Weekly Forecast: July 10-17

Fountain Tarot 3 Card Reading

The full moon in Capricorn seems to have awakened some barely concealed energy. Why do I say barely? We have both the Empress and the King of Wands showing up in the first two positions of our spread. These two cards arrive on the scene completely connected to their own power, talent, and vision. 

To put it simply, this is a week where sensuality and action come together seamlessly.

At the root of all the comings and goings is a deep connection to ourselves. The Empress isn't a card wrapped up in the conceptual. She lives and breathes in the reality of lived-in, daily life. 

The way the Empress sees things, this is the most magical space to inhabit. To her, reality as we experience it contains all the inspiration and sacred energy we need. The realm of the senses - what we can touch, see, smell,  taste, and hear - is the direct expression of something greater.

This is a time to revel in our perceptions and experiences of the world. We're being urged to pay attention to how we feel, more particularly, how our bodies feel as we interact with what's around us. 

It's a delicious, stop-and-smell-the-roses attitude towards life. No moment is too small or too fleeting - the feel of the sun on our faces, the ground beneath our feet, or the sound of a bird flying by. We can find joy around us at all times and in abundance.

This foundation of awareness will grant us a wealth of self-confidence and stability. Framing our experience in our bodies - we're at the center of everything we encounter - allows us to bypass the at times anxious and stifling filter of our thoughts. 

This week we're being asked to engage with the feeling of knowing rather than the thought of knowing what's right. Listening to our instincts, following the feeling in our stomachs, hearts, feet will bring us to new and exciting places.

So now that we're really feeling ourselves where are we headed? Fostering self connection and paying attention to the joys of being alive is propelling us towards the King of Wands, a proactive, powerful, and dynamic card.

When we feel at one with ourselves and the world we are able to leap forward and embrace actions that reflect innate truths about ourselves. We're going to have no shortage of energy this week, nor inspiration. I like to think of these two cards as a representation of the marriage between our wild and natural self and our creative self.

Think (and feel) about what is an important next step. What's calling to you that you'd like to leap into wholeheartedly? This is not a time for doubt or trepidation. We've got this. 

Excitingly enough, it looks like we're not going to be pursuing these dreams alone. The Two of Cups shows the beginning of an important union. Someone is coming onto the scene after being attracted by our vim and vigor. 

This partnership will be formed around the creative leaps and bounds we're taking and, in addition to being inspiring will also have a lovely and tender side: mutual support in the birth of a new venture.

And what a beautiful progression of images: the lush growth in The Empress moving towards the sun-like rays of inspiration in the King of Wands. All leading to the celestial expansion and companionship of the Two of Cups. We're going to be exentding all the way from the ground to the heavens, looking at a beautiful starry sky of possibility. 


Weekly Forecast: July 17-23


A Tarot Spread for Harnessing Self-Confidence