Weekly Forecast: August 12-18

Three Card reading marshmallow Marseilles the fool

Invest in yourself by walking away from drama.

Good morning, forecasters. This week's group of cards is giving us a refreshing message that can be hard to follow in real life: What if the most thorny-seeming conflict isn't ours to engage with? And what if we can walk away, unscathed, towards our bigger future as planned?

The Five of Swords shows the challenge that springs from its realm of communication, thoughts, and the mind. When words are used to hurt or manipulate things can get painful, fast. I think it's fascinating that tarot chooses the most damaging symbol for the least tangible meanings. As anyone who's ever heard the rhyme "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me," and thought, "Hmm.. I'm not so sure of that!" this card has a lot to say.

The rest of the swords cards can be similarly dark. Without action, change, feeling, or grounding, too many thoughts can often leave us stuck or injured. Here, the issue takes on a more social dimension where things compound quickly. This card may show up in a tricky group dynamic, manipulative person, or overall drama. Wherever it is, you're likely already aware of its power.

Speaking of power, the swords can also be huge attention hogs. Visually, they're the most dramatic so we assume that their meaning is as well. What I love most about this reading is that the other cards challenge this idea thoroughly.

Is there a part of your life that seems to be taking up a lot of mental space? Is it eclipsing other tasks, pleasures, and connections with its messiness? And, most importantly, are you tempted to lavish it with extra attention? As if you just dug deeper you could figure out the root of all the chaos?

Well, this is a week to step away from all that, and I just love how The Fool is the card that's inspiring us.

Here, we get a taste of The Fool's cheekiness, because even though this archetype is a signifier of innocence and new beginnings, he's also been around the block enough to know when to cut his losses and leave. There's obviously been some preparation with his knapsack: he's chosen to take only what he needs (and none of the baggage from other people's drama.)

What this card also says is that we can let the light of our own journey lead us away from tangles of other people's inner (and outer) conflict. Doing this is an act of love, both for ourselves and the other. The Fool allows himself to follow what's good, trusting both in his ability to lead and his ability to navigate whatever comes his way. The trick is to pack light, be light on your feet, and prioritize your instincts.

Since the Five of Swords is in the past, it seems to be somewhat of a known quantity. Perhaps something very familiar and alluring. An old puzzle to solve, an old story of conflict, doubt, or limitation. Yet there's a new story that's eclipsing it this week, so expect some blow-back while remaining true to your new and solid path. On the other side of The Fool's journey? It's the Queen of Pentacles, indicating that we're prioritizing an open and stable life for ourselves, one where we can care and honor our needs and, perhaps, extend a loving (and conditional) invitation to any past drama-creators on the other side.

I find it interesting that I chose to use a Marseille deck this morning, because this Fool is different from the Rider-Waite-Smith version. Most notably, the desperate-looking cat glomming itself onto the Fool's leg. While you're on your way out, choosing not to give this conflict more air time by pulling on each broken thread to try and get a picture of the whole, there will be plenty of invitations to do so from the people involved.

Keep walking and the cat will calm down. Maybe it will go back to the tangled confusion of the Five of Swords or maybe it'll start to travel with you, calm and glad for the perspective of distance. Either way, we're all graced with the presence of mind and spirit to chart a new and far better path for ourselves.


Weekly Forecast: August 18-25


Weekly Forecast: August 5-11