Weekly Forecast: December 12-18
Last week was ruled by The Tower - that quintessential card of upsetting endings - yet it was also bolstered by the magic of the Seven of Cups. No one moment is entirely “good” or “bad",” and just as The Tower has room for beauty, beauty holds plenty of room for suffering. Yet it’s often this contrast that makes important ideas and sources of information visible. So, this week, we’re gifted with the awareness of an important wellspring, one that’s setting the stage for our next phase in life.
After a tumultuous week that has us focusing on what was ending, we’re now directing our gaze to where sustenance, beauty, and inspiration is flowing with natural abundance.
Last week was ruled by The Tower - that quintessential card of upsetting endings - yet it was also bolstered by the magic of the Seven of Cups. No one moment is entirely “good” or “bad",” and just as The Tower has room for beauty, beauty holds plenty of room for suffering. Yet it’s often this contrast that makes important ideas and sources of information visible. So, this week, we’re gifted with the awareness of an important wellspring, one that’s setting the stage for our next phase in life.
And, as the dust settles more and more, we’re starting to see how this source is ever-present and constantly flowing. What happens when we center our lives here instead of the hard walls of, say, a Tower?
The Ace of Cups is an undeniably gorgeous card, one we haven’t seen in quite some time. If last week had us scrambling to dream ourselves forward despite the chaos of something ending spectacularly, this week the chaos has subsided to reveal a more unified understanding of what really matters to us.
It’s crucial to note here that the cups are a group of cards that speak to feelings, not thoughts, concepts, or practices. We can direct these feelings into actions, of course, and translate some of their messages into ideas, but at their core, cups are about the watery and mysterious world of our emotions, spirit, and intuition. Experiencing and understanding this part of our lives comes easier to some than others, so be gentle if you struggle with validating and trusting their messages. Aces, however, are all about awareness and acceptance, nothing more, so just try to stay with what feels good. It’s likely that in dreaming big last week you gained a new understanding of what truly gives you sustenance - real spiritual and emotional sustenance. Let that be enough and see what your burgeoning awareness might reveal.
The rest of this reading plants us at an intriguing juncture. It’s time for a change, but not one we’re being forced into. This week we’re taking back the reins and mustering our energy to forge our own path forward. If you’ve been considering an impactful change in your daily life (Seven of Pentacles), this is the time to start making some decisions about it (King of Wands).
And let’s take a moment to appreciate our “elemental array” we’re working with - water (cups), earth (pentacles) and fire (wands). No airy swords in sight which tells us that this is not a time to analyze or deal in concepts or abstractions. Our inspiration is flowing, we have a solid foundation/resume, and now is the time to step into our role as the authority over our life and energy and do something.
If that feels pressure-filled, simply return to the Ace of Cups because there is no better card to represent authentic, heart-centered motivation. It’s been watering our efforts for some time, as shown in the lushness of the Seven of Pentacles, but we’re also ready to take things to the next level. Again, this is not about reinventing the wheel, but it is about finding new pathways that can give you increased satisfaction and avenues through which you can express your skills, talents, and charisma.
The King of Wands is an immensely charming card, and it tells us to live big and celebrate who we truly are. This is, after all, the King of Fire. What has you lit up right now? What is the source of your personal energy, creativity, and sense of mission? As a publicly-facing card, this King asks us to take responsibility for our gifts - they’re meant to be shared so that their fire can give warmth and light to others.
Notice how the King is also turning to the left, beholding the cards that come before them. Sometimes taking a “fiery stance” feels intimidating or confrontational, even. But this reading is wonderfully balanced; we’re aware of where we stand and that awareness, in fact, is what’s giving us confidence and informing our actions. There’s plenty of water to control a fire if it burns too wildly. There’s plenty of earth to soak up and be nourished by the effusive and plentiful water. In these conditions, taking a chance is not a risk, it’s a joyful requirement.
This week, embrace:
Identifying sources of pleasure, beauty, and inspiration
Naturally-occurring healing
Letting things in, not forcing them
Calm and grounded assessments of your daily life and career
Your personal authority, energy, and vision
Making changes with all these in mind/guiding/supporting you
This week, Avoid:
Fear-based decision-making
Rushing plans
Discounting what comes easily or feels good to you
Get creative:
Ace of Cups: Identify one thing that makes you feel amazing and do it more often. Bonus action: Obligatory Ace of Cups ritual bath (because how could I not?) - A heaping cup of Epsom salts, fresh mint, rose petals, and a few drops of sweet orange essential oil.
Seven of Pentacles: Find or consecrate a houseplant you already have to represent your eighth pentacle - what do you want to grow and tend to in your life right now? As you care for it, envision this project or venture flourishing.
King of Wands: The Albano-Waite-Smith deck we’re using this week is really making this king seem extra-fiery, so I think we should do the same. Find a power outfit, preferably red, and wear it all week or on a day when you need to be seen, get your point across, or muster your energy.
Weekly Forecast: May 16-22
The deep pull of change characterizes this week, as the beginnings of a shift start to pull at our lives. Whatever we’ve become accustomed to is reaching its end - how will we face this new reality? Most importantly, how will we continue despite invitations to revert to old ways, stale plans, or unhealthy situations?
The deep pull of change characterizes this week, as the beginnings of a shift start to pull at our lives. Whatever we’ve become accustomed to is reaching its end - how will we face this new reality? Most importantly, how will we continue despite invitations to revert to old ways, stale plans, or unhealthy situations?
This is one of those readings that has both conflict and harmony. We start things out with the wily Seven of Swords, a card of trickery and deceit that can manifest on a wide spectrum, from helpful insouciance and rebelliousness to betrayal and mendacity. Spending some time here will be helpful: where in your life do you feel like corners are being cut, excuses made, or facts bent? Pay attention to whether it’s internal - a mental contortion (usually defense mechanism) that you’re engaging in - or external - something being acted upon you by another. These are serious themes, yet there’s energy here that’s in service of the bigger change taking shape at the end of the week. It’s up to use to recognize and transform it.
You’ll notice that the figure in the Seven of Swords in walking in one direction while looking back over their shoulder. I’m seeing this card being irresistibly pulled towards the vortex of The Wheel of Fortune, a symbol of cosmic change. Regardless of the situation you’re in, there’s something present in it that can either be redirected in support of change or simply reframed. Is there some lesson you need to integrate, a fear you need to face so that you can turn around and walk towards the future? Or is there some chaos being brought into your life that may give you clarity about what you really want (aka not anymore of that particular flavor of wild b.s.?).
Paying attention to restlessness, half-truths, or full-on lies that take you back to old, stale territory. There’s also a strong whiff of avoidance in The Seven of Swords - are you pulling away from inevitable change? Is someone else trying to keep you from expanding and flourishing? Despite the tension, this is a moment of power; the background here is a bright yellow, the color of creativity and energy. Seven is a number of spiritual importance. See where you can integrate difficulty into your narrative of growth and beware of seductive justifications to keep things the way they are or return to stifling situations.
Fortunately, we have an epic card of self-regard and personal power in the center of our reading: The King of Wands. This card is all about wise action - reining in our energy and directing it outwards to blaze a path for our selves. Excuses, unhealthy relationships, self-limiting thoughts, and self-sabotage are quickly burned away by the flames of The King of Wands. Let yourself act assertively, trust your plans, and assume responsibility for your direction and behavior this week. I’m also seeing a possibly surprising uprising of strength at play here. You may be surprised by how quickly and authoritatively you rise to the occasion when faced with pushback, challenges, and competition.
So here we see the more pernicious side of thinking and communication (swords) forced to travel through the clarifying and formidable boundaries and requirements of the ruler of the wands suit. A trial by fire? A clarifying conflagration? There may be some drama or tension here, but it’s giving us a running jump into a new cycle, as The Wheel of Fortune starts to spin at the end of the week.
Now this is a tricky card. But where The Seven of Swords deals with personal, mental trickiness, The Wheel of Fortune rules the ever-present force of cosmic change. Whatever we’re experiencing now is sure to cycle into something different. The highs turn back down, the lows begin to swing upward. And, like a cyclone, The Wheel of Fortune opens up new paths, suggesting that we’re going to be given the opportunity to make new headways, travel new ground, and effect the change we’re capable of making in a new landscape.
I feel like this has a lot to do with personal power and authority, as The King of Wands is almost standing guard. First he must deal with the trickiness of The Seven of Wands, after which he can turn around, strong and capable, and being doing what he can to work with the energy of The Wheel of Fortune. Beware the desire to shrink, equivocate, or make excuses. This is a time of powerful growth, and it appears as if we’ve been ready for quite some time. and the time is now.
This week, embrace:
A long, hard look at the reality in front of you
Personal integrity
Trust in your capabilities
this week, avoid:
Toxic relationships (no matter how familiar)
get creative:
Seven of Swords: Notice where you’re walking away from what you really want, just like the figure in this card. What do you have your eyes on? What feels too big, bright, and exciting? Imagine a face-off between this card and The King of Wands (just look at the photo above - they’re really staring each other down!) How can you elevate your internal boss/leader/ruler to rein in the avoidant behavior of the Seven of Swords?
King of Wands: Write down a list of what you’re good at, the decisions you’ve made that have paid off, and, most importantly, instances when acting with trust in your instincts and experience have led to swift and authentic change. This is your King of Wands resume: bask in its glory.
Wheel of Fortune: I like seeing this card as a storm sweeping through our lives. Not the catastrophic kind, but rather one that expels stifling humidity with fresh, cool air. Channel this into real life by conducting some spiritual cleansing in your space. Open the windows, burn incense or spritz some essential oils into the air. Imagine letting in the winds of change, visualizing how you’d like them to work their magic in your life.
Weekly Forecast: March 21-27
Welcome to a new week, friends! This is an energetic and exciting reading - quite the departure from the challenges and exhaustion of last week. I’m feeling big themes of integration, transformation, and breakthrough. It’s not the flashy kind, though, more of a gentle yet impressive emerging; a branch you stuck into the ground with little hope it would root and grow, suddenly sprouting juicy green buds.
Queen of Pentacles / King of Wands / Ace of Wands
Welcome to a new week, friends! This is an energetic and exciting reading - quite the departure from the challenges and exhaustion of last week. I’m feeling big themes of integration, transformation, and breakthrough. It’s not the flashy kind, though, more of a gentle yet impressive emerging; a branch you stuck into the ground with little hope it would root and grow, suddenly sprouting juicy green buds.
Zooming out, the focus this week is turning inwards and tending to ourselves. The Queen of Pentacles has taken the spot of the King of Pentacles last week. We faced some issues head-on in the past seven days, bringing fortitude and leadership skills to areas of our life related to finance, material support, and work. Now is the time to apperciate that bravery and grant ourselves time to integrate the lessons emerging from these actions, a shavasana of sorts after a long and challenging practice. What have we learned about our capability when it comes to providing for ourselves, advocating for our needs, owning our power, and taking up space in the world? How can we introduce these to our inner lives, our concept of ourselves?
More practically speaking, this is a time to treat ourselves well, lavishing love and attention on our body, homes, and environment. Place flowers in every room of your house, cook nourishing food, move your body in restorative and joyful ways, get intimate with someone you love. Any time we spend letting the sensory joys of our everyday life nourish us will be building and bolstering our strength.
This is especially important since we’re moving from a pentacles-focused past few weeks into the realm of new wands. (We just completed a streak of late-stage wands cards, showing the end of a project or endeavor that required a lot of follow-through and detail-work.) The King of Wands leads the charge, joining the Queen of Pentacles in a powerful alliance. In what ways are we bringing our hard-won wisdom around ambition, creativity, and drive to important decisions impacting our everyday lives? This is big energy, and court cards in multiples tend to create an aura of mystery and possibility. Take some time to consider how you relate to these cards and their themes:
The Queen of Pentacles = comfort in your resources, pride in creating and cultivating a rich life, generosity, the overall energy of hosting a welcoming feast for all
The King of Wands = fiery drive, taking command and acting boldly when you know the time is right, being unafraid to forge your own path, letting your charisma shine and be seen without shame
Note if you have any conflicts between these archetypes. Do you feel like being bold and wanting things from the external world is dangerous, conceited, or somehow “too much”? Are you pulled between living a quiet life and pursuing big dreams? This reading says these two stances are actually incredibly supportive of each other, and what’s more, they’re combining to potentially support an exciting new development. Something else worth noting briefly: Court cards can represent times when we play with our identity. Don’t let yourself get stuck in rote understandings of yourself, no matter how cozy. This week has the potential for unexpected growth, talents, and change. Just because you haven’t identified with certain traits in the past doesn’t mean they’re not there, ready to come into focus.
The Ace of Wands is showing up here, in the week immediately following the Spring Equinox (or Fall Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere), making a new beginning if we’re bold enough to rise and meet it. I’m seeing themes of ambition, directness, and healthy assertiveness. And, personally, I’m also relieved and just plain happy to see this card after the tedium of the Nine and Ten of Wands this past week. This ace is all about passionate excitement, alluring new plans and ideas, and the creatively satisfying early stages of bringing something into being. It’s also very spring-like. Consider where you’re starring anew, being reborn, and how you can harness the directness, power, and pride of the Queen of Pentacles and King of Wands to shape this moment into something that serves your best interests and deepest dreams.
This week, embrace:
Re-investing, re-starting, or re-vamping your self-care rituals
Finding strength in nature and the senses
Centering around your needs, desires, and creative vision
Direct action
New ventures
This week, Avoid:
Outdated approaches
Self-limiting beliefs or habits
Fear of innovation
Acquiescing too quickly/trying to make peace when it doesn’t really serve you
Get creative:
Queen of Pentacles: I’m drawn to the setting of this card this week. Find an actual spot you can visit and consecrate it as your “Queen of Pentacles” zone, a place where you feel grounded, relaxed, and in contact with the energies of nature. Set aside some time in your schedule to visit this place with the intention of giving yourself a recharge. It will likely be helpful as the powerful, fiery energy of the wands cards come into play mid-week and beyond.
King of Wands: Inspired by the placement of our two court cards for the week, consider how your outer persona protects and advocates for your everyday life. The King of Wands is healthily assertive and has no qualms about clearly stating their needs. As much as I rebel against them in my personal practice, I’m thinking that a mantra of sorts would be a galvanizing way to tap into this king’s zeal, and it seems as if this card has some reassurance to offer the Queen of Pentacles. What message of “I got you” can you give your inner self? Use it when out blazing your path in the great big world.
Ace of Wands: Aces are clarifying in their simplicity. They can also get eclipsed by heavy expectations, worry, and fear. Allow yourself to simply appreciate and enjoy the little sparks of inspiration and excitement (particularly of the creative variety) without worrying about where they’ll go. This card also invites us to trust our instincts and simply take the first step towards them, trusting that the path will unfurl from there.
Weekly Forecast: September 9-15
We have a mixed forecast for this week, dear friends. There's the heartbreak of the Three of Swords and the emotional indecision of the Seven of Cups. If this were the weather, I'd say we have clouds mixed with thunderstorms on the horizon. Fortunately, however, we have the determined energy of the King of Wands leading us through.
We have a mixed forecast for this week, dear friends. There's the heartbreak of the Three of Swords and the emotional indecision of the Seven of Cups. If this were the weather, I'd say we have clouds mixed with thunderstorms on the horizon. Fortunately, however, we have the determined energy of the King of Wands leading us through.
So what does this card instruct us to focus on? In a way, the Three of Swords and Seven of Cups show us the complex combinations of thoughts and emotions that make life both challenging and interesting.
What do we do when the going gets tough? The King of Wands couldn't be a more empowering archetype. We are prepared to handle this and then some. We've outgrown our tendency to get swamped by turmoil and challenge; that doesn't mean, however, that it'll be easy.
I feel like the King of Wands is starting our reading for a reason. As we launch into the week it's important to have a nice heart-to-heart with ourselves, particularly our ambitious and willful side. The King of Wands is a character who knows what they want and relishes the opportunity to flex their muscles and fight for it. Not in an exhausting way, but in a way that reflects their worldview - think of the thrill of the hunt or the satisfaction of completing a tough workout.
Some helpful King of Wands questions to consider: What am I working for right now? What strengths and accomplishments tell me that I can surmount these challenges easily? Think of yourself as an intrepid adventurer (perhaps one who was so dashing and daring they became a King) - why would you expect challenge to derail you when you've done so much to work with, through and around it?
Sometimes this is a wonderul opportunity to retell your story. Be as big and bold as the King of Wands. Spin a yarn, one where you're the protagonist. A little ego here is a good thing - same goes for faith in your abilities and vision.
Why am I doubling down so hard on the heroic, jazzy King of Wands? Because the other energies this week are murky and difficult. Some old wounds are getting kicked up with the Three of Swords and it's making us question our path, decisions, and abilities.
There are, however, lots of options. Ending on the Seven of Cups shows us mulling them over, wondering what to do next, which is why I'm endorsing the King of Wands so thoroughly. Has the challenge of the Three of Swords really shook things up so much that our plans have been pushed to the side? I sure hope not.
Use this energy this week to rally around yourself and prioritize your goals. The King of Wands is more than strong enough to commit to this vision no matter the stickiness that arises. Let's make the delibration of the Seven of Cups a temporary pause, not a halt to the bold path we're charting for ourselves.
Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Kings
I think I’ve been dragging my feet with this final post on the court cards because I don’t want to be done with my card meaning dictionary! But it’s a new year and the time has come to tackle The Kings once and for all, so let’s get to it.
The Kings are a fascinating group of cards and deal with questions of authority, expertise, and leadership. Like the Queens they are fully in control of their suit and element, having learned to master it after years of study, dedication, and real-life practice.
In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.
I think I’ve been dragging my feet with this final post on the court cards because I don’t want to be done with my card meaning dictionary! But it’s a new year and the time has come to tackle The Kings once and for all, so let’s get to it.
The Kings are a fascinating group of cards and deal with questions of authority, expertise, and leadership. Like the Queens they are fully in control of their suit and element, having learned to master it after years of study, dedication, and real-life practice.
Yet while the Queens deal with a flexible and personal relationship to their suit, the Kings take their connection outwards, using their expertise in the social world.
Perhaps because of this they can tend towards being inflexible, though at their best they’re even-keeled, confident, and determined,
Let's take a closer look at how this stance is reflected in each suit:
Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings
The King of Wands is a passionate and noticeable leader. This is the kind of personality that loves to be in the vanguard, pioneering new ideas, sometimes without considering the feelings of others. Motivated by the thrill of doing, achievement, and success, this King values change, innovation, and creativity.
The King of Swords, in contrast, is a much more intellectual leader. They prefer to deal with concepts and principles over actions and value deliberation, knowledge, and planning. Sometimes abstract to a fault, the King of Swords can be thought of as a researcher whose intelligence is undeniable and inspires others.
The King of Cups has the fascinating ability to use healthy detachment to understand even the most complex emotional situations. Concerned with relationships and interpersonal dynamics, this card is deeply feeling, perceptive, and intuitive. A wonderful judge of character, this card speaks to bigger life questions and can inspire with his personal charm and equanimity.
And finally, the King of Pentacles is a jolly yet formidable leader. It’s not hard to see that this king has no problem cultivating abundance. Just look at those grapes twining throughout his card! A figure whose command of resources, money, and riches is unparalleled, the King of Pentacles also knows how to have a good time and values celebrating and using wealth for enjoyment, not just for himself but others as well.
Click on each card for the full meaning and share your take on the Kings below. How does their leadership and power show up in your life and your readings?
Weekly Forecast: July 10-17
The full moon in Capricorn seems to have awakened some barely concealed energy. Why do I say barely? We have both the Empress and the King of Wands showing up in the first two positions of our spread. These two cards arrive on the scene completely connected to their own power, talent, and vision.
To put it simply, this is a week where sensuality and action come together seamlessly.
At the root of all the comings and goings is a deep connection to ourselves. The Empress isn't a card wrapped up in the conceptual. She lives and breathes in the reality of lived-in, daily life.
The way the Empress sees things, this is the most magical space to inhabit. To her, reality as we experience it contains all the inspiration and sacred energy we need. The realm of the senses - what we can touch, see, smell, taste, and hear - is the direct expression of something greater.
This is a time to revel in our perceptions and experiences of the world. We're being urged to pay attention to how we feel, more particularly, how our bodies feel as we interact with what's around us.
It's a delicious, stop-and-smell-the-roses attitude towards life. No moment is too small or too fleeting - the feel of the sun on our faces, the ground beneath our feet, or the sound of a bird flying by. We can find joy around us at all times and in abundance.
This foundation of awareness will grant us a wealth of self-confidence and stability. Framing our experience in our bodies - we're at the center of everything we encounter - allows us to bypass the at times anxious and stifling filter of our thoughts.
This week we're being asked to engage with the feeling of knowing rather than the thought of knowing what's right. Listening to our instincts, following the feeling in our stomachs, hearts, feet will bring us to new and exciting places.
So now that we're really feeling ourselves where are we headed? Fostering self connection and paying attention to the joys of being alive is propelling us towards the King of Wands, a proactive, powerful, and dynamic card.
When we feel at one with ourselves and the world we are able to leap forward and embrace actions that reflect innate truths about ourselves. We're going to have no shortage of energy this week, nor inspiration. I like to think of these two cards as a representation of the marriage between our wild and natural self and our creative self.
Think (and feel) about what is an important next step. What's calling to you that you'd like to leap into wholeheartedly? This is not a time for doubt or trepidation. We've got this.
Excitingly enough, it looks like we're not going to be pursuing these dreams alone. The Two of Cups shows the beginning of an important union. Someone is coming onto the scene after being attracted by our vim and vigor.
This partnership will be formed around the creative leaps and bounds we're taking and, in addition to being inspiring will also have a lovely and tender side: mutual support in the birth of a new venture.
And what a beautiful progression of images: the lush growth in The Empress moving towards the sun-like rays of inspiration in the King of Wands. All leading to the celestial expansion and companionship of the Two of Cups. We're going to be exentding all the way from the ground to the heavens, looking at a beautiful starry sky of possibility.
Weekly Forecast: May 1-7
There’s a lot of intense energy in flux this week. We may find ourselves feeling impatient, prickly, or dissatisfied. We have plenty of energy and no desire to take things slowly or engage in self-reflection.
Why is this?
The King of Wands shows us that we’ve recently pulled off some very impressive feats. We’ve reached a kingly place: confident, stable, and accomplished. In the suit of wands this refers to creativity. Where in our lives have we took a creative leap that has paid off? Instead of commemorating ourselves and what we’ve done, however, we’re rushing onto the next thing.
We see the King facing to the left, looking back at where he came from, while our card for the present, The Knight of Pentacles, is facing the opposite way, charging into the future and looking both deflated and intensely fixated at something in the distance.
There’s tension between these cards. Instead of reflecting on the past like the King, we’re skipping to the teenage overzealousness of the Knight of Pentacles. Rushing forward towards something new, our tunnel vision is leaving us removed from the moment and feeling anxious and enervated.
I love this depiction of the Knight of Pentacles. The figure on the horse looks anything but enthused. And yet he’s riding a massively powerful horse that’s ready to rear ahead. This is a card that speaks to moments when our ambition overshadows our limitations and even our true desires.
If you’re going to be charging ahead you’d better be into it, not dragging a heavy pentacle like the knight we see here. Perhaps there’s something heavy and stifling about wanting to turn the fiery creativity of Wands into the solid, predictableness of a Pentacle. Maybe we’re not quite there yet this week. Maybe we don’t even need to go there at all.
There’s a distinct undercurrent of tension here: passion vs. obligation. What’s fueling this Knight charging forward? What is making him droop on the saddle? It seems like there might be a hint of old pressures and thought patterns: the pressure of “should” sending us off on journeys we’d rather not take.
In Pentacles-language, we could be feeling a need to be practical, conservative, and safe. Pentacles value stability. Are we afraid of our creative accomplishments leading us away from safety?
Change and creativity can be frightening because they destabilize us, no matter how positive it may seem. But before we rush off to counterbalance by being overly practical, we could also take a moment to get to know how it feels to master a part of our creative lives.
Contrast the two creatures in both cards. The King of Wands holds onto a fearsome lion, confident enough to turn his back to it and gaze to the side, looking purposeful and grounded. The Knight of Pentacles, on the other hand, is slumped on the back of a powerful horse. He doesn’t appear to be in control of the situation.
The King knows how to keep his wild nature by his side. The lion is a protector and a sign of power, working with his master. The Knight is disconnected from his wildness, allowing it to react to change with barely-controlled energy.
This a reminder that it is best to not move forward when we are acting out of fear and anxiety. Being connected to ourselves is most important when seeking out change. If we’re not feeling it at the moment, we can simply wait until we are clearer and more collected.
Over time, this struggle will be fruitful. Our reading ends with Justice, a powerful Major Arcana card with the ability to cut through bullshit and achieve clarity in moments of confusion.
This card suggests that our struggles between creative confidence and practical ambition will balance themselves out by the end of the week. Our flailing will give way to peacefulness as if our internal push and pull is simply the movement of a scale balancing itself. Take comfort in knowing that the ups and downs are relatively small in the scheme of things, and are leading us to a healthy medium. In the meantime, take stock of your ideas around success, safety, and creative expression. There’s a lot of be learned in the coming days.