eccentricity), The Hermit is an immensely charismatic character. They embody the type of authenticity that's unafraid to chart new territory or look odd. If it fits and is personally important, it's a part of who you are.
At least that's what The Hermit teaches us.
Practicing this brave inner-alignment can be a challenge in the wider world. There are so many choices we need to make at any given time, from the relentless minutiae of everyday life to the bigger, crossroads-style choices that mark major life chapters. How can we keep grounded in ourselves amidst all this pressure?
Having The Lovers at our right points us in the direction of the "major life chapter" type of choice this week, which makes it all the more important to keep the small choices from adding up to serious fatigue. We need our energy, so it's essential that we say no to what doesn't matter, paving way for what's essential in the larger scheme of things. For The Hermit, this is not an issue; they're used to turning their back on anything that's a waste of time or energy with impressive ease.
Our reading is encouraging us to give ourselves plenty of time to think and regroup as we deliberate our next steps. Yet this isn't a slinking, cowardly retreat or procrastination. It's a wonderful, energizingly rebellious stand against our busy culture. We can stake out personal territory to think and feel things through, popular opinion be damned.
In the center of our reading we have the Six of Wands, a card that tells us we're doing this all in the service of our success. In other words, we're being smart here! So let's have fun with the time we can give ourselves; let's take our own counsel seriously.
With this in mind, The Hermit seems to be pointing to parts of ourselves that need integrating. Are there needs, preferences, or personality traits that we can celebrate instead of try to cure or fix? Are there some things we can just accept and love about ourselves instead of trying to change? Look to areas where you felt different, shunned, or shamed - how can you stand up for yourself and give yourself the uncompromising acceptance of The Hermit?
In fact, these parts may be the deciding factors in navigating this upcoming choice successfully. And I don't mean in an external, societally-approved way. Rather, embracing our weirdness may be the key to finding the right option that will lift us up in the long run.
Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 3
We have the charismatic ease of the Wands at our backs as we enter into this week. The Six is a particularly encouraging card, one that points to the happy rush of an achievement. Hard work is paying off, bringing us to a moment where we're being seen for all that we do.
We have the charismatic ease of the Wands at our backs as we enter into this week. The Six is a particularly encouraging card, one that points to the happy rush of an achievement. Hard work is paying off, bringing us to a moment where we're being seen for all that we do.
Whenever the Six of Wands shows up it directs us towards joining in on the celebration of our own achievements. All the cheering in the world means nothing if we can't join in ourselves. It takes courage to see ourselves riding confidently on a horse, laurel wreaths held high like the main figure in this card. But here we are. Moving forward and being seen as go-getters, visionaries, and creators.
And where are we headed? The Hierophant is an arresting card to have facing out at us from the center of this reading. The energy and enthusiasm of the Six of Wands isn't as superficial as we might think. Something about our recent ventures is tapping into a deeper side of ourselves. The Hierophant is a teacher and keeper of secrets. Though they are sometimes buried under all the overt religious symbolism in the card, The Hierophant can be further distilled into a representation of inner truths being respected, amplified, and directed outwards.
This card is asking us to consider what we're taking more seriously in our lives. How has all the action and movement of the Six of Wands been changing our beliefs? Or, from another angle, how have our actions lately been reflecting a cherished value or cause? In this reading, the impulsive nature of the wands is acting as a helpful catalyst. We're finding ourselves already embodying something important that may even be making us feel a little frightened and exposed.
I say this because our final card, the Four of Pentacles, takes the forward moving expansion of the Six of Wands and the solemn sacredness of The Hierophant and tries to reign it in through practicality. Just look at the change in body language. Proud movement and celebration arriving at regal presence and presentation and then... clinging?
Why interrupt our parade towards deeper understanding with restrictive behavior? The suit of pentacles deals with everyday life, stability, and practicality. On one hand, a great deal of magic and meaning can be found here, but in this reading we have the Four, a card that illustrates the act of hiding behind duty, conservatism, and common sense. We're experiencing expansion and somehow seeing danger. So we're being tempted to shut down, to bury our burgeoning ideas and changing selves under the guise of being extra-responsible, together adults.
This energy is classic self-limitation. Rather than own the power of The Hierophant - choosing to enshrine what's really important to us (and to broadcast the magic and satisfaction we find in life) - we're pretending to choose another path out of practicality. It's like saying you'd love to go on an adventurous vacation, but just can't find someone to watch your dog. Or hiding behind work responsibilities when you get invited to try something new. Of course we can pull strings and make things happen. It's just easier to look responsible and hard-working instead of admitting we're afraid to try something new.
This week we have the opportunity to see this pattern with fresh eyes. The Six of Wands comes with its own clearing energy, after all. The parade towards a richer life can continue ahead with some quick detours - we don't have to stay in the Four of Pentacles indeterminately. And with the powerful Hierophant in the center we can't avoid what really matters for long.
The news here is good. Our ideas and beliefs matter and we're already putting them into action. Now is our time to practice standing strong in who we are and letting ourselves commit and invest in what gives our life meaning. We don't need to use our responsibilities as a smokescreen. We can just look to the starts and trust that our feet will stay firmly planted on the ground.
Weekly Forecast: May 21-27
Oh my! We have some intense energy afoot this week. A crow-pleasing card of victory, the Six of Wands, is making way for two of the tarot cards most likely to win "Worst First Impression" - Death and the Three of Swords. I think this tells us a very interesting story, but it also is giving us some complicated experiences to work through.
Oh my! We have some intense energy afoot this week. A crow-pleasing card of victory, the Six of Wands, is making way for two of the tarot cards most likely to win "Worst First Impression" - Death and the Three of Swords. I think this tells us a very interesting story, but it also is giving us some complicated experiences to work through.
So what does it mean when success brings on the energies of Death and the Three of Swords? Death is a harbinger of profound transitions. It's almost comical how the gung-ho enthusiasm of the Six of Wands (you can think of this card as the go-getter of tarot, someone used to seeing results from their actions) crashes into Death. This week we're getting more than we bargained for and our inner development is coming to the forefront through seemingly innocuous actions.
In other words, we might find ourselves thinking, "Things are going so wonderfully! ... Why do I feel so bad?"
I like to think of Death as a card representing moments where we ascend to another level. When Death arrives on the scene we're often unprepared and this is driven home by the ix of Wands. Wands are action-packed, self-motivated, and ever-moving. We think we're on a normal jaunt. It's pleasant, energizing, and going just where we want it to go. Before we know it, however, we come face-to-face with a big moment and some big feelings.
We've been changing all along and now is a time to recognize the weight and importance of that change.
Something we've been undertaking in our professional and creative lives is ushering in a new understanding of who we are. We've reached a sense of harmony and balance. There have been struggles, yes, but they've all taught us to trust our skills and abilities. We can do things! We can make things happen!
I'm feeling this energy as an unexpected and initially unwanted promotion. We know we've been doing a good job, but we weren't anticipating it to be noticed and "rewarded" with a weighty promotion. We have to step up, mid-celebration. Can't we just hang out in this period of plenty? Why do we have to move forward, adding on layers?
It's because we're ready, that's why. Death has a profound inevitability attached to it. Fighting these transitions is unwise. It'd be like trying to prevent Winter from happening or protesting the night. Most of the fear surrounding this card is a fear of the unknown. Death strips us of our usual blueprints and roles and tells us to walk forward with trust, knowing we're evolving into something different. The new blueprint is just around the corner. We need to have faith.
Sound heavy enough for you? It doesn't have to be that way and a key part of this involves scale. Taking baby steps instead of leaping ahead (or throwing a temper tantrum and sitting on the ground) honors the magic behind Death. We can see the character of Death holding a chrysalis dangling from a twig. Like the creature trapped inside, we have to wiggle here and there, testing our new wings and slowly weakening what was once our cozy home.
Eventually, we'll have to burst out, but not quite yet. Taking time to commemorate the big change we're finding ourselves in will help acclimate us to both our new selves and the new world we'll be finding ourselves in.
And this brings us to the Three of Swords. This process is uncomfortable and it's important to acknowledge it. The Death transition at work this week is bringing up old and painful wounds. These need to be tended and seen before we complete our transformation. Again, tenderness is key. I see this card as part of the chrysalis we need to shed. What old stories do we need to let go? What has brought us pain in the past that we can choose to remove from our lives?
This highlights an empowering side to Death. When we embrace its changes we can embrace a more authentic, supportive, and enlightening role for ourselves. Where we once could only crawl we can now fly freely. All we need is a little time and care to free ourselves and stretch our wings.
Weekly Forecast: April 23-29
This week is all about ease, expression, and unfurling. We're full of energy and passion that's being directed by a calm sense of wholeness. This is not a time to question, poke, or prod the good that's arriving. Deep down we know that we've been working hard to invite this kind of energy into our lives. Now that it's here all we have to do is embrace it and let it work its magic.
The World appears as our first card, setting the stage with its visionary, harmonious nature. Here we're being asked to believe that we belong wherever we are. The World invites us to look beyond all the hats we wear as we shift through the many areas of our life. We do a lot navigating our responsibilities, relationships, and goals. What lies underneath all these roles? The World speaks to the deeper parts of ourselves that are always present in our lives. With The World we are at once wholly ourselves and wholly apart of everything around us.
Having this awareness is no small task. Balanced on our ever-spinning globe we must come to the realization that life is always changing and we are always changing. What, then, remains constant? This is an excellent time to explore our true nature. What have we been learning about ourselves? What traits, beliefs, and ideas populate the center of our being? This card also suggests that we've been doing a lot of rewarding and difficult work. Now all the spinning parts are coalescing into something much more stable. It's worth taking a moment to acknowledge just how far we've come.
The World also asks us to take a larger perspective and in doing so, liberate ourselves from any limiting ideas of who we are. Are we acting mostly as mothers, fathers, partners, helpers, workers? Which roles have been the most comfortable and which have chafed at us?
The World asks us to look beyond the labels we've accumulated. Perhaps there is something we've rejected that needs to find its way home and perhaps there's parts of our personalities that are ready to be shed, becoming part of ourselves only in the sense that they're now in our past.
Having a good understanding of our shifts is allowing us to appear with pure and clear intentions. Awareness, not judgment or control, allows us to be truly human, seen as a wonderful whole. All The World asks for is gentle awareness, an open mind, and openness to what's appearing before us.
From this position we can accomplish so much and the Six of Wands sees the harmony of our self-understanding and acceptance manifesting itself in our actions. This week is an incredible time to reveal what we've been working on and to allow what's been inspiring us to have its time in the sun. Because we're clear on who we are, allowing our self to be seen is no longer quite as scary. We may find ourself possessing a level of confidence beyond what we imagined was possible.
The Six of Wands carries with it all the energy, excitement, and intensity of being in the spotlight. Sometimes this experience can be overwhelming. We'd rather retreat into our safety zone, hold our projects and passions close, rather than deal with some of the discomfort that comes with being openly celebrated. This week, however, The World is guiding us, acting as a lesson we can return to: We belong here. The ease we're experiencing this week, including the praise and attention, is a natural part of our unfettered self-expression. We're coming from a beautiful place. It makes sense that others can see this beauty, too.
Plus, it would be a shame not to follow this happily illuminated path. The Ace of Wands concludes our reading for the week, holding a promise of further growth and good fortune. I like to see this as a hand reaching out to us, bearing the gift of inspiration and motivation. We're uniquely able to inhabit our full potential right now, and doing so is allowing our hard work to continue with ease and success. We get to arrive in every situation with just ourselves and this week we're diving into the core of who we are, allowing this self to guide our actions. With The World in our corner, we can sashay up to any situation, fully in the moment and ready to engage as the beautiful, specific beings we are.
Weekly Forecast: March 12-18
This week is bursting with transformative cards. We have a unique opportunity to look at the world with balanced passion. Yes, all the energizing and seductive energy of The Lovers is here in spades, perfectly matched with the flowing contemplation of Temperance.
Starting with two majors shows us that we're entering into the week with a boost of energy. Beneath the surface of our daily lives we've been working through some important personal growth that's now shining through quite brightly. Look for a clarifying feeling that places you and your needs front and center.
There's an important theme here of rediscovering our role as the protagonist of our own life. This can be easy to forget as we rush around doing what needs to be done in our daily lives. All the crossing of t's and dotting of i's can take us outside of ourselves. It's that feeling when the "to do" list becomes too long and action eclipses who we really are. Life boils down to a series of tasks instead of a winding adventure.
Now we're snapping back to a bigger perspective in a way that might initially be jarring. Suddenly we see The Lovers, a striking card. We've been missing a mythical quality in our lives. Now that it's here we might fight against it. Isn't it wishful thinking? Are we being fanciful? Can life really feel this way?
Not all the time, of course. We know this because we're not always traipsing around on quests or bursting with poetry. Yet we need the meaning and excitement of romance to remind ourselves that we're more than our actions and obligations. Fighting this energy in the name of being practical is actually wildly impractical. As we'll see later, the impassioned nature of The Lovers is urging us towards the finish line of an important task.
The Lovers isn't just about love. As a Major Arcana card it speaks to romance on many levels, not just the interpersonal or erotic. If we take this energy as overarching and essential, we can find love and passion in so many things. It's the spice that makes every dish sing, the feeling that elevates the mundane to the cosmic, and the creativity that finds poetry everywhere it looks.
This is a time to embrace the transformative magic of love, whether it's in an actual relationship or through a more universal life outlook. In fact, I'd urge you to expand the reach of your love towards all parts of your life, even if you are in a magnificently satisfying union. The Lovers asks us to see the importance of our life through the lens of love. With the balancing nature of Temperance front and center here, we don't run the risk of over-sentimentality or distraction. In fact, feeling our infatuations is showing us how important things are and how essential it is to follow our pleasures.
The Lovers also deals with choice and I see this card as encouraging us to use our romantic imaginations to engage with a decision we're facing. This card asks us to think big and to take our paths seriously. Shrinking from the visionary nature of our dreams won't do us any favors. If you were to write this choice in the style of an impassioned fairytale or dramatic young adult novel how would each option sound to you? Using these types of exercises - embracing our imagination and desire - is helping us to create clarity and re-frame our lives as truly and deeply important.
Temperance is showing up next to The Lovers as a friendly reminder that we can navigate this burst of energy with equanimity and wisdom. We won't get swept away with this creative thinking because we're balanced astutely between feeling and doing, imagining and living. We have experience. And we might even need the heightened expression and emotion of The Lovers to tip us back into equilibrium. We might be being too practical for our own goods here.
The Six of Wands tops off this reading as a very pointed and affirming answer to our experience of The Lovers and Temperance. The experience of infusing the everyday with the passionate is paying off, practically speaking. We're poised to find an important sense of direction by opening up to The Lover's energy and it's directing us towards a major creative breakthrough. Choosing between our options with the guidance of The Lovers in mind is directing us towards accomplishment and acknowledgment. Living passionately is fueling our growth, pushing us towards the spotlight and a deeper sense of our path.
Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Sixes
In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.
From the conflict-ridden fives we emerge into the relaxing, harmonious world of the sixes. Here, the cards refelct themes of balance, peace, and sentimentality. There's an aura of rest surrounding the sixes (which makes sense after all the grappling that takes place in the fives.)
After emerging from a struggle we gain appreciation for what we have and a hard-won sense of relaxation. It's a time to enjoy, look around us, and contemplate how far we've come or even to process events from the past we were unable to examine without some distance.
The sixes aren't radical cards, at least at face value. Their way of existing in the world is more mellow, though there's still plenty of valuable action taking place. Instead of revolutionizing, the sixes deal with reevaluating. How can we look back on our past experiences in light of our lives right now? Let's look at the individual cards to see how these themes play out across the suites.
Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings
The Six of Wands is an emphatically victorious card. We can almost feel the sense of elation in the illustration of a celebratory parade. A figure sits astride a horse confidently, with a wreath perched on the top of his wand. This is the moment when our hard work and struggles breaks through to success. Action has built up to accomplishment, and now it's our moment in the sun. In addition to soaking up the adulation and contentment of victory, we're also given a chance to reflect back on our past deeds and make plans for the future.
For the Six of Swords is more muted. Here, victory was hard won and involves the wisdom of knowing when to leave a situation behind. We're off to seek better, more hospitable shores, guided by the wisdom we've gained from our past experiences. This transition is also time for reflection, particularly surrounding our knowledge. With this space we can now work to reframe our struggles, hurts, and challenges, evaluating whether they've hardened into insight or no longer serve us.
The Six of Cups is a joyous and tender card that sees us returning to a sense of emotional satisfaction. Embracing innocence and openness invites in sustaining and reciprocal relationships. This is a card of caring, pure connections, and basking in the glow of others. There's a strong nostalgic bent to this card and the six of cups can often point to reflections of our childhood or situations and relationships that speak to the child within us.
Finally, the Six of Pentacles ushers in a sense of material stability that allows us to behave generously and to consider how we want to share our wealth, both literal and figurative. Having firm ground beneath our feet allows us to focus on both building and giving back. As such, this card can also refer to moments when we have to contend with guilt around finances, or more generally what money means to us.
As balanced, reflective cards the sixes are almost interludes during a journey. During rest or periods of plenty we have more room to think, dream, and enjoy. For more detailed meanings, click above. What are your thoughts on the sixes? Share in the comments below!
Weekly Forecast: Jan 16-22
Cards from The Fountain Tarot
It’s been a while since we’ve had such a resoundingly positive reading. This is a week to take full advantage of, as the cards tell us that deep unity and raw power are coming together to lead us to a noteworthy triumph. Dive in and keep on working with creative abandon. This week sees victory on top of victory, or rather the visible success that comes from finally reaching the place that fits you best.
When we are acting from deep personal conviction and a sense of both the freedom and responsibility our place in the world brings us, our deeds become very noticeable. It’s the opposite of waking up on your birthday and having someone ask you, “Do you feel any different?” Well, no. It’s just another day. But now instead of an arbitrary date, our time is marked by the results of real, hard work. We do feel different: energized, clear-headed, and more ourselves.
Those long, at times tricky roads you’ve ben slogging down in an attempt to discover what really matters to you? Look up this week and see where they’ve lead you. Identify feelings of peace and integration. You’ll be surprised to find that you have more answers about who you are and what you stand for than when you started.
Fueled by the energy this homecoming brings, we’re poised to jump from success to success. Sometimes this much action is foolhardy, but when we’re building on the completeness of The World, the final card of the Major Arcana, it’s only natural to get going again. Moving from the end of the cycle to The Magician (card two of the Majors) shows how natural this progression is: we’re simply beginning the cycle again. But not from a clean slate.
With our newfound solid sense of self, The Magician becomes even more powerful. Yes, many of the tools are the same, but we’ve learned different ways of using them. Our creativity, drive, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills have been sharpened. We’re excited to look down and see our minds racing with all the possibilities. Why wouldn’t we get started?
Well, there is the persistent voice in many of our heads that says, “Not yet. Be Careful. You don’t deserve this.” If this little whisperer pops up in your head during these exciting times, sit it down and have a conversation. What is it trying to do? Help you? Move you towards your goals or keep your safe at all costs? The World and The Magician show us examples of how powerful we can be when we operate at our full potential, and as such, it can be a bit scary. It’s only natural to have some mental static fizzing away at the edges, trying to keep us in our usual patterns. That doesn’t have to keep us there, however. There’s too many exciting possibilities on the horizon.
What is the area in your life that brings you the most excitement right now? This is the spot where The World and The Magician are working their magic.
It might be surprising. The World brings out latent parts of ourselves we might not have considered. Unity leads to some interesting conclusions, and the path that has you the most intrigued may seem a bit out there or at least unexpected. Good! The key here is to identify that uncertainty that comes with doing something new and embrace it as a sign you’re moving in the right direction. Change shouldn’t feel 100% comfortable. Comfort is a sign we’ve been there and done that and now is a time for innovation – the kind that makes your heart race.
The Magician thrives on this delicate balance between mastery and creative flow. Harness the new energy of excitement and use what you’ve learned to bring your ideas into the world. Ignore it and it could pop up in destructive ways. The Magician is a conduit for energy, so make sure you’re giving things an outlet, preferably the creative and constructive kind. Now is not the time to overthink or exercise too much caution lest we snuff out our inspiration. Here, momentum is key, so trust your gut and keep working with the diligence and mastery you’ve honed.
If we allow ourselves to be carried along by our momentum we’ll find ourselves out in the sun, charging ahead on a new path. This is the kind of open-ended adventure we need in the new year. We’re poised to make considerable accomplishments that will bring us both recognition and satisfaction. This reading tells us to embrace our passion and move ahead with confidence.
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Weekly Forecast: Oct 17-23
Oh my. What a dose of energy these cards have! The reading for the week has us looking forward with burning passion in our eyes. What motivates us and aligns with our values? Find out and follow it, these cards say.
Internally, you’re finding a sweet spot: the place where your vision and vigor join hands. It feels right. It looks doable. It’s not just a mundane task. It might be… dare I say it… a calling.
Sometimes the frisson of intellect and emotion is too much. And sometimes it creates a delightful sense of excitement. Now is one of those times. All that soul-searching you’ve been doing has brought you into a place of action. Think of it like this: you were meticulously building the podium you’re about to give a speech from. It was hard work. Detail oriented and precise. But you’ve laid the ground for something magnificent.
So take that energy outward. Now is the time to step into the sunlight and get back into the scrappy act of “doing shit.” It’s nice out here, isn’t it? With the wind in your face and a sense of purpose, who wouldn’t feel invigorated. So feel it! Revel in the start of this new journey and don’t squander the “go get ‘em” gusto you’re brimming with right now.
There’s a sense of getting lost in the joy of work. Focus on the task at hand and certainly not the “over there.” After all, each accomplishment is made of thousands of small actions. Take things one step of the time.
Something to keep in mind: It doesn’t have to be perfect. I’m not talking about “using tweezers to place the herb garnish on your culinary masterpiece” work, here. More of the kind of work that reflects your vitality and humanity. And we all know being human is messy and delightful business. This week’s energy makes this kind of work invigorating and fulfilling, so get to it and enjoy all the things you’re capable of.
It looks like proceeding down this path will bring you all sorts of payoffs. If you remain true to your original motivation – the why instead of the what – you’ll soon reap the satisfaction of completing a project that truly expresses who you are and what you stand for.
You know the saying, “it’s not the journey, but the destination?” Of course you do. It’s been in yearbooks and on inspirational cat posters for millennia. There’s another part to this ancient wisdom besides the “stop to smell the flowers” message. That is, if you were magically teleported to your destination, nobody would get to see the steps it took you to get there.
Know that in remaining focused and creating your vision you have an audience of people who appreciate what you do. Your work does not go unnoticed. In fact, it is probably inspiring to others (people appreciate the integrity of those who are true to themselves. Authenticity resonates!) And is also why you’ll have a group of supporting folks to cheer for you when you succeed.
Peachy stuff, indeed.