Rider Waite Smith Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Nine of Cups


The Nine of Cups shows the stability that comes from emotional maturity and fulfillment. When we love ourselves we can direct our love outwards. The figure in this card has a wealth of cups aligned behind him. With their full suport, he is able to face the world confidently and with aplomb. Having these rewarding connections fuels a great deal of creativity, which we can see in the vibrant yellow background. This card shows us how formidable and alluring we can be when we're proud of ourselves, aware and mindful of our important relationships, and willing to reach out to the world around us. 


Self-love, emotional security, emotional generosity, benevolence.

Appears As

Coming to a place of emotional stablity, secure attachments in relationships, a mature and respectful bond, understanding feelings, embracing the ups and downs of life, pride in one's accomplishments.