Weekly Forecast: March 28 - April 3
My uncle once told me the best way to see rare birds. Go deep into the forest, find a big tree, lie down under it, and take a nap. When you wake up, stay completely still; the birds will have grown used to your presence and returned to play in the branches above you.
King of Pentacles / Four of Cups / The World
My uncle once told me the best way to see rare birds. Go deep into the forest, find a big tree, lie down under it, and take a nap. When you wake up, stay completely still; the birds will have grown used to your presence and returned to play in the branches above you.
Our reading this week has a similar energy. And, again we’re visited by The King of Pentacles, a card so comfortable with themselves that they can express their power through their presence alone. How can we stay put in our own worlds, just being? What’s around us? The smells, textures, sights, and people blossoming under our observation, places becoming more magical as we sit back and let them proceed through time.
In the center of our reading we have the pensive Four of Cups. As you might guess, this card touches on themes of ennui and listlessness. This week, it seems, boredom is both a luxury and an important tool. This will be a time to embrace being in-between, not knowing what to do, and feeling vaguely dissatisfied. Can we just sit under our own trees, maybe even take a nap? If you’re itching to make moves, shake up your life, or demand answers, see if you can hold back the impulse and make space for something else. It may take time - this is not a reading of fast-moving revelations or breakthroughs - and you may do your fair share of wriggling with discomfort. But it’s not unbearable or epic, and this might be a time to bring some amused softness to your shortcomings. Like the grapes on the King of Pentacles’ robe, these make up the intricate and irreplaceable details of our lives and selves.
Doing nothing is a path worth considering this week, and the stasis of The King of Pentacles and Four of Cups suggests that the pieces we need are already in place. Some, however, might be buried underneath our awareness, as the Four of Cups shows the importance of silence and blank space in our creative and emotional processes. What can we do to invite what’s just beneath the surface into our consideration? Is there a feeling, insight, or wish we’ve been hiding from ourselves? Or has it simply not had the space to emerge, a shy bird in its own right.
Our final card, The World, is also the final card in the Major Arcana sequence. No matter how boring, blah, or inconsequential this week may feel, some big magic is afoot. In The World we see the clouds part and a joyous new horizon come into focus. Well, more than that - we ourselves float above that horizon, seeing far and wide. Sometimes this can manifest as an awakening of sorts, a time when we can finally see the big picture. It’s a liberating experience, one that gives us a deeper connection to ourselves and puts us in a state of flow, love, and acceptance.
The World also denotes the end of a chapter. After this card, the Major Arcana cycle begins anew, and it’s worth fully savoring and integrating this energy before venturing into a another go-around. Even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment, consider how you might see this week as the end of a major chapter in your life. Of course, the conclusion could be wildly obvious to you as well. Either way, see what celebrations, reflections, and cartwheels may be in order. The World asks us to put ourselves in the center and see what has truly brought our concept of ourself into focus. There’s usually some surprises in there - be joyful, bold, and proud of what you’ve accomplished.
This week, embrace:
Giving your attention to the world around you
Finding joy in your everyday relationships
A healthy pinch of decadence
Downtime, gazing off into space, utter silence - even if it feels foolish
Commemorating a big chapter, end of an era, accomplishment
This week, avoid:
Over-scheduling, hyperactivity
Big expenditures or retail therapy
Mindless media consumption
Hiding your weird self
Get creative:
The King of Pentacles: This king is all about a good time (why else would you have a grape-festooned robe?) and financial wisdom. Combined with the “let it be” aura of The Four of Cups, I’m feeling the need for a creatively frugal party. Whether it’s just for you or includes others, see what merry you can make from whatever’s in the pantry, whip up some diy decor, and wear your very best just because.
The Four of Cups: Find your own birds in the jungle moment. Set aside time to just sit and ponder, ideally in nature. Zero expectations, no distractions, just be there. Something magical might happen. Something magical might not. The real magic, in fact, will be allowing some tinges of boredom to break through the oh so extra wildness that is life in 2022.
The World: Ah, what a majestic card. The World is all about wholeness, the magic of our very being. It’s always with us, we just don’t give it much thought or acknowledment. And, of course, many of us struggle with seeing The World in ourselves for myriad reasons. This week, try to set that aside, and take yourself somewhere special with a view. Yes, we’re getting specific. Find somewhere with a vantage point and gaze outwards, imagining your life unfolding in front of you. What perspectives do you have now that weren’t there before? You may even want to ritualize your ascent to this place, imagining all the challenges and lessons you’ve been integrating recently with each step you take. At the top, take three deep breaths. You’ve arrived. Now go buy yourself a drink.