Weekly Forecast: November 21-27
This is a week of both homecoming and breakthrough, dear readers. As we’ve meandered through November we’ve been picking up some severe cards: the grieving, worrying Nine of Swords, the determined and exhausted Nine of Wands, the jarring call of Judgment. This week, however, brings a fresh start and a new beginning. We’ve done our processing; now is the time to look up from our work and deliberation to see the rich life unfolding around us.
This is a week of both homecoming and breakthrough, dear readers. As we’ve meandered through November we’ve been picking up some severe cards: the grieving, worrying Nine of Swords, the determined and exhausted Nine of Wands, the jarring call of Judgment. This week, however, brings a fresh start and a new beginning. We’ve done our processing; now is the time to look up from our work and deliberation to see the rich life unfolding around us.
We’ll start in the center this week, as The Queen of Pentacles is holding court over this reading with warmth and care. What are the sources from which love, kindness, and respectful attentiveness are radiating in our lives? This is an important time to express gratitude for the support we’ve been given, reach out to loved ones both near and far, and pay attention to the small gestures other people make to smooth our path and show support.
As a court card, this queen tells us that we, too, are important sources of support and inspiration to those around us. Consider your responsibility towards the ones you love and the collective as a whole - what are the ways that you honor the themes of reciprocity, care, and connection?
You may see where I’m going with this - the central question of our reading and week: how does your expression of love reflect the principle of Justice? Not only is this important this week, but I suspect this question has a lot to say with regards to our big transformation for November. So, if you’ve been feeling adrift or out of sorts, take this week as a time to reground yourself in the practical ways you honor Justice in your actions.
The Queen of Pentacles presides over the everyday - the home, the rhythms of our routines, the wisdom of our bodies, the act and practice of loving - and reminds us that each day gives us the opportunity to enact what matters most to us. The deepest magic is interwoven in the small repetitions; days, weeks, and years add up to a lifetime rich with the power of commitment.
This week also serves as a reset, a moment of calm and restoration after lots of processing. Let yourself relax into the comforts available to you, knowing that they’ll fuel you to come. And, at the same time, use the lull to relinquish any pains, built up tension, or resentments. They’re ready to be released and metabolized into something nourishing instead of corrosive.
It’ll also be useful to take in the warmth and center around our sense of Justice as we move into a much stranger phase. The Moon indicates the arrival of a mysterious change. Things are going to get murky, strange, and unpredictable. Expect to feel spacey, unfocused, or even overwhelmingly inspired to the point of inaction. This is fertile ground, but not the most easy to walk through. Being aligned with our daily lives, loving connections, and greater values will be even more important as we move forward.
This week, embrace:
Acting with Justice in mind
Living by your values
Tending to & celebrating your resources and home life
Hospitality, generosity, and rest
Trusting and enjoying moments of “low productivity” and dreaminess
This week, Avoid:
Being swept away from your values
Looking to outside sources for validation
Distractions that lead you away from what really matters
Filling your time with frenetic tasks, overcommitting to events
Get creative:
Justice: This strikes me as a “leveling up” on the larger swords-journey we’ve been on this month. You’ll notice we’ve had lots of Minor Arcana cards in the swords suit, but this is the first Major featuring a formidable blade! Take a moment to distill what you’ve been learning into a singular value or principle - what does Justice mean to you right now? (And how can this help cut through any confusion or indecision?)
Queen of Pentacles: We’ve talked a lot about how this card operates socially in the forecast above, but it’s also important to direct the caring, practical qualities of the Queen of Pentacles inward. Commit to one gesture this week that feels rejuvenating to you: go for a walk in the morning, make yourself a favorite cup of tea before bed, do yoga. Whatever you do, do it with the intention of giving your full attention and love to yourself in that moment, and detach from any grander aspirations. It’s just for a week, see how it feels!
The Moon: If this card was a timeline, The Moon would fall on the weekend, the perfect time to engage in some lunar explorations! Get planning now: find a bit of time to let yourself dream and get lost in the symbolic. Do a tarot reading for yourself, watch a surreal film, read a chapter in a fantasy novel. This card requires a dose of magic.
Weekly Forecast: March 21-27
Welcome to a new week, friends! This is an energetic and exciting reading - quite the departure from the challenges and exhaustion of last week. I’m feeling big themes of integration, transformation, and breakthrough. It’s not the flashy kind, though, more of a gentle yet impressive emerging; a branch you stuck into the ground with little hope it would root and grow, suddenly sprouting juicy green buds.
Queen of Pentacles / King of Wands / Ace of Wands
Welcome to a new week, friends! This is an energetic and exciting reading - quite the departure from the challenges and exhaustion of last week. I’m feeling big themes of integration, transformation, and breakthrough. It’s not the flashy kind, though, more of a gentle yet impressive emerging; a branch you stuck into the ground with little hope it would root and grow, suddenly sprouting juicy green buds.
Zooming out, the focus this week is turning inwards and tending to ourselves. The Queen of Pentacles has taken the spot of the King of Pentacles last week. We faced some issues head-on in the past seven days, bringing fortitude and leadership skills to areas of our life related to finance, material support, and work. Now is the time to apperciate that bravery and grant ourselves time to integrate the lessons emerging from these actions, a shavasana of sorts after a long and challenging practice. What have we learned about our capability when it comes to providing for ourselves, advocating for our needs, owning our power, and taking up space in the world? How can we introduce these to our inner lives, our concept of ourselves?
More practically speaking, this is a time to treat ourselves well, lavishing love and attention on our body, homes, and environment. Place flowers in every room of your house, cook nourishing food, move your body in restorative and joyful ways, get intimate with someone you love. Any time we spend letting the sensory joys of our everyday life nourish us will be building and bolstering our strength.
This is especially important since we’re moving from a pentacles-focused past few weeks into the realm of new wands. (We just completed a streak of late-stage wands cards, showing the end of a project or endeavor that required a lot of follow-through and detail-work.) The King of Wands leads the charge, joining the Queen of Pentacles in a powerful alliance. In what ways are we bringing our hard-won wisdom around ambition, creativity, and drive to important decisions impacting our everyday lives? This is big energy, and court cards in multiples tend to create an aura of mystery and possibility. Take some time to consider how you relate to these cards and their themes:
The Queen of Pentacles = comfort in your resources, pride in creating and cultivating a rich life, generosity, the overall energy of hosting a welcoming feast for all
The King of Wands = fiery drive, taking command and acting boldly when you know the time is right, being unafraid to forge your own path, letting your charisma shine and be seen without shame
Note if you have any conflicts between these archetypes. Do you feel like being bold and wanting things from the external world is dangerous, conceited, or somehow “too much”? Are you pulled between living a quiet life and pursuing big dreams? This reading says these two stances are actually incredibly supportive of each other, and what’s more, they’re combining to potentially support an exciting new development. Something else worth noting briefly: Court cards can represent times when we play with our identity. Don’t let yourself get stuck in rote understandings of yourself, no matter how cozy. This week has the potential for unexpected growth, talents, and change. Just because you haven’t identified with certain traits in the past doesn’t mean they’re not there, ready to come into focus.
The Ace of Wands is showing up here, in the week immediately following the Spring Equinox (or Fall Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere), making a new beginning if we’re bold enough to rise and meet it. I’m seeing themes of ambition, directness, and healthy assertiveness. And, personally, I’m also relieved and just plain happy to see this card after the tedium of the Nine and Ten of Wands this past week. This ace is all about passionate excitement, alluring new plans and ideas, and the creatively satisfying early stages of bringing something into being. It’s also very spring-like. Consider where you’re starring anew, being reborn, and how you can harness the directness, power, and pride of the Queen of Pentacles and King of Wands to shape this moment into something that serves your best interests and deepest dreams.
This week, embrace:
Re-investing, re-starting, or re-vamping your self-care rituals
Finding strength in nature and the senses
Centering around your needs, desires, and creative vision
Direct action
New ventures
This week, Avoid:
Outdated approaches
Self-limiting beliefs or habits
Fear of innovation
Acquiescing too quickly/trying to make peace when it doesn’t really serve you
Get creative:
Queen of Pentacles: I’m drawn to the setting of this card this week. Find an actual spot you can visit and consecrate it as your “Queen of Pentacles” zone, a place where you feel grounded, relaxed, and in contact with the energies of nature. Set aside some time in your schedule to visit this place with the intention of giving yourself a recharge. It will likely be helpful as the powerful, fiery energy of the wands cards come into play mid-week and beyond.
King of Wands: Inspired by the placement of our two court cards for the week, consider how your outer persona protects and advocates for your everyday life. The King of Wands is healthily assertive and has no qualms about clearly stating their needs. As much as I rebel against them in my personal practice, I’m thinking that a mantra of sorts would be a galvanizing way to tap into this king’s zeal, and it seems as if this card has some reassurance to offer the Queen of Pentacles. What message of “I got you” can you give your inner self? Use it when out blazing your path in the great big world.
Ace of Wands: Aces are clarifying in their simplicity. They can also get eclipsed by heavy expectations, worry, and fear. Allow yourself to simply appreciate and enjoy the little sparks of inspiration and excitement (particularly of the creative variety) without worrying about where they’ll go. This card also invites us to trust our instincts and simply take the first step towards them, trusting that the path will unfurl from there.
Weekly Forecast: February 14-20
Discovering and planting the right seeds for spring
Let’s skip to the end for a change: It’s the middle of May and the world has been transformed from restful shades of grey to exuberant green. You’re in your garden, the illustrations on your seed packets come to life in a profusion of blooms around you. The weather is balmy and you’re wearing the festive outfit you bought on winter clearance with the hope of kinder days in mind. It’s peaceful and golden, and you’re waiting for your friends to arrive after having set out a charming, casual array of homemade snacks and drinks. You close your eyes and inhale slowly, savoring a moment of ease and satisfaction.
Now, rewind to the present, and ask yourself: What can I do right now to support this future moment?
Now this vision may not be so literal, and if you’re struggling to resonate with a chill afternoon in the yard (and even if you do), I encourage you to think about how to capture this overall feeling of relaxed power, contentment, and hospitality extending into different areas of your life. The Queen of Pentacles is acting as a role model of sorts in this reading; this is a card that holds the warmth and poise of someone with formidable skills and resources who values stability, community, and reciprocity. How might you begin to step into this character in the days to come?
Court cards often stymie readers because of their cardboard cutout qualities. They all feature similar layouts - a figure holding the symbol of their suit - and I think that leaning into their static, archetypal side is actually helpful. Action figures and trading cards inspire us to play, to use the traits they represent in self-directed action. There may be a facet of “faking it ‘til you make it” to the ways you begin to embody Queen of Pentacles, and rather than viewing this initial awkwardness as disingenuous, welcome it as part of the process. New movements feel stilted until we practice them enough to add them to our muscle memory.
With that being said, let’s return to the beginning of our reading: The Ten of Wands. Our muscles, it seems, are quite tired at the beginning of the week as we struggle to finish important projects and tasks. This phase, however, is very close to its end, and we can gather strength in moments of exhaustion knowing that we’re incredibly close to the finish line, especially when it comes to our external lives in areas like work and creativity. If an action is in service to something you value, do it. If not, lighten your load and let that wand fall by the wayside.
In tarot the tens of the deck illustrate a final conclusion that carries the seed of a new beginning. Sometimes, this particular brand of finality comes with exhaustion. If you feel a particular bone-tiredness coming into this week, don’t despair. Is the fatigue you’re feeling a sign that you’ve reached the end of a long road? How can you give yourself the respect and congratulations you deserve for making it this far? And what changes might give you joy and relief?
Speaking of which, not only do we have a ten showing us the end of a path, we also have an ace right afterwards pointing us in a new and exciting direction. Exhaustion and overwhelm will quickly shift to fascination as a new opportunity comes into focus. We’re shifting from the fast-moving, action oriented world of the wands suit to the grounded and lush pentacles. And, wow, does it seem like we’re ready. We vault from the Ace of Pentacles into the Queen of Pentacles, moving from a fresh beginning into self-assured mastery. What are we taking to with grace and ease? What changes suit us perfectly? This is a time to pay attention to what works, feels good, and develops quickly. If you’ve been waiting for a moment to start something new, commit to a promising path, or invest in yourself, this is the time.
The pentacles are the suit of earth, and sometimes I think we stick to close to the surface of this connection, equating earth with life-giving dirt. But why stay at the top? Dirt is simply the earth’s crust, a fraction of the planet itself. This reading invites us to consider the flashier, deeper parts of the element: the diversity of splendid crystals and minerals, the raw power of molten magma. The Queen of Pentacles is in touch with these inner treasures and can channel their allure and power in service of a meaningful life. This is a time to consider our relationship to our power and respect the heft and impact it can have in the everyday. Are there parts of your life that you can change, gifting yourself with beauty and ease? This is not a time to be self-abnegating or miserly. Some small investments can change the quality of your life, and the Queen of Pentacles reminds us that enjoyment of life brings us closer to ourselves and others, awakening us to the world through sensual experience.
A final word on the Ace here: this is a time when something that seems small has the longterm potential to take us somewhere impactful. The key to identifying it, however, is in how it makes you feel - self assured and grounded like the Queen of Pentacles? Or burdened with obligation like the Ten of Wands? This is a time when we’re close to touching a solution or new path that simply feels good and can skirt around our usual pitfalls. If you feel like you need to suffer to succeed, or that all forward motion needs to be plotted out and planned within an inch of its life, try to let go of these assumptions and follow what unfolds naturally and with ease. It may be uncomfortable at first, but I think that remaining closed off to these changes would be an absolute shame. And, after all, we’re practicing stepping into the Queen of Pentacles’ shoes; if practice makes perfect, why expect ourselves to be perfect just yet?
This week, embrace:
Putting the finishing touches on projects
New opportunities that fuel your sense of wonder
Daydreaming about an ideal life, particularly with regards to your career
Investing in yourself
This week, avoid:
Preemptively shooting down ideas because of “practical” reasons
Airing your tender dreams to unsupportive others
Getting swept up in big picture worries
Fighting natural changes
Get creative:
Ten of Wands: A practical suggestion here: Sometimes the best antidote to overwhelm is a good old-fashioned list. Take some time to sort out your wands by writing out all the little tasks you’re facing - swat those pesky mosquito worries onto the page so you can work with them! Once you’ve written everything out, mercilessly scratch out anything that’s inessential for the week. Either it can wait or it wasn’t important to begin with. Now you have a list of what matters and a clearer head. Farewell, Ten of Wands overwhelm!
Ace of Pentacles: There’s something dreamy about the aces (maybe it’s all those swirly clouds) and I feel like a good way to see what’s pointing to a new beginning is if it carries the giddy charge of a budding crush. In this card the setting is a lush garden - life is looking pretty good. With that as a framework (your life is good as it is), think of ways you can make it even better. No scarcity mentality here! See if freeing yourself to dream from a place of satisfaction points you towards ideas, paths, or potentials that feel both expansive and actionable.
Queen of Pentacles: Do you feel like a Queen? I hope so, but I know that I certainly don’t all the time. Let’s take this card as actual inspiration this week. If you feel up to it, choose a day to get decked out in your version of Queen of Pentacles finery. What makes you feel comfortable and fabulous? Whether it’s a pair of “fancy” sweats or a beaded robe (sadly, I do not own one of these… yet) put it on for a day and see how it shifts your view of yourself. How might you capture this feeling in other corners of your life?
Weekly Forecast: October 14-20
Resist the urge to self-isolate.
Sometimes when I sit down to write a forecast I type out the first phrase that comes to mind, just like the one above.
Usually these are a nice jumping-off point, but this week it's right on the money - a tarot reading thesis statement, if you will.
Resist the urge to self-isolate.
Sometimes when I sit down to write a forecast I type out the first phrase that comes to mind, just like the one above.
Usually these are a nice jumping-off point, but this week it's right on the money - a tarot reading thesis statement, if you will.
As we begin this week we're worn-down and wounded in some way, yet the solid gentleness of the Queen of Pentacles is urging us to reach out and find soothing care in our relationships via the Six of Cups.
Let's look deeper.
As you may have noticed, I'm a huge fan of artist Mary Evans' Apparition Tarot, featured here. Could I pass up a deck with pastel cherubs dancing on the backs? No! But I also love her interpretations of the cards - they often bring a piercing freshness to their symbolism, taking us on a more modern path to their meanings.
Here, instead of the usual face-down figure stabbed ten times in the back, we have an outstretched hand pierced with swords. It's a painful image to behold. The arm reaching forward makes me think of the pain in vulnerability; what happens when we seek connection and aren't seen, heard, or, worse, treated with respect.
Clearly, these feelings and experiences are at work this week, operating in our lives either consciously or subconsciously. Where have we felt rejected, hurt, or misrepresented? What bids for affection have been ignored or turned down by others, willfully or not?
I whispered a quiet "ooh, boy!" when I turned over this card. It's been a while since we've seen it here, and it's always an intense energy to work with; yet, the fact that it's the ten - the last in its sequence - suggests some finality. Our swords have built up and reached their maximum capacity. In seeing them for what they are we begin a new process of healing.
Which, as you may have guessed, is where the Queen of Pentacles comes in. I really think of this card here as powerful self-parenting energy. We're at a point where we can take the reins and choose to give ourselves all the support and soothing and kindness that may not have been gifted to us in the past. This Queen shows the empowering act of choosing to be our own ally. How can we care for ourselves and put our needs at the center as an act of deep love?
The Queen of Pentacles is also a solitary card; sometimes it can be lonely coming to terms with the responsibility of loving ourselves wholly. Moving with these two facets - the weight of assuming power and the joy and tenderness it cultivates - is absolutely an option. In fact, it's the bittersweet hallmark of the Kings and Queens of tarot. They've traveled far to reach this level of mastery. They know that power begins with oneself, the same as satisfaction, clarity, and so much more.
But what happens when the court cards of tarot band together? Does suffering rejection in the past doom us to the pressure of isolated self-care? Prioritizing our needs until we're alone in a corner? Not at all. This reading shows such a lovely path from the pain of hurt - that inhospitable land of swords - to the warmth of acceptance.
Take time this week to find your people, those trusted travelers who have wisdom, support, and insight to offer you. Look for those who deal with their struggles as a way to better know themselves - other kings and queens of the tarot journey.
The imagery here is stunning: The wounds of the Ten of Swords have disappeared in the Six of Cups where a rainbow of hands join together in supportive grace.
Weekly Forecast: August 12-18
Invest in yourself by walking away from drama.
Good morning, forecasters. This week's group of cards is giving us a refreshing message that can be hard to follow in real life: What if the most thorny-seeming conflict isn't ours to engage with? And what if we can walk away, unscathed, towards our bigger future as planned?
Invest in yourself by walking away from drama.
Good morning, forecasters. This week's group of cards is giving us a refreshing message that can be hard to follow in real life: What if the most thorny-seeming conflict isn't ours to engage with? And what if we can walk away, unscathed, towards our bigger future as planned?
The Five of Swords shows the challenge that springs from its realm of communication, thoughts, and the mind. When words are used to hurt or manipulate things can get painful, fast. I think it's fascinating that tarot chooses the most damaging symbol for the least tangible meanings. As anyone who's ever heard the rhyme "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me," and thought, "Hmm.. I'm not so sure of that!" this card has a lot to say.
The rest of the swords cards can be similarly dark. Without action, change, feeling, or grounding, too many thoughts can often leave us stuck or injured. Here, the issue takes on a more social dimension where things compound quickly. This card may show up in a tricky group dynamic, manipulative person, or overall drama. Wherever it is, you're likely already aware of its power.
Speaking of power, the swords can also be huge attention hogs. Visually, they're the most dramatic so we assume that their meaning is as well. What I love most about this reading is that the other cards challenge this idea thoroughly.
Is there a part of your life that seems to be taking up a lot of mental space? Is it eclipsing other tasks, pleasures, and connections with its messiness? And, most importantly, are you tempted to lavish it with extra attention? As if you just dug deeper you could figure out the root of all the chaos?
Well, this is a week to step away from all that, and I just love how The Fool is the card that's inspiring us.
Here, we get a taste of The Fool's cheekiness, because even though this archetype is a signifier of innocence and new beginnings, he's also been around the block enough to know when to cut his losses and leave. There's obviously been some preparation with his knapsack: he's chosen to take only what he needs (and none of the baggage from other people's drama.)
What this card also says is that we can let the light of our own journey lead us away from tangles of other people's inner (and outer) conflict. Doing this is an act of love, both for ourselves and the other. The Fool allows himself to follow what's good, trusting both in his ability to lead and his ability to navigate whatever comes his way. The trick is to pack light, be light on your feet, and prioritize your instincts.
Since the Five of Swords is in the past, it seems to be somewhat of a known quantity. Perhaps something very familiar and alluring. An old puzzle to solve, an old story of conflict, doubt, or limitation. Yet there's a new story that's eclipsing it this week, so expect some blow-back while remaining true to your new and solid path. On the other side of The Fool's journey? It's the Queen of Pentacles, indicating that we're prioritizing an open and stable life for ourselves, one where we can care and honor our needs and, perhaps, extend a loving (and conditional) invitation to any past drama-creators on the other side.
I find it interesting that I chose to use a Marseille deck this morning, because this Fool is different from the Rider-Waite-Smith version. Most notably, the desperate-looking cat glomming itself onto the Fool's leg. While you're on your way out, choosing not to give this conflict more air time by pulling on each broken thread to try and get a picture of the whole, there will be plenty of invitations to do so from the people involved.
Keep walking and the cat will calm down. Maybe it will go back to the tangled confusion of the Five of Swords or maybe it'll start to travel with you, calm and glad for the perspective of distance. Either way, we're all graced with the presence of mind and spirit to chart a new and far better path for ourselves.
Weekly Forecast: July 29 - August 4
Ah, dear friends, this week's forecast is very specific and clear: It's an important time to think about how we try to mask our feelings through decadence. Whether it's spending, sex, affection, food, or any other sensual activity, we're running the risk of overindulging in these areas to cover up some bittersweet endings active in our life.
Ah, dear friends, this week's forecast is very specific and clear: It's an important time to think about how we try to mask our feelings through decadence. Whether it's spending, sex, affection, food, or any other sensual activity, we're running the risk of overindulging in these areas to cover up some bittersweet endings active in our life.
If you could've seen my face as I turned over each card, you would've gotten quite a hearty laugh. First, the King of Pentacles, made me give a hearty chuckle. "So we're going to be having quite a good time this week!" I thought. Then, the Queen of Pentacles, which seemed to speak to a unique power-couple of enjoyment, as if we're working towards owning our lives in a bright and bold way. Then, the tune changed drastically with the Ten of Swords. There's a lot more under the surface here that deserves our attention instead of pleasure-seeking and fun.
Power couple aside, the two pentacles cards here are giving us options. Are we using our personality and time to mask our suffering, focusing on how others perceive us? Or are we being more focused and mindful, striking a balance between our comfort, strength, and emotional tenderness?
While the King of Pentacles focuses on his role socially - how he's seen by others and his skills for making them feel good, happy, and taken care of - the Queen directs some of these traits inwards. It's an important time to ask ourselves how we're taking care of ourselves. Are we making room for some struggle along with all the joy? Do we see these things as compatible or in conflict?
I see a level of distraction here. Not only is the Ten of Swords a card of discomfort and sadness, it's one of endings. We may be in the last stages of letting something go that's been on its way out for a long time. The King of Pentacles suggests that we've been hiding some of the stickier aspects of this change for others, perhaps because we're afraid it makes us look foolish or vulnerable.
Thankfully, the Queen of Pentacles is holding down the middle of the reading and offering us a middle path. Now is a time for gentleness, understanding, and for using our comforting practices healthily and for our own long-term benefit. That means no overspending, eating, or socializing to mask uncomfortable truths or feelings, and being aware of this pull is the first step. The second? Using it as a sign to turn inwards and ask ourselves what's really going on with all the tenderness of a dear friend.
Even better? Reaching out to one to commiserate and share. We don't always have to be the hosts or givers, and sometimes leaving space to receive is even more powerful in our relationships, allowing them to move to the next level.
Weekly Forecast: May 27-June 2
We have a clear and beautiful reading for our week ahead, though I'm sure many of us are feeling apprehensive with the Three of Swords as our final card.
We have a clear and beautiful reading for our week ahead, though I'm sure many of us are feeling apprehensive with the Three of Swords as our final card.
A wise tarot reader practice is to always start with the most difficult card. Our attention is there already, and skirting around it only builds tension. Not to mention we're unlikely to pay attention to what comes before when we wait for the dreaded shoe to drop.
So I'll start with the Three of Swords first, though in this case the sadness it represents isn't dropping in a harsh or dramatic fashion. We have some cushioning here, most notably in all the hard work we've done to show up for ourselves. It's our job this week to muster all our care, curiosity, and protective force on our own behalf when difficult emotions arise.
It's an ideal situation: giving ourselves the respite we need when things get hard. And what wisdom can we gain when we let our upsetting Three of Swords moments get solace from our brilliance and nurturing?
Now, onto this bold card. Many can guess what it means, but this enigmatic and punchy illustration has a lot of nuance. So, for those of you reading who aren't in the grips of an emotional crisis, fear not. Like the clouds pouring rain in the background, the feelings represented in the Three of Swords have all the varying intensity of weather. It rains, it pours, and sometimes it just sprinkles.
There's also an interesting facet of this card in that sometimes the smallest slight or misfortune can awaken huge recesses of doubt, grief, or confusion. One sword can feel like three piercing your heart and the storm seems endless. Seeing these moments for what they are can curtail a sense of panic and fear. Sometimes we need to let it all out, and a small moment gives us that opportunity.
Whether we're dealing with a minor emotional storm, a moment of upset, or a deeper struggle, we have incredibly good company this week. The Queen of Pentacles is holding down the center of this reading and, like her, we're being encouraged to hold space for ourselves and all our emotions with the dedication and dignity of a true ruler.
As a Queen in tarot, she's not interested in ruling over. I think of these characters as stewards - noble caretakers familiar with and respectful of all aspects of their terrain. So what happens when things get stormy? What does it mean to be the protector, expert, and loving steward of our emotional self? We draw in our resources, care for ourselves with all our patience and love, and know that it will pass.
It's a wonderful match for the restless, analytical energy of the Swords. This Queen instructs us to ground ourselves in daily life, making room for our "negative" or challenging emotions within these stable structures. We must stick by our routines, continue our meditation practices, make ourselves healthy and nourishing meals, even if we don't feel good or up to the task. We can also give ourselves space, gathering our resources around us to gain strength. We do these things for a reason and, like this Queen, part of us knows that the saving grace is in the little things.
Speaking of which, this reading isn't all about sticking steadfastly to routine in the face of spiky emotions. What's a Queen without a crown or a flowing set of robes? Similarly, we might want to try to interject some splendor and majesty into these daily rituals. Feather our nest, care for our bodies in a decadent way. Doing these things can show us how much we value ourselves, a self-coronation of sorts, and doing this when we feel down is especially moving and powerful.
Because we're not flailing in the wind here. The Four of Wands that started this reading off shows us getting back to the basics. No the basic ideas of the swords or the basic physical needs of the pentacles, but the basic actions of the wands. Sometimes uncovering what's essential to us - what we must do to fulfill ourselves - kicks up some existential panic. Cue the Three of Swords. Yet in this case we're prepared, loving, and ready to step in and give ourselves what we need.
This week is a time to do as the Queen of Pentacles would do: Be a steward to your tough emotions, create as cozy and supportive a home for your feelings as you can, and get back to the basics of what you truly need to feel alive and your true self.
Weekly Forecast: May 13-19
We have a nice and uplifting forecast for the week ahead. It's not a time for intensity, hand-wringing, or choice fatigue, though if those are present in our lives (as they often are) we have these cards encouraging us to skip in another direction. And what direction might that be? One that points towards a passionate engagement with ourselves.
We have a nice and uplifting forecast for the week ahead. It's not a time for intensity, hand-wringing, or choice fatigue, though if those are present in our lives (as they often are) we have these cards encouraging us to skip in another direction. And what direction might that be? One that points towards a passionate engagement with ourselves.
The Lovers is a card few people would turn down. The name, the imagery - it's all delightful and carries a romantic overtone that's often missing in everyday life. But who says that has to be the case? As a major arcana card, The Lovers also asks us to elevate our understanding our our situation. Is something boring, quotidian, or frustrating really all it seems?
Even more excitingly, this powerhouse card is followed by the Ace of Swords and the Queen of Cups. I've often written how The Lovers, in addition to romance, deals with the theme of choice. Here, we have two cards that often get stuck at opposite ends of a spectrum: The intellectual breakthrough of the Ace of Pentacles and the intuitive expertise of the Queen of Cups. This week, however, our real choice is between engaging in old routines that uphold this false dichotomy and reaching for something wilder, bigger, and yet-unexplored.
In other words, it's time to go for it. Now, whatever that 'it' is will vary for each of us, but common themes will be that it seems somehow too radical, too much, and too romantic. We might find ourselves thinking that the seed of a new idea - The Ace of Pentacles - can't coexist with a peaceful and emotionally integrated self. Or that being practical necessitates sacrificing our more soft, spiritual side.
The Lovers says, with loving candor, that that's all utter ridiculousness. If we don't choose our higher path, one that says all parts of us belong together and that we can fashion something authentic out of our unique selves, how can we say with any certainty what's possible?
This card also tends to appear during pivotal moments of expansion - times when we break from the pack to do our own thing. At first this can seem foolish and risky, but, as major arcana cards emphasize, we only need to answer to ourselves. In other words, when making big moves like this it's key to prioritize our own opinions, desires, and instincts.
In this case, we have both the exhilarating newness of an idea and the mature self-possession of the Queen of Cups. What magic can we create with this combination? Something truly singular and toe-curling, that's to be sure. So take the next step, trust yourself, and dare to move ever so slowly (or quickly) into the wild future you'd like to build.
Weekly Forecast: March 11-17
What does it mean to make ourselves at home in the world?
The Eight of Wands shows us just how much is happening around us: movement, choices, people, energies, and more. The scenery changes so often - how do we know where we belong or where we even are?
What does it mean to make ourselves at home in the world?
The Eight of Wands shows us just how much is happening around us: movement, choices, people, energies, and more. The scenery changes so often - how do we know where we belong or where we even are?
The Queen of Pentacles asks us to turn away from all this and focus inward. The wildness is optional, after all, or at least a large portion of it is. Pretending we can take it all in and still function is a true fool's errand and a surefire recipe for overwhelm.
Wherever we go, there we are. Usually people use it to curtail any escapist fantasies. Moving to a new town still means we're bringing our same old selves with us.
But what if we look at this saying from a gentler standpoint, one centered in the nurturing lushness embodied by the Queen of Pentacles. No matter where we go or what happens, we will always have ourselves to turn to.
What if our vantage point, our body, and our true self was the home we could come to again and again? This week is the time to direct all our love, respect, and care towards tending to it.
Because life continues to careen forward, as we can see with the Eight of Wands. If we're not careful, all this action can take us away from ourselves, spinning us away from our center and sweeping our feet off the ground. It's better to care for ourselves and invest in the things that make us feel whole, like our life is enough. We are enough. So that these wild currents of life, with all their tempting options and additions, can swirl around us and not sweep us away.
Doing this can be wonderfully practical. After all, what group of cards is more about combining the practical with the magical than the pentacles? Pay attention the home within as well as the literal home you find yourself in. Feather your nest, spend time being cozy, use your space as a sanctuary where you can regroup and stretch into the corners of your full self.
The amazing byproduct of all this is that the frenetic pace of the Eight of Wands can be transformed into the stable Two of Wands. Here, instead of advanced and complicated plans unfurling quickly, we have the oh-so achievable luxury of using our life and our sense of self as a solid foundation to explore options.
Whatever we add to our lives must be in service of the important magic we're already cultivating. Anything else is just a distraction and we deserve our full attention.