Weekly Forecast: November 21-27
This is a week of both homecoming and breakthrough, dear readers. As we’ve meandered through November we’ve been picking up some severe cards: the grieving, worrying Nine of Swords, the determined and exhausted Nine of Wands, the jarring call of Judgment. This week, however, brings a fresh start and a new beginning. We’ve done our processing; now is the time to look up from our work and deliberation to see the rich life unfolding around us.
This is a week of both homecoming and breakthrough, dear readers. As we’ve meandered through November we’ve been picking up some severe cards: the grieving, worrying Nine of Swords, the determined and exhausted Nine of Wands, the jarring call of Judgment. This week, however, brings a fresh start and a new beginning. We’ve done our processing; now is the time to look up from our work and deliberation to see the rich life unfolding around us.
We’ll start in the center this week, as The Queen of Pentacles is holding court over this reading with warmth and care. What are the sources from which love, kindness, and respectful attentiveness are radiating in our lives? This is an important time to express gratitude for the support we’ve been given, reach out to loved ones both near and far, and pay attention to the small gestures other people make to smooth our path and show support.
As a court card, this queen tells us that we, too, are important sources of support and inspiration to those around us. Consider your responsibility towards the ones you love and the collective as a whole - what are the ways that you honor the themes of reciprocity, care, and connection?
You may see where I’m going with this - the central question of our reading and week: how does your expression of love reflect the principle of Justice? Not only is this important this week, but I suspect this question has a lot to say with regards to our big transformation for November. So, if you’ve been feeling adrift or out of sorts, take this week as a time to reground yourself in the practical ways you honor Justice in your actions.
The Queen of Pentacles presides over the everyday - the home, the rhythms of our routines, the wisdom of our bodies, the act and practice of loving - and reminds us that each day gives us the opportunity to enact what matters most to us. The deepest magic is interwoven in the small repetitions; days, weeks, and years add up to a lifetime rich with the power of commitment.
This week also serves as a reset, a moment of calm and restoration after lots of processing. Let yourself relax into the comforts available to you, knowing that they’ll fuel you to come. And, at the same time, use the lull to relinquish any pains, built up tension, or resentments. They’re ready to be released and metabolized into something nourishing instead of corrosive.
It’ll also be useful to take in the warmth and center around our sense of Justice as we move into a much stranger phase. The Moon indicates the arrival of a mysterious change. Things are going to get murky, strange, and unpredictable. Expect to feel spacey, unfocused, or even overwhelmingly inspired to the point of inaction. This is fertile ground, but not the most easy to walk through. Being aligned with our daily lives, loving connections, and greater values will be even more important as we move forward.
This week, embrace:
Acting with Justice in mind
Living by your values
Tending to & celebrating your resources and home life
Hospitality, generosity, and rest
Trusting and enjoying moments of “low productivity” and dreaminess
This week, Avoid:
Being swept away from your values
Looking to outside sources for validation
Distractions that lead you away from what really matters
Filling your time with frenetic tasks, overcommitting to events
Get creative:
Justice: This strikes me as a “leveling up” on the larger swords-journey we’ve been on this month. You’ll notice we’ve had lots of Minor Arcana cards in the swords suit, but this is the first Major featuring a formidable blade! Take a moment to distill what you’ve been learning into a singular value or principle - what does Justice mean to you right now? (And how can this help cut through any confusion or indecision?)
Queen of Pentacles: We’ve talked a lot about how this card operates socially in the forecast above, but it’s also important to direct the caring, practical qualities of the Queen of Pentacles inward. Commit to one gesture this week that feels rejuvenating to you: go for a walk in the morning, make yourself a favorite cup of tea before bed, do yoga. Whatever you do, do it with the intention of giving your full attention and love to yourself in that moment, and detach from any grander aspirations. It’s just for a week, see how it feels!
The Moon: If this card was a timeline, The Moon would fall on the weekend, the perfect time to engage in some lunar explorations! Get planning now: find a bit of time to let yourself dream and get lost in the symbolic. Do a tarot reading for yourself, watch a surreal film, read a chapter in a fantasy novel. This card requires a dose of magic.
Weekly Forecast: October 22-28
My oh, my. This week has us in a day-dreamy and romantic state! What begins as a simple idea - the loosely held sort that just pops into our mind - sends us off on a path of reverie and intrigue. These cards remind me of the power and shock that comes from effortless inspiration. Sometimes we play around with what seems like an outlandish idea only to see it jumping into reality with no issue at all.
My oh, my. This week has us in a day-dreamy and romantic state! What begins as a simple idea - the loosely held sort that just pops into our mind - sends us off on a path of reverie and intrigue. These cards remind me of the power and shock that comes from effortless inspiration. Sometimes we play around with what seems like an outlandish idea only to see it jumping into reality with no issue at all.
In the next few days we'll be finding ourselves immersed in the intoxicating world of creativity. Initially, however, we're putting on a much more pragmatic mask. The Two of Wands is looking to the past and while this card is one to dream big, it prefers to lead with fiery ambition and action. In other words, we may initially think we're looking for something tangible and normal. The Two of Wands seeks to feather its nest further, collecting accomplishments and goals with the daring and focus of an explorer. In reality, however, we're using this stance to get at something a bit deeper that's connected to slippery and shimmery desires rather than outward trappings of success.
This is all wonderfully fine and dandy. The Two of Wands has their back turned away from the irresistible pull of the Ace of Cups and The Moon. We might not be afraid to admit out loud that we want something indelible, delicious, and magical. Irregardless of our intentions, however, we're slowly moving towards it. And maybe not facing it head-on is part of the tension, suspense, and fun.
So what does this all mean on the ground? We may find ourselves starting projects or playing with ideas that quickly become enrapturing and imbued with special, even surprising, meaning. Have we been wanting to start a painting, carve pumpkins, work on a personal project, sing at karaoke? Or have we been drawn into a new sense of romance, either with an existing partner or new one? The Ace of Cups brings with it all the exhilaration of beginnings. Following what feels good, right, and exciting is exactly what we need to do, no matter how outlandish or silly it might seem. And it’s stirring up deeper parts of ourself as shown in The Moon.
Both Cups and The Moon deal with the realms of feeling. We move away from the world of action and thought seen in the wands and swords and into something much more dream-like, symbolic, and shifting. All this makes me think of the magic of costumes. We try them on for tradition, a bit of fun, and the joys of dressing up. But no matter how silly the garb, when we put on something that represents another creature, role, or figure we become transformed. This week is a wonderful time to play with direct ways of shifting our self-perception. Taking these Ace of Cups opportunities is bringing us to a new understanding of ourselves that blurs the lines we've set for ourselves (or that have been put upon us by others.) How can we see ourselves differently when we follow our sense of imagination and creativity wholeheartedly?
This is a lovely time to set aside expectations and, especially, the pressures of time. We're not dealing with straightforward cause and effect here. The Moon plays a long, sometimes winding game. Staying open to the surprising depth of our creative and romantic pursuits is setting a personal sea change in motion. We don't have to see the whole path ahead and that would strip the situation of most of its fun. Rather, we simply need to lean into the creative spring of the Ace of Cups and see how it transforms us.
Weekend Send-Off
Wow. We've made it. I'm not 100% convinced it's Friday, though the fact that I'm writing this post is pretty good evidence. It's been a busy week over here, full of lovely people and tarot readings. Not to mention a delightful beginner's tarot course I taught last night. Amidst it all, I was able to squeeze in some adventures. Read below for the details and a tarot card to start off the weekend!
The Color of Pomegranates / Source
Wow. We've made it. I'm not 100% convinced it's Friday, though the fact that I'm writing this post is pretty good evidence. It's been a busy week over here, full of lovely people and tarot readings. Not to mention a delightful beginner's tarot course I taught last night. Amidst it all, I was able to squeeze in some adventures. Read below for the details and a tarot card to start off the weekend!
Visual Feast - The Color of Pomegranates
My partner David LOVES the Criterion Collection. When we first met I made a foolish comment about how I thought it was silly that anyone would buy DVDs in this day and age... Whoops! I obviously wasn't aware that the attractive man next to me had a huge collection himself. Luckily, he wasn't to offended and now I get to enjoy his bounty of tasteful films! The Color of Pomegranates is one of the latest additions. A gorgeous and poetic depiction of the Armenian poet Sayat-Nova's life, this film is full of stunning imagery and rich symbolism that reminded me of the tarot.
Moment of Hilarity - This Might Be The Worst Tarot Deck I've Ever Bought
I was not expecting to snort audibly while reading this amazing review by Jess Carlson. While many decks aren't my cup of tea aesthetically-speaking, I can usually appreciate them as being delightful/useful for someone else. Well. This deck - the TV Tarot - is terribly, amazingly, ridiculously bad. Think deranged Sims artwork that looks nothing like the characters its supposedly depicting. Read if you'd like to have a nice, hearty laugh and scratch your head over some of the more mysterious cards.
Repeat Tarot Card
The suit of cups was all over the place at my class last night. It was pretty fascinating! Our practice reading together was all cups cards and while I hopped around helping people with their individual readings the Ace of Cups showed up twice as well. Clearly we're feeling warm, fuzzy, and in touch with each other these days. Energy I'm always happy to welcome!
Listening, Reading, Watching
I think I spent most of this week in the car, so naturally I have some podcasts to share here! Listened to my first episode of the Witch Wave podcast and it was so wonderful. In-depth interviews combined with ruminations on witchcraft and responses to listener's questions.
How about you? What has been bringing joy to your life this week? And finally, here it is - our card for the weekend.
The Moon
Message: Listen to your dreams and extend them into your waking life. Rest, relax, and enjoy what's unfolding.
Embrace: Hidden messages, symbolism and mythology, intuitive messages.
Let Go Of: The need for clarity, hiding behind practicality, making big decisions.
Guidance: What can happen when I treat my everyday life as something magical and mysterious?
Tarot Reflections: Diving Deep into Shadow Work with Death and The Moon
Who here loves to read articles online? I'm the first to admit that I spend a great deal of time trolling the internet for information and entertainment (ideally, mostly for *serious, productive* goals, but we all know how things go...)
Who here loves to read articles online? I'm the first to admit that I spend a great deal of time trolling the internet for information and entertainment (ideally, mostly for *serious, productive* goals, but we all know how things go...)
One of my favorite corners is Longform, an amazingly curated collection of longform journalism. Diving into another perspective makes me feel even more connected to the stunning variety of life. And it gets me out of my usual thought patterns and into the grander, more magical side of life in all its weirdness and diversity. Plus, even when I'm procrastinating I'm learning something new.
Often times, I find myself connecting what I read to tarot because, let's face it, tarot is a huge lens through which I see the world. (Side note: I highly recommend doing this as a fun tarot exercise.)
The other day I stumbled on an article about saturation divers, people who do demolition work thousands of feet under the ocean, spending weeks at a time in intensely managed and frighteningly claustrophobic living quarters designed to spare them from the crushing pressure of all that water.
They have to move slowly, exercise caution, and trust in the systems put in place to protect them. Once they've completed their time underwater, they must slowly ascend, spending days in specially pressurized capsules aboard ships to equalize.
This deliberate, risky, and ultimately rewarding process reminded me so much of a tarot reading I had this past week. In it two of my favorite cards showed up together: Death and The Moon. Both of these cards speak to the power, mystery, and risk of transitions.
When we choose to move into our personal depths in our pursuit of growth we can uncover so much. Yet at the same time we're traveling into new and occasionally heavy territory. The Moon represents the wildness of this new place. It can be both wondrous and frightening, in turns alluring and repulsive.
Some people call this process shadow work and with good reason. Looking deeper involves bringing what was in the shadows into light. Sometimes we don't like what we see, but it's part of us nonetheless. And ultimately, we're able to find positivity and transformation for these relinquished sides of ourselves. That's one of the profound transitions represented by the Death card.
Like the saturation divers working far beneath the surface of the sea, we're under a lot of pressure when we work with our shadow. That's not to say that the pressure is crippling and fearsome, but that we should acknowledge that we're working in a different realm. The same rules don't apply, as we can see in the topsy-turvy illustration of The Moon. We can't rush around recklessly. We have to exercise caution. Move slowly. Be aware that we're doing something important.
We also can't rush to the surface quickly. Doing shadow work involves taking time apart, moving slowly with awareness of the importance of our undertaking, and giving ourselves plenty of space to ease into the bustle of life. We need TLC, in other words, when we're going to these big places. It's easy to forget this and bop right back into our routines. Doing extra self-care in these situations is always a wise investment.
What's more, we can also rely on the support network in place. While we're at the bottom of our personal sea exploring, mending, and shining a light on neglected places, we also have a connection to the people who have our back on the surface. Communicating with them about our needs, feelings, and experiences, can be a beautiful lifeline during big moments of personal growth.
So if you're in the midst of a big internal change a la Death, remember that this is a delicate, important, and beautiful process. Think like a diver at the bottom of the sea - how can you bring your awareness to these new surroundings. What different ways must you move? How can you give yourself time and space to process, recalibrate, and equalize?
Diving deep can be hard work. But when we're mindful of its importance and our new needs as we embark on these journeys, the path is much more smooth and inviting.
Weekly Forecast: May 14-20
Can life be as magical as we'd like it to be? Oftentimes we're told that a feeling of enchantment doesn't fit into modern life, especially modern adult life. We hear about "adulting" encompassing taxes, doctor's appointments, and budgeting, but never vacationing, creativity, or letting loose. This false distinction leaves a lot of be desired. And sometimes it call us with its siren song: act busy and bedraggled and you'll seem more responsible. It's just how it is. We don't have a choice.
Can life be as magical as we'd like it to be? Oftentimes we're told that a feeling of enchantment doesn't fit into modern life, especially modern adult life. We hear about "adulting" encompassing taxes, doctor's appointments, and budgeting, but never vacationing, creativity, or letting loose. This false distinction leaves a lot of be desired. And sometimes it call us with its siren song: act busy and bedraggled and you'll seem more responsible. It's just how it is. We don't have a choice.
These cards tell a different story. It's one we're all experiencing, even though we may not see it that way. Because life is strange and surprising. No matter how set our schedules are or how many responsibilities we have, a little bit of magic finds it way in. In fact, as these cards suggest, it may be hiding in plain sight.
Because we're taught to underplay our successes and joys, these parts of our life often get glossed over. They're simple, they're fun, and they're also fleeting. Or are they? The Nine of Cups shows us at a special time in our life. All our relationships and creative inspirations stand behind us, happily tended to and ready to offer us support. The array is so simple we might even forget it's there. What's more, the work we've done to cultivate them may not have even felt like work. And yet it's paid off splendidly.
This card is telling us to be proud of the beauty we bring to our lives. Instead of skipping over it, looking for conflict and struggle, now is a time to look deeper. What can we learn from what comes to us with ease? What message can be found in joy? It may also be a time to re-consecrate these beautiful parts of our life. The magic, in other words, is right here, in our relationships, in the work we do channeling our creativity into something real, and in the good feelings we experience when we're working to create a beautiful life.
The Page of Swords represents invigorating intellectual curiosity. Cups are all about feeling, sensing, and intuition. While their energy flows through our lives constantly, it can easily go unexamined. Luckily, we have the mental acuity of the swords to bring some clarity. This Page is all about open-minded examination. Traipsing into the subject of our creative and emotional successes with a clear-head and light heart will bring us some fascinating insights.
Inspecting what's working and trying to uncover ways to encourage and foster our good instincts is leading us into uncharted territory. The Moon is a card that shows us how strange and mysterious we are at our core. No amount of conditioning, responsibility, and control can overcome the fact that, at our most basic, we are creatures too. In The Moon we see how powerful our instincts and intuition is.
Feeling at ease and enjoying life is allowing us the space to explore this side of ourself in The Moon and see how our lives are infused with magic. It just requires a shift in perspective. The Page of Swords is able to explore The Moon's influence on our life while remaining agile. It's easy to get lost in the loopy world of The Moon. Luckily we have this Page to help us navigate and keep us on our path.
In the days to come we'll be seeing more mystery at work in our lives. Excitement in the everyday, meaning in the mundane, and an extra shimmer in the things that bring us joy. Just looking a little closer will enhance this even more and allow us to see how we can be both stable and fulfilled while being visionary and open to the unknown.