Weekly Forecast: October 24-31
We have quite the shakeup on the horizon this week, and I’m happy to report it isn’t one of the earth-shattering variety. There are no Towers in sight, no cataclysms or pratfalls. Instead, the Wheel of Fortune appears, spinning us out of one mode and into another. If things have been feeling stale, confusing, or overwhelming know that it’s temporary. In fact, know that whatever you’re feeling, it’s about to change, because if it’s about anything, the Wheel of Fortune is about impermanence, transience, and movement.
We have quite the shakeup on the horizon this week, and I’m happy to report it isn’t one of the earth-shattering variety. There are no Towers in sight, no cataclysms or pratfalls. Instead, the Wheel of Fortune appears, spinning us out of one mode and into another. If things have been feeling stale, confusing, or overwhelming know that it’s temporary. In fact, know that whatever you’re feeling, it’s about to change, because if it’s about anything, the Wheel of Fortune is about impermanence, transience, and movement.
And who thrives in these conditions? It’s the vivacious and capable Queen of Wands. Note what’s been changing in your life lately; sometimes the Wheel of Fortune shows a subtle gradation - a storm that gathers slowly and then unleashes its rain, leaving the land transformed afterwards.
What quiet messages have you been hearing lately? Whether they’re intriguing ideas flickering at the edge of your consciousness or alluring points of curiosity you’re just starting to explore, this week they’ll be coming into satisfying focus. What’s more, we’ll be feeling poised and ready to act on them.
In fact, as I look over at our cards, I’m struck by how direct they are, as if the Wheel of Fortune, once it stops spinning, spits us out onto a clear and fast track. This is definitely not a week to second guess ourselves or our good fortune. The Queen of Wands is a capable and energizing card and it tells us that we’re ready to make things happen in a way that’s both enjoyable and sustainable. In true wands fashion, the only thing that can slow us down is getting stuck in our heads.
So, if it feels good, exciting, and expansive - do it. Let yourself be at the center of attention, making decisions, and expressing yourself in any and all directions you feel called to. Remember, the court cards in tarot are the most responsible and experienced of their group. If you feel surprised in a change in your confidence or the support and admiration you’re receiving, don’t waste time second-guessing it. The wands have excellent instincts and thrive in doing, no card more so than this queen.
It’s worth exploring the changes that brought us here. What fog have you been stumbling through lately? And how might emerging on the other side give you the perspective needed to understand your confusion and any misgivings about the future? The Three of Wands shows us ending the week with a much better idea of our next step. Consider revisiting old projects or plans that have atrophied or stalled out. You may find a new jolt of inspiration that puts you back on track again.
The Three of Wands also invites us to rest for a moment, basking in the glow of our achievements. There’s plenty of time to work, hone our plans, and push forward. Be sure to pace yourself and let the power of the Wheel of Fortune and Queen of Wands sink in.
This week, embrace:
Launching new projects
Public speaking & engagements
Organizing/inspiring/galvanizing groups
Refining plans
This week, avoid:
Second-guessing good luck, compliments, accolades
Ceding authority to others
Shrinking yourself to compensate for others’ insecurities
Rushing new ideas, projects, or relationships
Get creative:
Wheel of Fortune: This week, the Wheel of Fortune is more of a receding influence, which is helpful since this card can be extremely confusing! So, given that we have some extra perspective, take some time to revisit the big shifts in your life recently and how you were able to navigate them well. Coming out of the Wheel of Fortune and immediately into the Queen of Wands is no small feat. How has all the spinning smoothed and polished you like a rough stone in a rock tumbler? If you want to riff on this further, find a gloriously smooth stone and carry it with you as a reminder of your transformation.
Queen of Wands: Ah, this card! We can have so much fun with the Queen of Wands that I almost don’t want to limit us with a suggestion. So, here are some suggestionS! Go out dancing, pitch a wild and exciting idea, launch a passion project, make people swoon with your charisma. And while you’re at it, buy yourself a bunch of sunflowers.
Three of Wands: Put on your sturdiest shoes, go on a walk, and ask yourself gently: what’s the next step I need to take on a project I’m excited about?
Weekly Forecast: May 16-22
The deep pull of change characterizes this week, as the beginnings of a shift start to pull at our lives. Whatever we’ve become accustomed to is reaching its end - how will we face this new reality? Most importantly, how will we continue despite invitations to revert to old ways, stale plans, or unhealthy situations?
The deep pull of change characterizes this week, as the beginnings of a shift start to pull at our lives. Whatever we’ve become accustomed to is reaching its end - how will we face this new reality? Most importantly, how will we continue despite invitations to revert to old ways, stale plans, or unhealthy situations?
This is one of those readings that has both conflict and harmony. We start things out with the wily Seven of Swords, a card of trickery and deceit that can manifest on a wide spectrum, from helpful insouciance and rebelliousness to betrayal and mendacity. Spending some time here will be helpful: where in your life do you feel like corners are being cut, excuses made, or facts bent? Pay attention to whether it’s internal - a mental contortion (usually defense mechanism) that you’re engaging in - or external - something being acted upon you by another. These are serious themes, yet there’s energy here that’s in service of the bigger change taking shape at the end of the week. It’s up to use to recognize and transform it.
You’ll notice that the figure in the Seven of Swords in walking in one direction while looking back over their shoulder. I’m seeing this card being irresistibly pulled towards the vortex of The Wheel of Fortune, a symbol of cosmic change. Regardless of the situation you’re in, there’s something present in it that can either be redirected in support of change or simply reframed. Is there some lesson you need to integrate, a fear you need to face so that you can turn around and walk towards the future? Or is there some chaos being brought into your life that may give you clarity about what you really want (aka not anymore of that particular flavor of wild b.s.?).
Paying attention to restlessness, half-truths, or full-on lies that take you back to old, stale territory. There’s also a strong whiff of avoidance in The Seven of Swords - are you pulling away from inevitable change? Is someone else trying to keep you from expanding and flourishing? Despite the tension, this is a moment of power; the background here is a bright yellow, the color of creativity and energy. Seven is a number of spiritual importance. See where you can integrate difficulty into your narrative of growth and beware of seductive justifications to keep things the way they are or return to stifling situations.
Fortunately, we have an epic card of self-regard and personal power in the center of our reading: The King of Wands. This card is all about wise action - reining in our energy and directing it outwards to blaze a path for our selves. Excuses, unhealthy relationships, self-limiting thoughts, and self-sabotage are quickly burned away by the flames of The King of Wands. Let yourself act assertively, trust your plans, and assume responsibility for your direction and behavior this week. I’m also seeing a possibly surprising uprising of strength at play here. You may be surprised by how quickly and authoritatively you rise to the occasion when faced with pushback, challenges, and competition.
So here we see the more pernicious side of thinking and communication (swords) forced to travel through the clarifying and formidable boundaries and requirements of the ruler of the wands suit. A trial by fire? A clarifying conflagration? There may be some drama or tension here, but it’s giving us a running jump into a new cycle, as The Wheel of Fortune starts to spin at the end of the week.
Now this is a tricky card. But where The Seven of Swords deals with personal, mental trickiness, The Wheel of Fortune rules the ever-present force of cosmic change. Whatever we’re experiencing now is sure to cycle into something different. The highs turn back down, the lows begin to swing upward. And, like a cyclone, The Wheel of Fortune opens up new paths, suggesting that we’re going to be given the opportunity to make new headways, travel new ground, and effect the change we’re capable of making in a new landscape.
I feel like this has a lot to do with personal power and authority, as The King of Wands is almost standing guard. First he must deal with the trickiness of The Seven of Wands, after which he can turn around, strong and capable, and being doing what he can to work with the energy of The Wheel of Fortune. Beware the desire to shrink, equivocate, or make excuses. This is a time of powerful growth, and it appears as if we’ve been ready for quite some time. and the time is now.
This week, embrace:
A long, hard look at the reality in front of you
Personal integrity
Trust in your capabilities
this week, avoid:
Toxic relationships (no matter how familiar)
get creative:
Seven of Swords: Notice where you’re walking away from what you really want, just like the figure in this card. What do you have your eyes on? What feels too big, bright, and exciting? Imagine a face-off between this card and The King of Wands (just look at the photo above - they’re really staring each other down!) How can you elevate your internal boss/leader/ruler to rein in the avoidant behavior of the Seven of Swords?
King of Wands: Write down a list of what you’re good at, the decisions you’ve made that have paid off, and, most importantly, instances when acting with trust in your instincts and experience have led to swift and authentic change. This is your King of Wands resume: bask in its glory.
Wheel of Fortune: I like seeing this card as a storm sweeping through our lives. Not the catastrophic kind, but rather one that expels stifling humidity with fresh, cool air. Channel this into real life by conducting some spiritual cleansing in your space. Open the windows, burn incense or spritz some essential oils into the air. Imagine letting in the winds of change, visualizing how you’d like them to work their magic in your life.
Weekly Forecast: January 24-30
The past two weeks have been a period of hard work during which we’ve contended with a lot: internal struggles, the sometimes-prickly emergence of new ideas, external difficulties, and unfortunate timing. It’s no wonder we’re feeling ragged around the edges or just plain burnt out. And, in complete honesty, I was gritting my teeth ever so slightly when turning over the cards for this week - was I going to have to wrestle with another unruly group of cards?
Spinning into something wonderful: The Wheel of Fortune / Temperance / Nine of Pentacles
Riding a cosmic reshuffle to abundance
The past two weeks have been a period of hard work during which we’ve contended with a lot: internal struggles, the sometimes-prickly emergence of new ideas, external difficulties, and unfortunate timing. It’s no wonder we’re feeling ragged around the edges or just plain burnt out. And, let’s be real, I was gritting my teeth ever so slightly when turning over the cards for this week - would we really still be plodding through some rough terrain?
Fortunately, we have a complete shift in the energetic weather pattern that’s been dominating the past few weeks. Oh, am I happy to type that sentence! Not one, but two Major Arcana cards arrive to show us a new focus in the collective energy, and one of them is the actual patron card of change itself: The Wheel of Fortune.
Looking at this card often throws people off their game. A cloudy sky chock full of esoteric symbols? It’s often met with a great big “huh?” and for good reason. Sometimes tarot cards evoke the very feeling that reflects their meaning. With The Wheel of Fortune we see a new wind blowing, and it’s blowing in a bunch of exciting and confusing stuff. We’re meant to be thrown off our game, at a loss for words, and maybe a little bit lost. Right now that may be just what we need.
Have you been feeling like your nose has been so close to the grindstone it’s just about ground off? So tired of working it feels like you’re sleepwalking through work, just doing the motions? Going from this energy to wide-open possibility, shockingly new ideas and situations (with a little bit of cheeky chaos thrown in for good measure) can be extremely overwhelming and destabilizing. It’ll be important to remember that we’ve been craving destabilization. Once we finally have it, we may want to crawl back into our familiar routines, yet our next two cards show us just how much we can do with the surprises popping up this week.
A classic interpretation of The Wheel of Fortune has to do with positioning. When life gives you change where do you place yourself? At the edge, far from your stable core, so that you’re flung to and fro? Or in the center where you can remain still and observe? Keep this in mind as life comes at you in the beginning of this week. We don’t have to make sense of all the wildness immediately, and I have a sense that there’s a lot of enjoyment we can find in the shake-up. Find your position and enjoy the ride.
The Wheel of Fortune spins us out, dazed and dizzy, at the feet of Temperance, a deeply wise card and the second Major Arcana in our reading. Did we need a playful shake to restart? This is a week to embrace newness, strange coincidences, and odd opportunities, for Temperance shows us coming into our own. This card presents us with a strong and nourishing image of self-knowledge. How have we embraced or endured change recently? What has it taught us about ourselves? And how have we chosen to stay true to ourselves no matter how fast the world is spinning by?
I like how these cards compliment each other; there’s a beautiful sense of effortlessness, but not the kind that comes from laziness. Playing our cards right when the world is constantly changing requires an immense amount of focus and poise. We have the opportunity to excel this week, both because the conditions are (finally, in some cases) right and because we’ve been working hard to shore up our skills and strength. Stay alert for where your purpose is aligning with your actions and opportunities. There may be surprising paths and connections appearing out of the blue.
So, if the winds of change are blowing and we’re becoming more in touch with our deeper purpose, where does that lead us? The Nine of Pentacles concludes our reading with a heartening message: we can be both wise and abundant. Who would’ve thought? And perhaps our trip through the dizzying chaos of The Wheel of Fortune has given us newfound appreciation for our special selves, all the talents and reservoirs of insight and grit we bring to life. This card invites us to celebrate in the real world - look around with gratitude at what you’ve built, feather your nest with sustainability (and a healthy pinch of decadence) in mind, and share what you have with trusted friends, family, and community members. Coming home is key when the wild world keeps spinning on. We have more stories to tell, achievements to cherish, and practice at being wise, resilient, and caring no matter what happens.
This week, embrace
Spontaneity and innovation
Accepting new offers, invitations, or projects
Going with what flows
Connecting with your highest, wise self while navigating change, busyness, upheaval
Enjoying your creature comforts
Sharing with trusted others
This week, avoid
Being a stickler for details, perfectionism
Overloading on outside information, the opinions of others
Get creative
The Wheel of Fortune: Jump on the wheel yourself and channel some of this wild energy! Spend some time writing or envisioning what change you crave, especially if it doesn’t seem realistic. Dream big, get loopy, and enjoy yourself. And, if you’d like, see if there are any seeds that could grow into these changes apparent in your life right now.
Temperance: Use this card as a talisman when things start to feel overwhelming. What wisdom has brought you to this moment? Like The Wheel of Fortune, Temerpance shows us the magic of forces we don’t entirely understand. What in you is magical, ineffable, and always guiding you towards something nourishing and important? A question to ponder: What voice has emerged in the most important decisions of my life, the biggest challenges, and pivotal crossroads? How can I listen to it more?
Nine of Pentacles: Ground this energy in the real world with the down-to-earth pentacles. Find an object - either something you own or a special something you can gift yourself - and take a moment to consecrate it (you can go big if you’re into rituals, otherwise a quiet moment of reflection and intention work wonderfully). Place this object in a prominent spot in your home (or wear/transport it with you it, if possible) and think of how you give yourself stability and abundance.
Weekly Forecast: June 24-30
We have a very practical Weekly Forecast on our hands, dear friends. This isn't a lofty or cosmic message, maybe relievingly so after what seems like a month at least of big readings peppered with many Major Arcana cards.
We have a very practical Weekly Forecast on our hands, dear friends. This isn't a lofty or cosmic message, maybe relievingly so after what seems like a month at least of big readings peppered with many Major Arcana cards.
That's not to say that this is an inconsequential time, but it is one when we can hang up bigger life questions and dive back into the tasks of everyday life. What better group of cards to leave the way, then, than than the wands?
The Wheel of Fortune in the center is signaling this shift from personal growth and healing to daily concerns. The new season is ruled by the wands, those fiery and ambitious cards that inspire us to get up and get going. And the best way to honor this change? It's to dive right in.
When we see The Wheel of Fortune we can be sure that change is imminent. If we've been feeling in the weeds or overwhelmed with interrogating our life choices or navigating our psyches, we can breathe a sigh of relief. The clouds are parting. Take note of wherever you feel stuck right now and use this wands energy to consciously burst past your blockages.
In case you feel nervous about all this energy, rest easy. The beginning of this week is giving us a wonderful time to plan and collect ourselves. The Two of Wands is arguably the most secure of the bunch. It's the moment before takeoff, the grounding before a big shift, and the creative freedom of honing a plan before the action starts.
The Two of Wands is inviting us to tie up loose ends, take advantage of the time we have, and to get in touch with our larger plan before it spins into the complicated and exciting realm of reality. How can we focus and point our arrow at the target before it shoots into action?
This card is quite affirming because it indicates that we're in a secure position to be doing all of this. And, for the restless among us, we can enjoy the process knowing that the action is just around the corner.
The Wheel of Fortune in the center also tells us that if there's a project or plan we've been honing, waiting for just the right moment to begin, it's almost time to launch it into reality. The middle of the week is an excellent time to initiate new ventures, start new creative projects, or begin a larger shift. When we take advantage of this cosmic good weather it can be surprising how quickly we progress.
Speaking of which, The Seven of Wands is asking us to prepare for an onslaught of action. It's not of the dangerous sort, but it's intensity might catch us off guard. It will be increasingly important to remain grounded in our larger goals and convictions and to remember to enjoy the busyness we may have only been dreaming of just a few days ago.
Weekly Forecast: April 22-28
This week, my friends, is all about rethinking our relationship to change. It's a topic that's long overdue for editing and fresh energy, as these cards show so clearly. Just look at the polarized options springing forth from The Wheel of Fortune! The next few days give us the calming opportunity to bring some space and shading into a formerly black-and-white corner of our world.
This week, my friends, is all about rethinking our relationship to change. It's a topic that's long overdue for editing and fresh energy, as these cards show so clearly. Just look at the polarized options springing forth from The Wheel of Fortune! The next few days give us the calming opportunity to bring some space and shading into a formerly black-and-white corner of our world.
As anyone who's dabbled with tarot knows, the cards have a cheeky sense of mischief. Not wanting to address a topic? All of a sudden pointed clarity is staring you in the face. Looking for a specific answer? The cards act coy.
In my opinion, there's no card that embodies this vague, teasing energy more than The Wheel of Fortune. It's initial impression is usually confusing. Just what on earth is going on with these mythical creatures congregating around a circle heavy with odd symbols? They're just hanging out in the clouds?
This is a card focused on the energy and inevitability of change. And, perhaps not so surprisingly, it's overwhelming and unknown qualities. Hence, the indecipherable wildness of imagery.
When we see the Wheel of Fortune we know that change is on the horizon. However, that's all we can decipher. There's no specificity, clear-cut answers, or details. The Wheel is spinning, but we don't know where it'll land just yet or what our new world will look like.
This week we're confronting and working through our initial reactions to a personal Wheel of Fortune situation: The newness and lack of clarity is overwhelming and, in our attempt to grasp some comforting certainty, we're reverting to old patterns.
Which brings us to the Five of Pentacles and the Ten of Cups. I can't help but chuckle a little when I look at these cards. Talk about polarized thinking! It seems as if we're approaching the upcoming change with a very black-and-white mindset. Either our Wheel of Fortune will spin and deposit us in the bucolic emotional utopia of the Ten of Cups or we'll end up in rags, struggling to survive.
In this sense, these cards urge us to take a breath and center ourselves before getting spun out into either manic idealism or fatalistic negativity. One of the wonderful things about change is that nobody knows how it'll unfold. Not us and certainly not some judgmental stranger ready to blame us for the outcome.
And so these cards are, with a healthy dose of classic tarot humor, pointing us back to ourselves and the present moment. What can we do to focus on our experience right now? To make room for change to unfold? And, most importantly, to care for ourselves?
The trick to the Wheel of Fortune is that is reminds us how change is a constant part of life. We're always navigating it, in one way or the other. We have practice. We have ourselves.
It always keeps spinning, but if we stay anchored in what we do know - aware of our desires, skills, talents, and sticky spots - we can always land on our feet and, better yet, work with the motion to grow.
Until then, all we can do is enjoy the ride, and know that the stakes are low so long as we continue to value and care for ourselves.
Weekly Forecast: November 13-19
It's tempting to get suspicious when things are going smoothly. After all, we're conditioned to equate struggle with hard work. If we're not toiling intensively (something that usually entails exhaustedly telling everyone how busy we are) we're not doing enough.
There's also an animal side to us that's always alert for any dangerous rustling in the bushes. Something bad could happen any moment! And what if we're relaxing? Why, we'd be caught off guard and then...?
But what about when things just feel right? You know, when something's both comforting and exhilarating, like being in love. It can appear in the joy that comes from trying something new, the peace of laying back and relaxing into our cozy lives, or the heady thrill of a new relationship that captivates us.
The feeling draws us into our bodies so we can experience the world through our senses. We instinctively draw a deep breath and catch the crisp scents of fall, or we curl our toes in acknowledgment of the butterflies in our stomach. We're at one with the world and at one with ourselves.
The Page of Cups shows us the beauty of this kind of receptivity. We're poised to be chanelling our experiences and feelings with grace and care. It feels good when our emotions flow through us without any obstacles in the way.
Relaxing into and trusting the world around us is giving us a gift of pleasureable centeredness, not to mention a rare sense of focus. Now is the time to follow our passions wherever they may lead us. What are you finding irresistibly captivating right now? What makes your eyes close and cheeks blush when you think about it? It can be a new dream, a romance, a budding friendship. No matter what form it takes, you'll know by how comfortable and joyful you feel when engaging with it.
This is a wonderful opportunity to refocus around what feels good and what is naturally exciting. Doing so is the practice we need to override our instinct to look at the world with fear and trepidation. And what, might you ask, can come from wide-eyed enthusiasm and semi-hedonistic relaxation?
Like it or not, we don't have as much control over our world as we'd like to think. Fortunately, this means we don't have to actively pursue everything. We don't need to be pushing boulders around to effect change. The world actually spins on its own, and it's about to change quite soon. The Wheel of Fortune indicates an upcoming shift from the dreamy, pleasurable Page of Cups to the grounded possibility of the Ace of Pentacles. Yes, that means without "doing" anything your budding ideas and connections are becoming more solid.
When I say "doing" I mean trying to overtly control and manipulate a situation. Letting go of direct control and action and focusing on passion and enjoyment is actually quite the feat. Being receptive doesn't mean being passive.
This week asks us to remember that experiencing is just as fruitful and important as acting. Remain present and really let yourself feel the excitement of your new relationship, dream, practice, or hobby. Enjoy! What you're doing is actually essential - establishing a background of experience - and will naturally evolve into something tangible, stable, and trustworthy.
Weekly Forecast: October 23-29
As far as Three of Swords illustrations go this one from the Circo Tarot is quite gory. A card that demands your attention whenever its drawn, the Three is all about undeniable pain. It's the feeling when you stub your toe (or worse) and can only experience the sharp waves of discomfort coursing up your leg. Maybe you're so taken aback you spew forth some salty words, temporarily uninhibted from the shock.
We're dealing with the realm of the swords here, so things aren't literally stabby in a physical sense. Instead, the suffering stems from our minds - what has us wounded, activating our harsh and overthinking tendencies?
If we take a closer look at this card we see two things. Firstly, three knives (serrated in this case!) are a bit of an overkill. One would certainly do the job. Perhaps there's a tint of overreaction we can't see in the moment. Our pain is amplified by our thoughts. It might seem like there's three knives sticking out of our hearts, but maybe it's just one knife. Maybe we just stubbed our toe.
Secondly, we're just three cards along our journey through the suite of swords. If this wound was fatal, how could we continue? There's more here than meets the eye. What can spring forth from the discharging of our pain and where can it take us?
Sometimes this card springs up when we 're at a place when we need some good old fashioned, intense emotional catharsis. We like to contain ourselves and present our best face to the world. It's all well and good, but sometimes we can fool ourselves, tamping down more complicated feelings that become hidden even from ourselves.
We're not closed systems and our suffering needs an outlet just like how we might need to yell out a juicy obscenity when we stub our toe. While at first it might seem like we could drown in the roiling sea of complicated emotions it can often yield surprising and fruitful results.
Now is one of those times, hence the somewhat odd contrast between the emo darkness on the Three of Swords and the exhuberant plentifulness of the Six of Pentacles. Can expressing our negative emotions lead to abundance? This week will see this transformation manifesting itself in surprising ways. Handled with care and respect, digging deeper will open us up to many possibilities. Whether they're residing within ourselves or to be discovered through seeking help from others, these sticky spots are in the process of transforming into happiness and joy.
I especially love how The Wheel of Fortune concludes our reading, a lovely tarot summation and reminder of how we are constantly in a changing world. The sharp certainty of the Three of Swords? It's temporary and part of a natural cycle. Opening up to is and embracing it as a part of our multifaceted experience allows us to live more authetically and fully participate in our lives.
Weekly Forecast: August 7-14
This week we're staring into the limitlessness of possibility with both a sense of adventure and uneasiness. Three powerful cards in this reading indicate that we're at a critical juncture - the end of a cycle moving into a great, big unknown.
Leaving the wholeness of the Wheel of Fortune for the perfect half moon is a beautiful metaphor for the risks we take when we move in a new direction. Half of our future is illuminated by what we wish to accomplish - our goals, visions, and hopes - and the other half is obscured and undecided. Who knows what will happen or how it will unfold? The only way to find out is by taking the first steps forward. And to keep on walking.
No journey is as well suited for the Fool. Despite, or maybe because of his innocence, the Fool is able to face up to the darker corners of the future. With his optimism, mindfulness, and focus, the Fool knows that he brings light with him at each step. It's enough to keep going. It even makes things more exciting.
Like the Fool we're being asked to look at both the frightening & unknown aspects of the future as well as its brilliant possibility. Is the fact that we don't know what happens the spice that makes our lives that much more interesting? Are we repelled by being uncertain or do we find it alluring?
My hunch is that it's a little bit of both. Fortunately, the Fool is comfortable with ambivalence, and we'll be wise to follow suit this week. We may be tempted to look for prefection. We want unbridled optimism! Limitless energy! Robust self-confidence! Just a quick glance at the Wheel of Fortune and we can see why. Its beautiful depiction of cycles and chance is rooted in the splendors of the natural world. We've been basking in all that vibrance and expecting that, when we finally roll the dice, things will unfold in the same way.
Putting change into motion, however, is an entirely different experince. When the Wheel of Fortune stops spinning it's up to us to set off on the adventure. The Fool is telling us proceed with a clear vision and, most importantly, a sense of fun.
Being stodgy and burdened by expectations (from ourselves and others) won't bring about the change we're seeking. Instead we must consider what it is we'd like to take with us on our journey. In the card we see the fool with a light pack sling over his shoulder. Despite his carefree stride, he doesn't look like an amateur. Clearly, this is a character who has seen things on his travels. Instead of burdening himself with tools and memories, however, he's chosen to only take the ultimate essentials.
We're being asked to do the same this week. What do we want to carry with us? What serves us well? What are our essentials? Anything else will only burden us and keep us from our goals.
And what's more, we can see that the Fool doesn't travel alone. He carries a flower in his right hand and a scruffy dog trots along by his feet. Beauty and the companionship of intution both have an importnat place in his journey, and they do in ours as well. At this exciting moment we're being asked to remember what we need to keep close to ourselves so that we can move into a new period of unfolding.
Weekly Forecast: May 29-June 5
Sometimes it takes a little nudge to set us off in the right direction. Usually we envision ourselves doing the nudging – how can we better ourselves? How can we push ourselves to perform better, to seek more truths, and to get more done?
It feels nice to know things. To have a sense of stability and trust in your mind. “I can think through this problem,” we tell ourselves, and then launch into the comforting realm of lists and planning.
Many of us have, like the King of Swords, become masters of the world of logic. Unfortunately, we can’t be completely objective when it comes to ourselves. After all, we can’t step outside of our minds, try as we might.
That doesn’t stop us, however, for building up quite an illusion. We tell ourselves we are objective. We know what we’re doing and can see everything clearly.
As we do this, plunging ahead with those satisfying lists and plans, something else creeps in. The certainty we’re wielding like a sword to cut through any confusion of complexity starts to feel heavy.
We get tired of sitting on a throne like the King – certainty can remove us from life, making us feel lonely. And it’s not the most comfortable thing to sit on, all hard and inflexible.
Cue the Wheel of Fortune to challenge this worldview. Beyond challenging it, The Wheel actually turns it on its head. And this can be quite jarring.
We come into this week used to sitting on a solid throne – feeling in control of our lives and oh so comfortable making pragmatic decision despite the fact that we’re secretly starting to feel itchy and restless.
The Wheel of Fortune represents change, and change is what we’ll have. Something is coming our way that will have us reassessing our kingly stance. At first it won’t be so pretty. Who likes to tumble out of their throne? But this change will be necessary. It’s time to switch things up and move in a different direction.
We also must consider where on The Wheel we are. We might assume that since we’ve been embodying The King of Swords, in some ways the pinnacle of mastery in the Swords suite, that we’re on the top. If this is true, then as the wheel spins we plummet downwards, our fortune taking a turn for the worse.
In this case, we’d be experiencing a somewhat traumatic shakeup we’d then have to recover from.
But what if The King belongs on the bottom of The Wheel? He is the conclusion of the court cards, after all. Where can you go from being a king? What’s more, as individuals we are more than just the embodiment of one set of traits. Perhaps we can balance all four, a much more holistic way of being that makes us truly human and complex.
If this is true, then we’re actually ascending this week. Pushing through the end of one cycle and embarking on a new, more refreshing path.
The next card in the reading, the Six of Swords, points us in this direction. We leave the certainty of The King and set off across a mysterious body of water, heading towards a foreign shore. Our boat, however, is made of swords, showing us that we’re taking many lessons with us while abandoning the absolutism of The King.
So this week be aware of how a more balanced approach could serve you. Are you relying too heavily on the siren song of objective and analytical thinking? Perhaps you’re feeling burdened by a compulsion to plan, plan, and plan some more, reducing your decision making down to its logical components while ignoring your feelings?
The change that comes your way this week will be entirely out of your control, something that a King of Swords would find frightening. You, on the other hand, are a complex human being, and having mastered many swordly skills, are free to use this moment to take what you’ve learned in your toolbox and start learning new things.
Where are you headed this week and how can you embrace the change that’s always happening around you? How can you evolve and allow yourself to embrace your full complexity?