Do I Need to Take Notes During My Tarot Reading?
Now here's a question for the ages and one I've been meaning to write a post about for quite some time now. And before we get started, a quick confession. I love writing things down. Cute pens? I live for them. Exhaustive summaries? My bread and butter. So as a serial note-taker you'd think I'd say, "Yes! Go to town!" I am, after all, someone who *nerd alert* used to re-copy the Latin I was translating and only then write my take underneath. I was very extra back then.
With that being said, I'm now going to depart from my note-loving roots and take a stand: you don't need to take notes during your tarot reading.
Deliberation is wonderful, but it's also an enemy of spontaneity and exploration. Getting a tarot reading is a living, breathing experience that requires being in the moment. Quickly scribbling out notes runs the risk of distracting us from the cards. We could be busy writing out "Queen of Wands + three of pentacles = relationship with self + ambition??" etc. etc. and never look up from out probably adorable notebook to see the richness of the cards in front of us.
The spark of personal insight that comes from being present in a tarot reading is worth far more than pages of notes. You are the magic link between the cards and their meaning to your life. Reach out to them and they'll reach out to you.
Plus, how many times have you written notes furiously only to look back on them and not be able to understand a thing?
So what about later, when you'd like to go back and revisit what happened with more clarity? I'll be the first to agree that getting a tarot reading is a lot to take in. Sometimes it can feel like you got pulled into a swirling world of images and impressions - it's exciting, illuminating, and a bit overwhelming. And now you're spit back into the more meat-and-potatoes, rational realm of the everyday. What even happened there? How do you being to process it?
Well, I have good news for you. Yes, old note-taking Gina is getting time to flex her muscles. And even better? It's on your behalf.
I can really relate to the tarot reading conundrum of wanting to refer back to the reading and remain in the moment while you're experiencing it. That's why I've started offering free reading overviews with every face-to-face tarot reading (that's in person appointments or readings via skype.) This way you can refer back to the basics of the reading, jog your memory, and start processing it as your life unfolds.
It's important to me as a reader to offer experiences that reflect my love and respect for tarot. Since I strongly believe that a tarot reading is half the reading itself and half how we process it in our own lives, I wanted to offer a service that allows you the ability to experience your reading and "take it home with you."
And because it's so important to me I'm choosing not to charge for it, though given the time it does have a snazzy value of $15. Nothing makes me happier than being able to offer this karmic tarot gift.
Here's What You Get
- A 2-4 page PDF outlining your reading that includes...
- A photo of your cards
- A rundown of that cards we drew and their basic meanings
- A brief summary of your reading
and, my favorite part...
- Instructions and suggestions for integrating your reading into your life that includes...
- Qualities and things to embrace moving forward
- Key cards that speak to both you and influential themes and/or people
- Suggestions for how to work with your cards
And naturally this all looks quite snazzy, if I dare say so myself! (I love, love, love making PDFs)
My hope is that by providing these after-reading summaries and suggestions that you can get to know your tarot cards even futher and carry their magic and guidance with you as their meaning unfolds. So put down your pens and let yourself get truly immersed in your tarot reading.
How Many Cards Should I Use in a Reading?
A lot of people ask me how many cards they should draw for a reading. Conventional wisdom suggests that more is always better. The reading will be more in-depth! You’ll get more details! More information!
But tarot is a detailed, ever-shifting system. It’s one of the reasons why I don’t read with reversals: Each card has almost endless information. With all the magic of the illustrations and symbolism, it's easy to get plenty of information.
Case in point: the weekly forecasts. Three cards might not seem like a lot, but I spend a lot of time winnowing them down to a readable length. My goal is to make them concise and helpful instead of spazzy and rambling. (Believe me, this can be a challenge with my tarot enthusiasm.)
As you can see, three cards gives me more than enough information to fill three pages, and more if I let myself go wild (see this week's add-on to the forecast, for example!)
I like to approach readings with detail in mind. If I want to focus on my intuition and see where it takes me I'll start with just a few cards, say anywhere from 1-3. After really exploring them I'll draw more for clarification or expansion into whatever came up.
This is a great method for when you don't have a clear-cut question or situation in mind, as is often the case when I read for myself. Using my first smaller draw I'll identify what I need to focus on and then build from there. It's also an approach I use in a lot of my client readings to see where the cards want to take us.
Larger spreads are just divine for situations you're well aware of like "I'm at a crossroads with my career what do I need to know moving forward?" or "What should I foucs on in my relationship?" These questions give structure to all the cards you pull and put them into easily identified contexts.
Larger spreads also give you lots of information, so if your'e looking for a ton of input or feeling adrift they're helpful and exciting. They can serve as a map where you can survey the scene and make plans to move forward.
And, of course, the're magical and beautful to look at. I often spend weeks revisiting and digesting the large readings I do for myself. There's nothing more satisfying than watching the messages of the tarot emerge in your life in real time.
So to end on a short and snazzy note, start small and follow your heart when it comes to tarot readings. The cards can be taken in many different directions. Think about where you'd like to go and plan accordingly. There's no need to limit yourself, but know that each card packs quite the punch of insight.
What to Expect from an Email Reading
Cards from the Tarocchi di Donne Tarot
I get a lot of surprised faces when I tell people I offer tarot readings by email.
Maybe it’s because the word “email” isn't so evocative. And maybe it's because many people don't realize that a helpful tarot reading is so easily accessible.
Of course, I Iove imagining people picturing me crouched over a crystal ball wearing hoop earrings. But that's hardly the only way to experience tarot. (Though don't get me wrong - I love a good pair of hoops.)Email readings are just as intimate, effective, and insightful as tarot face-to-face.
In fact, they’re one of my favorite ways to read tarot for other people. Here's why:
1. Connection
You don’t need to be sitting across the table from a reader to have your cards read. And you’d be surprised at how strong the connection between reader and seeker can be via email. Writing allows me to easily shed assumptions and distractions to focus on the heart of your question. I get to connect with the intention and meaning behind your phrasing in a way that feels just as powerful as a face-to-face reading.
2. Clarity
You don't have to worry about digesting and keeping up with everything I'm saying. All the ins and outs of the cards are laid out on the page so you can read and revisit them later.
3. Focus
Email readings allow me to connect directly with your question or topic. After meditating on your question and shuffling the cards, I am free to let my intuition do the work and create your reading. To learn more about my behind the scenes process click here.
4. Presentation
Have you ever taken thorough notes only to look back at them and have no clue what you've written down? In an email reading, I do all the recording and organizing for you. Your reading will come in a beautiful pdf (if I do say so myself) that's easy to follow.
5. Resource
You now have a lovely pdf of your reading to refer to. Go back and look at the card to help guide you forward, check back on the areas that spoke to you, and keep track of your progress.
6. Flexibility
Struggling to find the time to schedule a face to face reading? Looking for quick insight? You can order an email reading at any time without the hassle of making an appointment. Simply send off your question and get a reading within days.
7. Options
Email readings can be quick bursts of inspiration or in-depth explorations. You get to decide just how much tarot you need. Since I like to use tarot for the big and little things in life, I offer readings that range from quick 1 card takes (Sneak Peek) to deluxe 10 page readings (Heart of the Matter.)
It’s so easy to get serious when reading tarot. With cards like The Tower, The Hermit, and the Ten of Swords, who could blame you for painting sweeping pictures, waxing poetic about existential dilemmas, and focusing on the mythic in the mundane? I’ve noticed, however, that sticking to these areas when reading can lead to burnout, not to mention a limited understanding of the cards. If everything is epic, how can you go to the cards to understand smaller issues like daily decisions, exciting and low-stakes choices, or even open-ended explorations of themes?