Weekly Forecast: May 23-29
I love this reading. It’s jarring, effusive, then serene. There’s a sense of multiplication as we travel from the hardship of the Five of Pentacles and into the bounty of the Ten. It leaves us in a pensive place; we recede into the background for a spell, consulting with ourselves in the deliberative Two of Swords.
If you’ve been dragging your feet, feeling exhausted or “in it,” this week has a helpful message for you: No matter the difficulty, there’s treasure to be found in your everyday life. Soon, these cards tell us, that treasure is multiplying into something splendid.
I love this reading. It’s jarring, effusive, then serene. There’s a sense of multiplication as we travel from the hardship of the Five of Pentacles and into the bounty of the Ten. It leaves us in a pensive place; we recede into the background for a spell, consulting with ourselves in the deliberative Two of Swords.
If you’ve been dragging your feet, feeling exhausted or “in it,” this week has a helpful message for you: No matter the difficulty, there’s treasure to be found in your everyday life. Soon, these cards tell us, that treasure is multiplying into something splendid.
This could happen in one of two ways:
A healing breakthrough - finding a new frame through which to view your recent struggles that catapults you into a phase of action and enjoyment.
A big change, addition, or opportunity.
This is all happening in the realm of the pentacles, a place where what we do, touch, and tend to comes into focus. And, even if you’re not familiar with tarot, the Five of Pentacles does a good job of broadcasting what happens when these areas get pinched in the grips of difficulty. It’s a classic “bad times” tarot card, and I like how it doesn’t mince words (or, rather, images) when illustrating what it feels like to struggle - walking into the wind, limping along, out in the cold.
When I draw cards like this I like to take a moment of recognition. Where have you felt exhausted, overburdened, and unfortunate? How can you extend compassion to yourself and your struggles? This is, interestingly, also the only card with snow in it. Some part of our pentacles experience (work, domestic life, finances) has been experiencing winter - a period of dormancy, energy conservation, and endurance. If you’ve been scraping by, not doing as much as you’d like or simply feeling limited, cut yourself some slack. It’s likely this has been due to necessity - the environment just isn’t in your favor - and the smart thing is, in fact, to rest and wait or keep things simple. Just getting by or even doing nothing can sometimes be the best and smartest decision.
If the Five of Pentacles is winter, our next card, The Ten of Pentacles, is the golden days of high summer. This is quite the jump! Something is bursting forth in the middle of the week, making me think that our slog through this blizzard of troubles is well worth the effort. Fives are the midpoint in each suit and all deal with the theme of challenge. Entering into the Ten of Pentacles shows that we’ve faced a stiff challenge, continued despite adversity, and are emerging into a vastly different landscape.
There may be some overwhelm at this shift, like squinting into the bright sunlight after emerging from darkness. It’ll be helpful to plan for some adjustment while not shying away from the bounty. The Ten of Pentacles is a busy card (can’t you tell??) and represents the riches of a life fully lived. Expect support and growth in your community, family, and partnerships. Look to connections between yourself, nature, and your ancestors. This is a complex and gorgeous tapestry. What’s coming together for you? How has enduring struggles helped heighten your appreciation of what really matters? Colors may look brighter, tastes sweeter, sounds clear and resonant. This is a time to appreciate what we have and revel in caring for it. Also, I might add, letting ourselves take up space and embrace our messy humanity as a participant of this wild scene.
This arc gives us a lot to think about, and towards the end of the week we’re mulling over what we’ve learned and how things have changed. The Two of Swords shows us taking some mental space to gain clarity and insight. I’d urge you, however, not to retreat too far from the warmth and bustle of the Ten of Pentacles. Like all tens, this card shows an important culmination. Don’t sneak away from your own graduation party in order to analyze or create a mental story. The story that is still unfolding requires our full participation.
Using what’s happening in our world of pentacles to make decisions, however, is well worth our time. Just be sure to pay attention to any impulses to pump the breaks, seek safety in over-deliberation, or intellectualize something wild, beautiful, and full of potential. Drawing trusted others into your decisions and internal debates can help mitigate the Two of Swords’ tendency to isolate.
Either way, it’s clear that this week is bringing about a pivotal change. Let yourself take in the riches you have (and expand your understanding of this concept) and use your new situation as a foundation for growth.
This week, embrace:
Re-framing struggles
Sharing pleasures
Intuitive messages
This week, avoid:
Fatalistic thinking
Get creative:
Five of Pentacles: An often-neglected side of the pentacles is that it’s the suit associated with the physical body. Take some time this week to do something physical that gets you out of your mind and into your body. It may even be satisfying to do something especially challenging, showing yourself that not only can you get through hard things, but that they make you stronger.
Ten of Pentacles: We talked about how this card intersects with daily life, but didn’t draw on its powerful spiritual side. I see this card as the ancestral tarot card. Take some time to find out how your ancestors navigated hardship, ideally through conversations with family members (this card is also all about real-life community and interpersonal interactions). Do a small ritual to honor the struggles your ancestors have endured - I’m a huge fan of lighting a candle - while meditating on how you have been doing the same in your unique life experience. For those with tense family relationships, you may want to widen this frame and find a historical figure you identify with, within your cultural tradition or not.
Two of Swords: Let’s focus on the more positive side of this card here. The Two of Swords is, in its healthiest incarnation, all about balancing intuition with intellect. This week, see how you can practice tapping into your intuition, starting with the prompt: What makes me feel good right now? (Think: however the Ten of Pentacles is showing up in your life. What’s so great here? How does it feel in your body?)
Weekly Forecast: January 31 - February 6
We have a juicy reading here, my friends, introduced by none other than The Devil card itself. The only Major Arcana card in our spread, The Devil is giving us a hefty theme to wrestle with: self-sabotage, self-doubt, and the siren song of self-destructive pleasures. Noticing all those “selfs”? As all majors do, this card is directing our gaze towards our inner experience. As the old adage goes, wherever you go there you are. This week, we have the chance to gaze unsparingly at the choices we make to stay limited, restricted, in the chains of The Devil.
Replacing old, destructive ties with a full life: The Devil / Ten of Pentacles / Ace of Swords
weeding out self-sabotage to make room for new growth
We have a juicy reading here, my friends, introduced by none other than The Devil card itself. The only Major Arcana card in our spread, The Devil is giving us a hefty theme to wrestle with: self-sabotage, self-doubt, and the siren song of self-destructive pleasures. Noticing all those “selfs”? As all majors do, this card is directing our gaze towards our inner experience. This week, we have the chance to gaze unsparingly at the choices we make to stay limited, restricted, and wrapped in the chains of The Devil.
Now The Devil is a card I actually love. It sometimes reminds me of a client I once had at an event called “Goth Prom.” He was a slight young man, lurking in the periphery, and when he finally scuttled over for a reading I saw he was wearing lizard-eye contact lenses. Judging by the way he stared at me unblinkingly, he thought these contacts were giving him a confrontational and off-putting aura of mystery. But I didn’t just see his spooky lenses; I also saw his slouching posture and how he was unsure of where to put his hands when he sat down at my table. And then I listened as his stumbling voice tried to project his question over the cacophony of the Goth Prom dance floor. This is all to say that, beneath the provocative eyewear choices, he was quite tender and looking to connect. Similarly, The Devil comes on strong yet is ultimately pointing us towards healing and connection. If we react simply by recoiling - taking his imposing image at face value - we miss out on an opportunity to grow.
Today, I’m looking at the direct gaze of the devil in the center of the card; he’s peering out at us, the readers, wide-eyed and unblinking. I can almost imagine him as a friend trying to catch our glance to telegraph a plea for help - “please get these whining people away from me, they won’t leave me alone!” One part of this card that tarot scholars point out is the loose chains around the necks of the two nude figures - they’re suspiciously loose. Theoretically, they could shrug them off and walk away, but they choose not to. What is keeping us chained to the devil in our life? What habits remove us from a sense of perspective, accountability, and empowerment? And, what powerful message might The Devil be trying to teach us from behind this unhealthy relationship?
Our spread for this week starts with the self - The Devil - and radiates outwards into our everyday lives. Here, we see the Ten of Pentacles, a card that embodies the glorious chaos of a full life. Is there some form of abundance that’s kicking up old wounds, tempting us to retreat to the familiar patterns of The Devil? Or are we simply overwhelmed by the many moving parts our day-to-day entails? As the ultimate expression of the pentacles’ earthy practicality, this ten shows us how beautiful and complex life can be when we’re busy just living it. As I type this, I realize that the experience of the Ten is diametrically opposed to The Devil; in that card we see a retreat from a direct experience of life through dulling our senses in excess, escape, and distraction. The Ten of Pentacles, however, shows us in the midst of the melee - just look at how busy this illustration is! We have multiple generations, dogs, plants, and intricate architecture. What are the structures that give our life shape, both physical and relational? What happens when we busy ourselves tending to these bonds instead of avoiding them?
This is a week to jump into the fray of our lives with the goal of loving and appreciating what we have. And, most importantly, accepting and even celebrating imperfections. The Devil often tempts us with promises of the future, a world where discomfort and disappointment are erased. That’s just an illusion, but it’s easy to get stuck in the darkness, searching for that seductive mirage. Instead, try to ignore the siren song and look to real life for inspiration.
Looking at the imagery in Ten of Pentacles you wouldn’t be surprised to hear that I’m sensing an active and bustling week ahead of us. There’s a tricky, alluring message in this week’s reading, however. The Ace of Swords promises a pivotal breakthrough if we can lose ourselves in the day-to-day. Seeking out this information directly will only frustrate us, so if you’re looking for some insight, play hard to get, turn away from the question, and wait for it to find you instead. Are we coyly flirting with a breakthrough? Maybe. We can have some fun savoring our lives as they are while holding the knowledge that they’ll be changing soon, and in ways that are refreshing and self-directed.
This week, embrace
Seeing your unhealthy temptations as invitations to heal
Caring for your body, home, relationships
Staying true to your everyday rituals
Checking-in on family, friends, and loved ones
Activities that feed your health and wellbeing
A sense of humor with your faults and those of others
This week, avoid
Aggressively pushing for new information
Reinventing the wheel
Self-destructive habits
Ignoring or putting off responsibilities and uncomfortable truths
Get creative
The Devil: Shine some light at this card - often the full light of day makes the allure of The Devil’s temptations a whole lot less sexy. Think about (or notice) how you feel after partaking in any of the behaviors, relationships, or thought patterns you identify with this card. When the temptation arises, fast-forward to these insights rather than elevating the spicy idea itself.
The Ten of Pentacles: Practice reframing the repetition of your everyday life as something to celebrate and a sign that you’re really living. Choose one activity that you have to do every day: brushing your teeth, washing dishes, feeding your dog, cooking breakfast. Each time you do this task this week do so with intention, infusing every gesture with love and care, and making it a devotional act rather than a simple chore.
The Ace of Swords: Do nothing! Yes, this can be a fun task. Try to enjoy the process of not knowing. Aces are gifts that come of their own accord; we can make room for them, but we can’t force their arrival. Think “amazing epiphany out of nowhere in the shower” energy. So do your best to enjoy life as it is and savor the moments before a new insight changes things.
Weekly Forecast: October 28 - November 3
It's hard to feel satisfied this week. We have the antsy energy of the Seven of Pentacles starting us off: What is making us feel restless, as if we having unfinished business?
Looking for the bee in our bonnet is a worthy endeavor. The Seven of Pentacles shows a crucial point in our journey. Once we've created something noteworthy, it's important to sit with it and see what might need editing. The central point of reference here is our experience. How do we really feel about what we've accomplished? Does it work for us or are we working for it?
It's hard to feel satisfied this week. We have the antsy energy of the Seven of Pentacles starting us off: What is making us feel restless, as if we have unfinished business?
Looking for the bee in our bonnet is a worthy endeavor. The Seven of Pentacles shows a crucial point in our journey. Once we've created something noteworthy, it's important to sit with it and see what might need editing. The central point of reference here is our own experience. How do we really feel about what we've accomplished? Does it work for us or are we working for it?
The continuity in this reading is deeply encouraging. If we dive into our desire to perfect and shape our lives we can take the quick leap from good enough to wonderfully just right: the Ten of Pentacles.
We are, however, not quite used to feeling satisfied. The Four of Cups is one step away, continuing the overall picky vibes of the Seven of Pentacles. It's as if we can't stay in the diverse splendor of the Ten of Pentacles for too long. Is it too dangerous to enjoy our lives or be proud of our achievements? Are we poking holes in something beautiful, and why?
The Four of Cups is where our emotional experience comes in, and perhaps there's a shade of perfectionism here, like we can't allow ourselves to accept just how far we've come and how resplendent and delightful and messy our lives can look.
I see this card as an instinct to turn away from our lives, perhaps with a twinge of depression. Yet the bounty of the Ten of Pentacles isn't polished to the point of inauthenticity, and maybe it's that facet that makes it so threatening. You can look at this card as a rich and full life. And I mean all of life.
It's the dishes in the kitchen sink you can never get to because you're running around working, seeing friends, and tending to connections; the challenges of close friendships and tight-knit families; the chaos of life itself.
The tens are maximalist cards. Some of them, like the swords and wands, lead to overwhelm and heartache. Others, like the pentacles and cups, show how you can't have too much of a good thing. Love, connection, and a well-lived life flourish in abundance. Yet the intensity can be overwhelming at times, loud and bright and fast-moving. Remaining in the moment, being supported by all the work we're doing and all that we have to show it, is a magical thing to do. It opens doors to so much more.
This week we can resist the old pattern of retreating into critical thinking or narratives of failure and loneliness and stay in our majestic, messy, and fantastic now.
Weekly Forecast: December 10-16
Finding harmony with others can be wildly enriching. We've all experienced the joys of working with a good team, whether it's on a passion project or in a more formal work situation. Tasks flow smoothly, each person's talents can shine, and, perhaps most importantly, it's enlivening and fun.
Finding harmony with others can be wildly enriching. We've all experienced the joys of working with a good team, whether it's on a passion project or in a more formal work situation. Tasks flow smoothly, each person's talents can shine, and, perhaps most importantly, it's enlivening and fun.
Conversely, we've also all known the depths of despair that come along with poorly functioning collaborative relationships. (Are grade school group projects coming to mind for anyone?) Egos clash, feelings get hurt, and projects flounder.
Luckily, we're being gifted with the harmonious and fun type of collaboration this week, though the memories of past challenges will need some confronting if we're going to enjoy this wholeheartedly. At some level we believe that we can't be ourselves completely when in a group - that the Three of Cups' celebration and uplift doesn't belong with the diligence and progress of the Eight of Coins. Especially if we're to honor our true selves.
In this way, The Hermit might seem like a card of avoidance. Are we retreating into ourselves to turn away from these potential pitfalls? This is a Major Arcana card, however, and its message is more complex. Here, we have a choice: take the easy road and separate ourselves to maintain our individuality (and risk disappointment or rejection) or build in a deeper understanding of ourselves that can flourish in contact with others. Maybe there's nothing to be afraid of when joy and ease are present. It can be this good, after all.
The Eight of Coins and the Three of Cups are so positive that they push us towards a new way of being whether we're mentally ready for it or not. In this case, ease and joy and happiness are the signs of something important at work. Resisting the urge to see these feelings as contrary to productivity or serious work is important. We can have both at the same time and, in fact, the harmony of the Three of Cups might be the missing piece we've been seeking that will take us to the next level.
This is a time to ease into the richness of support and collaboration at our fingertips. We can trust the intentions of those we work with if they make us feel supported, excited, and galvanized. In this way, the Three of Cups has more wisdom than it may seem. After all, mutual encouragement and enthusiasm don't come out of nowhere. Finding this with other people is an important sign of compatibility we can lean into.
The cards for this week urge us to follow this bliss - to step away from the intense self-motivation of the Eight of Coins that, although it has brought us quite far, is now fading into the past. We need the zest of other people's input and the power of delegation and inspiration. We don't have to go it alone or do everything ourselves. That strategy is now limiting us in the face of some exciting change.
As we step into a more social model the old fears of being reliant on others - or our inability to truly be ourselves in a group - sneak into the picture. We can, however, look to The Hermit for guidance. How can we maintain a connection to ourselves while partaking in joyous community? I like to think of this card as one we can work with in bite sized pieces. There's no need to go "full hermit" and journey off into the mountains for a month-long silent retreat. Instead, we can find ways to seek moments of silence, introspection, and self-care with the goal of checking in with ourselves.
The Hermit can be a deep breath to center ourselves, a walk around the block to clear our heads, or a simple check-in with what we want, feel, or think in the moment. We can be fully present and contribute to something bigger than ourselves while being utterly and completely ourselves. And that's how the joy of the Three of Cups becomes possible, opening up so many wider opportunities for growth and connection.
Weekly Forecast: December 3-9
One of the most magical and frustrating things about life is that it can be many things at once: amazing and overwhelming, joyful and bittersweet, challenging and gratifying, enlivening and tiring. And so many more combinations...
One of the most magical and frustrating things about life is that it can be many things at once: amazing and overwhelming, joyful and bittersweet, challenging and gratifying, enlivening and tiring. And so many more combinations...
This sensation will be especially strong in the coming days. It seems like there are many moving parts to take care of, as if we've been learning to juggle with two balls and our nefarious teacher keeps on throwing new ones in until we're barely able to keep things straight.
In other words, we're operating a above and beyond our comfort zone. Surprisingly, we're pulling it off, though we might be feeling frazzled in the process.
This is all possible because on the other end of the spectrum we're experiencing a huge wealth of satisfaction, support, and security. The Ten of Pentacles gives us an earthly anchor so that we can rush around in the heady world of the Ten of Wands. This is a tension to take advantage of and these cards invite us to dance between these two realities, taking refuge in the comforts we've been cultivating and then returning to the fray.
Because while the wands cards can lead to burnout, this reading tells us that we're supposed to be playing in this charged environment. The Mother of Wands (aka the Queen in a standard deck) encourages us to see the end goal of this process. We're being asked to look at our actions and experiences so that we can make an informed decision about what's truly important.
So we can look at all the hustle and bustle of the Ten of Wands like an experiment. We have to gather all the data to truly understand what's important. How do all these tasks make us feel? The wands need this experience to make decisions. Without it there can be a sense of wistful incompleteness. What if we miss out on something? What if that was actually the best way forward? It's important for us right now to be immersed in the realities of the Ten of Wands so we can make some important, informed decisions in the future.
Thinking on these terms can add some dignity and agency to the tangle of wands we're grappling with in the coming days. And, fortunately, the end goal is not to live like this forever. Rather, we're searching hard-won clarity and now is the time to really get to know the actions that populate our lives. Because once we have all the information - once we know how all these tasks feel - we can focus in on what's most important.
The Mother of Wands sees us identifying and centering on a unifying goal. We go from ten wands to one, and this single wand is allowed into the innermost part of our lives. The guiding questions here are "what is my overaching goal?" and "how can I align my actions to it?"
Returning to the Ten of Pentacles can help us gain some insight here. We have a rich life already. Our tasks, actions, and goals can support that magic and amplify it, instead of detracting us from what grounds us and gives us meaning.
Ultimately, we're reaching an important realization that will simplify our lives. But for the moment we're still in the fray, gathering information. Let it be exhilarating and maybe a little entertaining. The pieces will be falling into place soon, so we might as well enjoy the wildness while it lasts.
Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Tens
In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.
I can hardly believe we've made it to the end of the numbered cards in the Minor Arcana! It's been an illuminating journey, and what better place to conclude this portion than with the bustling, detailed tens?
These cards signify the conclusion of a cycle, event, or undertaking. Because of this they represent both an end as well as the early stages of a new beginning. (I love the image of this in the number ten itself, with one being the singular accomplishment and zero being the seed that's yet to sprout.) It's already a lot to pack into one card, but as we can see from the images above, the tens are full of happenings and meanings.
I like to think of the tens using "the 3 C's" (and, yes, I do realize that's imminentely cheesy!): culmination, completion, and complexity. Tens represent the maximum expression of the suit - all the events, experiences, and lessons in one card. This can be heavy and overwhelming, like in the wands and swords, or joyous and full like the cups and pentacles.
Let's dive into the details for each suit. Click on each for the full card meaning page.
Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings
The Ten of Wands illustrates the overwhelm that comes with a pile-up of work, obligations, and tasks. Struggling forward with ten sticks obscuring your view is both difficult and disorienting. This card can either be a breaking point - where one or more tasks must be put down in order to continue - or a final push to the finish line.
For the Ten of Swords shows us how it's impossible to avoid our feelings. Hurt, fear, overwhelm, and doubt will catch up with us, not matter how hard we try to run. This goes for personal issues and external events. In occupying this dire-looking space we also acknowledge an end and with that comes the rising sun - a new day - to begin anew.
The Ten of Cups shows us how family, commnity, and romance can bring incredible amounts of joy into our lives. This card, a picture of domestic bliss, shows good energy radiating outwards. Caring for and celebrating connection bring even more good fortune our way. This card also illustrates the happiness that comes from domestic stability rooted in emotional connectedness.
Finally, the Ten of Pentacles gives us a beautiful depiction of the richness that comes from creating and caring for our physical world. This card speaks to the work and understanding that goes into creating a space meant to foster our growth and the growth of those close to us. Life explodes in a riot of color, connectedness, and complexity. It's rich and wild, deep and meaningful, and uniquely our own.
How do the tens speak to you in your tarot practice? Which ten do you relate to most? I'd love to hear your takes, so share away in the comment section below! And stay tuned for our next section of card meanings - the court cards! I'm excited to dive into these sometimes tricky, always illuminating cards with you.
Weekly Forecast: Oct 31 - Nov 6
We’re entering that lovely yet fraught time of the year: The Holidays. The days grow shorter, the clocks get set back, and we gear up for the impending festivities, visits with families, and gifting. It can be a whirlwind of activity, bringing up conflicts and losses as well as the warm and fuzzy associations we know so well.
The reading for this week highlights the underlying force of this time of the year. It’s the big one we’re all familiar with - love and the celebration of our connections.
We see this in the ace of cups, a single vessel held proudly aloft. It represents love in all its splendor. The star of the event. The water we drink. The element that ties us all together.
Love, in this case, is not specific. It is the unconditional, underlying affection that allows us to appreciate, say, our brash uncle who always manages to say something offensive at Thanksgiving dinner. The love that allows us to see beyond the qualities and beliefs we don’t align with and into their humanity and our shared bonds.
I see this ace as a reminder to foster connection despite our differences during these polarized times. Isolation and rejection of those who disagree with us tend to encourage the spread of fearful ideas that are, in fact, quite isolating. What do you know? That seems like a toxic cycle we should be doing our best to avoid.
That’s not to say that this unconditional loving comes easily. In the difficulty we must remember the divine nature of aces. As a reflection of the traits of the suites in the purest form, aces represent a beautiful gift from an unknown source. (After all, their symbols are popping out of clouds and held by mysterious, disembodied hands.)
We don’t know why we’re here or why loving can be so wonderful and so challenging. For some this may be comforting and for others frustrating. But we do know that it brings a stunning beauty and grace into our lives, sometimes in glorious bursts and sometimes in bits and pieces.
Fortunately, the ten of pentacles suggests a harmonious season, at least for the week ahead. We see a lovely depiction of a family. There’s a mother, father, child, and even two majestic hounds. It’s a card chock full of connections and relationships that seem to be flourishing together.
The ten on pentacles is one of my favorite cards. It depicts a cozy scene of the everyday that holds a beautiful secret. While pentacles refer to earth, practical matters, and the physical plane, they also signify the sacred in the everyday. The intersection of our lives as we live them and the spiritual plane.
As such it is also a card that connects us to forces beyond us, both personal and divine. It reminds us that this time of the year is one to commemorate our ancestors and traditions, reach out to them by coming together, and remain open to the support coming from the other side.
But what is life without a little tension? The two of wands reveals a little itch we might have. A restlessness around travel, plans, or ideas we’ve yet to hatch. The other two cards suggest a strong foundation in our relationships, perhaps one that is feeling just a bit stifling.
We hold the world in our hand and gaze into its possibilities. It is up to us whether doing so is invigorating and inspiring or distracting and dissatisfying. Know, however, that this little spark is very young and that there is plenty of good at work in your life at this very moment.
Weekly Forecast: Oct 3-9
We start this week’s reading with a beautiful and serene image. The ten of coins shows us the courtyard of our lives. Sun filters in over a pyramid of coins – the fruits of our labor, the accomplishments we have worked so hard on. Green and riches abound, surrounded by smooth white walls.
As symbols, walls can go different ways. Are they rigid? Protecting from a dangerous force outside? Erected out of fear? Or are they stable, built from hard work, and peppered with windows and doors that let us come and go?
This card signifies arriving at place of peace about your prosperity and ability to live a full life. You’ve built a secure and vibrant place for yourself. What’s more, you don’t forget the importance of the everyday. In fact, it is there that your strength and inspiration lies.
The space pictured in the card is not completely enclosed. We look through the archways and see the lush greenery on the other side. This reminds us to stay connected to the outside world and open to change.
Cherish what you have and see it as a stable place from which you can start new ventures. Your accomplishments are not rigid and constraining. Rather, they are flexible like a diving board you can leap off with joy.
Light shows up in all three cards: illuminating the tools in the magician’s hands, glinting off the coins in the ten, and shining onto the face of the knight of coins in a JJ Abrams-style lens flare.
We all can choose how much light to let into our lives. After all, the sun is always shining. Do we block it out with walls and gloomy curtains? Or stare into it like a child on a dare?
The walls in the ten and the knight show the perfect balance. Used well, boundaries and safety help let the perfect amount of light shine into our lives.
Like spiritual sunglasses, it’s important to protect ourselves from the overwhelming brilliance of life and inspiration. Otherwise we can be blinded by the myriad possibilities and paths open to us at all times.
Consider the magician. He is focused, meeting our eyes with a level gaze while balancing the four symbols of the suits in his hand. They float, levitating from his willpower. The strain doesn’t show on his face – he has mastered the balance and can harness this power to create new possibilities for himself. Light plays off the objects and his face is illuminated. He in neither blinded nor lost in darkness.
This is the moment we find ourselves in. You’re about to start making things happen using all the tools at your disposal. The ten and knight of coins suggest using a recent accomplishment to catapult you to greater success and spiritual alignment.
The knight of pentacles strengthens the theme of the material world and the financial. He also signifies a time of enthusiastic action. Perhaps this next step is regarding our work, businesses, or earning potential. Either way, know that you have accomplished much and that more is possible.
Be sure to protect what you have while you strike out on this new venture. And find strength in the solidness of your situation. You are well-primed for something new and all signs suggest it will be successful if you remain grounded and dedicated to maintaining balance. So put your sunglasses on, enjoy the protection of what you’ve built, and embrace the magic of what can happen when all the parts of your lives are aligned.